Burnett a Yankee ...

LOL @ the contract for this dude, he's nothing more than an average pitcher at best.

The market is ridiculous and its all because of the Yankees outbidding themselves. They did the Braves a huge favor.
Originally Posted by RitchDad

hi haters my name is ritchdad i kno this post is real long so i made cliff notes for the idiots my post has to do with this

Carlos Tevez it would be in your best interest to read this

first off i wanna say that i've been here from the start....danny tartabull to cc sabathia

secondly Mr.Tevez did you happen to notice that A.J. sports a world championship ring on his finger and that maybe he was unmotivated in your second rate baseball country you like to call Canada (i love canada btw you guys have real hot women for a cold place)...maybe if u and some of your cheap friends would've paid entrance fees and watched a couple of games things would've worked out...he pitched awesomely against the red sox and yanks, MAYBE he was motivated when he played the sox and yanks, MAYBE some people thrive under pressure....come to new york, you should visit us sometime we have a whole gang of people that thrive under pressure on a daily basis.....see reference (Denzel Washington,Rudy Guliani, Sean carter, Sean puffy combs, Donald Trump)

third almost 15 years ago we picked up players such as former batting champ wade boggs, era leader jimmy key, and cy young award winner david cone via trade, .....we paid these guys premium contracts at the time we picked these dudes up

ps two years ago when you paid alot of money for aj and that awesome closer you got that keeps getting hurt we didnt make post about how your management sucked and bashed your top brass...if you guys would keep prospects like Shawn Greene and Olerude in town and not treat joe carter like a piece of crap when he got older maybe you guys would be fine right now(learn from us ex. bernie, oneil, brosius, heck even al leiter gets love in the boogie down)...your gm is a poser with a boston accent who's goal is not to win the division but to take second place..we ain't bashing you for overpaying your franchise dude (wells) and troy Glause and Overbay and your ss from Li.....when rios hits the market we'll take him off ya hands as well.....learn how to run a franchise....its not our fault u idiots didn't fire your manager years ago...homie is on the mound arguing wit dudes and fighting players....no respect


Burnett was out for the season due to Tommy John surgery the season the Marlins won the World Series.

I'm not bashing the Yankees for spending a ton of money, I'm bashing them for spending it on Burnett.

Also, everyone in North America knows that the Jays have horrible management, but thanks for reminding us.

Anyone else see a contradiction in these 2 quotes?

Random thought, Braves offered him basically the same contract, would this uproar still be going on if he signed with the Braves....
First you say the Braves offered the same amount, but then you say the Yanks bid more than the Braves.
And Burnett wanted to come to NY, Yanks just had to outbid the Braves.
Originally Posted by Copp 2 Of Em

Yankees better not ask for a bailout in the near future.
A few co-workers and I were talking about that. I can just see it now, our stadium was too much and the cost that were passed on to the fanwasn't met. Without the Yankees MLB would fail, please U.S. Gov bail us out.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by RitchDad

hi haters my name is ritchdad i kno this post is real long so i made cliff notes for the idiots my post has to do with this

Carlos Tevez it would be in your best interest to read this

first off i wanna say that i've been here from the start....danny tartabull to cc sabathia

secondly Mr.Tevez did you happen to notice that A.J. sports a world championship ring on his finger and that maybe he was unmotivated in your second rate baseball country you like to call Canada (i love canada btw you guys have real hot women for a cold place)...maybe if u and some of your cheap friends would've paid entrance fees and watched a couple of games things would've worked out...he pitched awesomely against the red sox and yanks, MAYBE he was motivated when he played the sox and yanks, MAYBE some people thrive under pressure....come to new york, you should visit us sometime we have a whole gang of people that thrive under pressure on a daily basis.....see reference (Denzel Washington,Rudy Guliani, Sean carter, Sean puffy combs, Donald Trump)

third almost 15 years ago we picked up players such as former batting champ wade boggs, era leader jimmy key, and cy young award winner david cone via trade, .....we paid these guys premium contracts at the time we picked these dudes up

ps two years ago when you paid alot of money for aj and that awesome closer you got that keeps getting hurt we didnt make post about how your management sucked and bashed your top brass...if you guys would keep prospects like Shawn Greene and Olerude in town and not treat joe carter like a piece of crap when he got older maybe you guys would be fine right now(learn from us ex. bernie, oneil, brosius, heck even al leiter gets love in the boogie down)...your gm is a poser with a boston accent who's goal is not to win the division but to take second place..we ain't bashing you for overpaying your franchise dude (wells) and troy Glause and Overbay and your ss from Li.....when rios hits the market we'll take him off ya hands as well.....learn how to run a franchise....its not our fault u idiots didn't fire your manager years ago...homie is on the mound arguing wit dudes and fighting players....no respect


Burnett was out for the season due to Tommy John surgery the season the Marlins won the World Series.

