business that you have created or working on?

good stuff dc. what about hiring people to do all your legal paperwork ?

posting from iPhone, my question is kinda vague. will get back with more ?s though. thanks
im currently working on an acrylic jewelry line for girls. im just looking at e commerce and hoping to soon submit to karmaloop after i have some solid samples setup. the creative side of things with design i have no issues with. its a pain in the *** trying to get the ecommerce side of things done. im pretty computer savy but damn, trying to setup a nice sleek web shop is kicking my butt and when i try to get someone to translate my vision into something, it seems like it cant be done.
Great write up DC.

I started a side business early this March. I would say it has been tricky because I do everything myself. it takes a lot of time and I'm not even putting in too much work like I should. Time is critical and unless you're willing to give it 100% then you will be delayed, kind of like myself.

I'm getting the site ready, making more designs, etc. We work differently then most t-shirt/clothing companies. We make on avg. 1 tee a month. I could actually explain it all if anyone is curious.

We have our own print shop as well, so we make tees for people as well as another side business. So far so good but like I said, its dedication and time. 8)
good stuff dc. what about hiring people to do all your legal paperwork ?
posting from iPhone, my question is kinda vague. will get back with more ?s though. thanks

what do you mean legal paperwork? Surpringly, there are many things people pay for in a business because they 1)dont have the time to do it and 2) they dont know how to do it. You can save a lot of money if you do your own accounting, your own inventory, etc. THere are stuff like someone else mentioned that are completely out of our hands.. like permits, inspections, etc.

I prob didn't answer your question, so ask again. Be a little more specific.
DC - thanks for all the advice / words.

question, do you see your self jumping into anything else or selling off your stake in the current bar? ( how many people own a stake it? you a partner etc... )

whats your ethnic backround ? (black , white , spanish)

whats the majority in your area? ( black white spanish)

did race come into play with loans / relationships / etc....

were you raised in the area of your bar? knew the area from scouting? or just jumped into it?
The craft beer/microbrew market is pretty saturated where I'm at... This is a great place for it though and its something im interested in but I couldn't see another place opening and being extraordinarily successful.
DC - thanks for all the advice / words.
question, do you see your self jumping into anything else or selling off your stake in the current bar? ( how many people own a stake it? you a partner etc... )
whats your ethnic backround ? (black , white , spanish)
whats the majority in your area? ( black white spanish)
did race come into play with loans / relationships / etc....
were you raised in the area of your bar? knew the area from scouting? or just jumped into it?

I have a partner... just one. we share 50/50. When we opened, there was 3 of us.. but that didnt work out. So now its just 50/50

I am Latino

The majority? I dont know... our customer base is mainly white people if that helps. In our area though... I'm pretty sure it's very diverse. There are a lot of different kinds of people in our area.

race, not really. Everyone understands money. And like I said in a previous post... a lot of people are we willing to help you get going.. because if you're making money, they're making money too.

I was not raised in the "area" but I was raised in this city. I don't know if ive said this in the past, but I cannot think of any other past time as recession proof as alcohol. WHen people are happy, they drink. When they are sad, they drink. WHen people want to celebrate, they drink... to watch sports, they drink.. socially, people enjoy alcohol. Initially, I wanted to open a shoe store because shoes are my passion. I love talking about shoes... thats why I love SOME of the stuff on this message board. But, to make my money work for me... there was no question that I wanted to open a bar/restaurant.
The craft beer/microbrew market is pretty saturated where I'm at... This is a great place for it though and its something im interested in but I couldn't see another place opening and being extraordinarily successful.

and that's pretty much what is starting to happen where we are. Sucks for businesses like ours... but we can't do anything about it.

but then again, that's what makes part of this fun. How can u get those people to spend their money at your place.
The craft beer/microbrew market is pretty saturated where I'm at... This is a great place for it though and its something im interested in but I couldn't see another place opening and being extraordinarily successful.
and that's pretty much what is starting to happen where we are. Sucks for businesses like ours... but we can't do anything about it.

but then again, that's what makes part of this fun. How can u get those people to spend their money at your place.
Yeah, I'm in Saratoga Springs NY... Upscale community, private college in town, great bar scene when you wanna get sauced on a saturday night and also several off the beaten path microbrew's and craft beer joints too. 

I've become a beer fanatic over the past 6 years or so... Traveling to Germany/Czech Republic/Ireland/Scotland/Belgium really opens your eyes to how crappy some of the beer in the US is.  Maybe someday if I move somewhere where the scene isn't as choked up.

A waffle truck I think would be a killer idea where I'm at too. Especially during the winter.  There are NO food truck vendors around here that I know of but I'm not familiar with local laws to know if its realistic.
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Looking to also start a iPhone/iPad/iTouch etc Repair Company. I've seen these in a few cities, none in mine. Doing my research and is looking promising. Anyone care to share thoughts or anything? 8)
Looking to also start a iPhone/iPad/iTouch etc Repair Company. I've seen these in a few cities, none in mine. Doing my research and is looking promising. Anyone care to share thoughts or anything? 8)

depending on the amount of these businesses around, you can really make a killing doing something like this. I did it myself, for friends and family for a while...then i ended up breaking a microphone on an iphone that i couldn't repair and that was the end of it for me. i'd do it again, though, if i made the time...

it's amazing that apple can charge like $60+ to replace a battery when you can buy the damn thing yourself for less than a dollar and do it yourself in less than a half hour. they've mystified the process so ppl are terrified of doing things themselves.
OP started this thread to take business ideas. I know what you're doing. Haha.

Graduating college soon, going to open up a maid cleaning service. Starting in Connecticut. Goal is to spread them out in the suburbs of the tri-state area and some parts of south Florida.
After honing my lulz craft during my formative years in H.S., college, and NT, YouTube pays me to take my lulz to South Beach...I mean YouTube. For the first time, chicks wanted my picture and were calling my name to say hi, they like my stuff, and find me funny.
I want to try my shot at a clothing brand, starting with t-shirts. I have about 5-6 ideas to start with.... unfortunately I can't draw to save my life and everyone I've tried to work with who can draw/design has shown zero initiative. I still have the full brand already planned out.... some day :rolleyes
I want to try my shot at a clothing brand, starting with t-shirts. I have about 5-6 ideas to start with.... unfortunately I can't draw to save my life and everyone I've tried to work with who can draw/design has shown zero initiative. I still have the full brand already planned out.... some