I'm not bashing the Yankees for spending a ton of money, I'm bashing them for spending it on Burnett.

Also, everyone in North America knows that the Jays have horrible management, but thanks for reminding us.

Anyone else see a contradiction in these 2 quotes?

Random thought, Braves offered him basically the same contract, would this uproar still be going on if he signed with the Braves....
First you say the Braves offered the same amount, but then you say the Yanks bid more than the Braves.
And Burnett wanted to come to NY, Yanks just had to outbid the Braves.

Key word in there is BASICALLY. I didn't say they offered the exact same contact.

If I'm not mistaken by the sequence of events but my recollection was that....
Yanks dealt with Sabathia and never offered Burnett a contract.
Yanks signed Sabathia.
Braves offered a 4 year contract with option and the total contract would have been came out to 5 years 80 millions
Yanks came in and offered 5 years 82.5 million.

Contract length and cost pretty similar but the Yanks offered more thus the outbidding.

Again correct me if I'm wrong. Braves offered a contract and Yanks simply raised the stakes with a guaranteed 5th year and 3 million more.
Originally Posted by Mr Cashfl0w

Random thought, Braves offered him basically the same contract, would this uproar still be going on if he signed with the Braves....


CC and Burnett > Ponson, Rasner, Igawa, Kennedy.

CC not built for NY? Did you not forget what he did at the end of the regular season for the Brewers. What was it 3 victories on 3 days rest in between each start just to get them into the playoffs? If that's not pressure, I don't know what is.

And Burnett wanted to come to NY, Yanks just had to outbid the Braves.

We missed the playoffs by 6 games with only 2 legitimate starters and then a makeshift back-end of the rotation. This two will more than account for those 6 wins. Then add Wang to the mix. Next season is goin to be very interesting.

Overspent perhaps, but our payroll at the end of the day will still be lower than it was last season.
Great post. Sums up my thoughts exactly.
Wow you guys are bashing the Yankees WAY too much.
They needed another starter, an average-good starter, and got one. Yes, they overpaid him, but who else would they sign? Lowe? Garland??
They had the money to do this, why not do it? You guys are acting like they spent the rest of their money. They didn't.

PS: I know it's two different sports, but he's making more than Lebron

EDIT: Subway Series
Yankees still need to do some work on that lineup though, too many older players on that team (trading for Cameron would be horrible, even if it is justmelky).
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Yankees still need to do some work on that lineup though, too many older players on that team (trading for Cameron would be horrible, even if it is just melky).
Cameron > Melky though state wise for sure. So that's an upgrade....
Our line-up could use a bat but it's still looking pretty good...

1. Damon---LF
2. Jeter---SS
3. Nady---RF
4. A-Rod---3B
5. Matsui---DH
6. Poada---C
7. Cano---2B
8. Cameron---CF
9. Swisher---1B
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Yankees still need to do some work on that lineup though, too many older players on that team (trading for Cameron would be horrible, even if it is just
Cameron > Melky though state wise for sure. So that's an upgrade....
Our line-up could use a bat but it's still looking pretty good...

1. Damon---LF
2. Jeter---SS
3. Nady---RF
4. A-Rod---3B
5. Matsui---DH
6. Poada---C
7. Cano---2B
8. Cameron---CF
9. Swisher---1B

I'm really hoping that Melky-Cameron trade does not go through. The team, on the whole, isn't getting younger...I'm not saying we need a completeoverhaul, but it helps to have a couple young guys in the mix..And Cameron isn't young.

I'm hoping our lineup looks like this...

1. Damon---LF/DH/CF
2. Jeter---SS
3. A-Rod---3B
4. Manny---LF/DH
5. Matsui---DH
6. Nady---RF/1B
7. Posada---C
8. Cano---2B
9. Swisher---1B/CF
Mark my words right now... CC +AJ= less than 33 wins combined! CC is one of my favorite pitchers and i think he made a huge mistake by going to NY! I hate tosay it, but I think hes gonna have some problems against the AL east. Had he gone to the NL west it would have been DOMINATION... probably 20+ wins with agreat era. and %!# were the yankees thinking signing Burnett to 5 years 80+ mill. Thats just some dumb %+* *@!$!
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Toronto is a "dope" baseball market?

In the early 90's they drew like 50,000 fans a game. The strike killed them though.

And is it really "over bidding" if you can pay them whatever you want? I'm pretty sure Atlanta offered a contract identical to the one theYankees did. Did they overbid?
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Mark my words right now... CC +AJ= less than 33 wins combined! CC is one of my favorite pitchers and i think he made a huge mistake by going to NY! I hate to say it, but I think hes gonna have some problems against the AL east. Had he gone to the NL west it would have been DOMINATION... probably 20+ wins with a great era. and *@! were the yankees thinking signing Burnett to 5 years 80+ mill. Thats just some dumb @+% *!*!!

Even if both of them can get 30 wins combined, with a decent ERA, I'll be happy.


Just about ANYONE we can get our hands on to throw the ball better than those 2 puts us in a better chance of winning.

Nobodies asking CC or Burnett to have a Catfish Hunter season...Hell, anything close would be great..But even if we can get 14+ wins out of CC and 11+ Burnett(and good games pitched against the AL East), I think all of us would be more than happy.
The Braves offered AJ a 4 year contract with an 5th year option but it was slightly less than the Yankees offer. The Yankees guaranteed the 5th year and moremoney so he signed.

Also the Braves would've wanted AJ to be the ace of the staff because Tim Hudson is out all of next year (Tommy John Surgery).

i heard that AJ didn't want to be an Ace for the Braves that he much rather just blend in with the Yankees as the 2nd or 3rd guy in the rotation so whoknows if he'll crack under too much pressure in NY.

and thanks again Yankees for signing AJ his best year was this one and with a high ERA the Yankees simply outbid the Braves offer with an injury prone pitcher.
Originally Posted by BTLlovesJays

Wow you guys are bashing the Yankees WAY too much.
They needed another starter, an average-good starter, and got one. Yes, they overpaid him, but who else would they sign? Lowe? Garland??
They had the money to do this, why not do it? You guys are acting like they spent the rest of their money. They didn't.
I like the fact a Mets fan has come to our defense.

Then again, Yankee hate is inevitable

Great Pen.

We do need another bat, but I don't see another out there worth picking up.
To atone for that
Photoshop of Burnett on the previous pages.


Anyone peep the pre-sale for CC authentic Yankee jerseys on yankees.com ?
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

It seems like you do not know much about Burnett. "He has nasty stuff", "He has the ability to dominate", etc...guess what? People have been saying this about him for 10 seasons now and he still hasn't had a very good season. All I see is a bunch of average seasons on his resume. For every good start he'll give you against Boston, he'll give you a terrible start against a weaker team.

It's funny how I called him an 'under-achiever' and all you replied back with was 'all he needs to do is stay healthy!!!!!' The same can be said about 99% of disappointing athletes out there. Mark Prior could've been dominant if he stayed healthy
Besides this past season which was a contract year, when has he ever stayed healthy?

Also, you must remember that he pitched under relatively little pressure during his time with the Jays, a team that was usually out of the playoff hunt by the end of June. How will he do in NYC where every single start of his will be scrutinized?

Oh yeah, Burnett "wanted" to become a Yankee just as badly as Sabathia did. At the end of the day, he decided to sign with the highest bidder just like CC. In 2005 Burnett did the same thing, he preferred to go to St. Louis but he couldn't turn down the Jays because they offered more money than any other team.

It's too early to make predictions since the Yankees obviously aren't done making moves, but no one should be shocked to see Burnett hover around .500 with an ERA in the high-3s, low-4s.

Posted by Keith Law
On paper, the Yankees have one of the best rotations in baseball, perhaps the best if you feel optimistic and are willing togift them with 30 starts apiece from A.J. Burnett and Joba Chamberlain.
Burnett has No. 1 starter stuff -- sitting in the mid-90s with a hammer curve, a plus changeup he should use more, and a cutter he just started using in thelast year or so to give hitters another thing to worry about. He has no major weaknesses on the mound. He's not prone to the long ball, not too wild, hegets hitters on both sides of the plate out and he misses a ton of bats. That last point is particularly important for a pitcher going to the Yankees, who looklike they're going to have a below-average defensive club, and perhaps a bad one, depending on what they do in center field and how much more ropethey're willing to extend to second baseman Robinson Cano. He can be prone to theOne Bad Inning, but he's not in Javy Vazquez territory.
There are two majordrawbacks to a Burnett signing of more than one year. One is that he doesn't always pitch up to his stuff; last year, he had a 4.96 ERA at the All-Starbreak, and over three years with Toronto he didn't post a single-season ERA under 3.75. Yet he finished his three years in Toronto on a tear, with a 2.72ERA, 105 strikeouts against 29 walks in 94 1/3 innings, and dominant outings against the Yankees (four starts, 32 1/3 innings, five earned runs), Rays (twostarts) and White Sox (one start) after the 2008 All-Star break. If he pitches like that over a full season, he will be a Cy Young contender. But he hasn'tpitched like that over a full season at any point in his career, and he has only pitched like that in years when he had a significant financial incentive to doso (his walk years and his last pre-arbitration year). The other is the frequency with which he takes the mound. Burnett has, with some reason, earned areputation as a pitcher who will only pitch if his arm feels 100 percent, even though most pitchers pitch from time to time with some soreness or milddiscomfort. Burnett has had only one serious arm injury in his pro career -- the blown elbow ligament that cost him most of the 2003 season -- but has missedtime with "minor" arm problems that never required surgery. As a result, he has thrown only 200 innings in a season three times (the aforementionedyears when there was money at stake), and has only made 30 starts in a season twice. An optimistic forecast would only give him 125 or so starts across thefive years of this contract with the Yankees. I've seen Burnett compared to CarlPavano by fans, but the comparison doesn't hold. Pavano was more injury-prone at the time he signed with the Yankees than Burnett has been; Pavano hadshoulder or elbow trouble in just about every season of his career until he rattled off two straight healthy years with Florida. Pavano also had nowhere nearBurnett's raw stuff, nor his ability to induce strikeouts or ground balls. It is, of course, possible that Burnett's tenure with the Yankees willresemble Pavano's; pitchers do get hurt, and Burnett has some affinity for the trainer's room. But Burnett brings an upside to the table that Pavanonever did: that of a shutdown No. 1 starter who, in the Yankees' rotation, will always be pitching in the spot of a No. 2 or 3 starter.
Originally Posted by Yoda

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Mark my words right now... CC +AJ= less than 33 wins combined! CC is one of my favorite pitchers and i think he made a huge mistake by going to NY! I hate to say it, but I think hes gonna have some problems against the AL east. Had he gone to the NL west it would have been DOMINATION... probably 20+ wins with a great era. and *@! were the yankees thinking signing Burnett to 5 years 80+ mill. Thats just some dumb @+% *!*!!

Even if both of them can get 30 wins combined, with a decent ERA, I'll be happy.


Just about ANYONE we can get our hands on to throw the ball better than those 2 puts us in a better chance of winning.

Nobodies asking CC or Burnett to have a Catfish Hunter season...Hell, anything close would be great..But even if we can get 14+ wins out of CC and 11+ Burnett (and good games pitched against the AL East), I think all of us would be more than happy.
Na I understand what your tryna say, BUT! damn man all that money spent you have to expect more than 30 wins combined and a DECENT era.
What kills me about the yankees is they ALWAYS overspend and always ending up paying (eventual bad contracts) in the end. IMO Burnett is not worth even 5years-60 mill. let alone 5- 85 million. I can see overspending for CC because he is a top tier pitcher and you dontwant any team to come close to matching but BURNETT, im sorry but thats gonna be one of those regrettable signings.
i just heard on ESPN that the yankees have already spent a quarter of a billion dollars on pitching alone this offseason and there in pursuit of Manny, letsface it, were not in a recession.
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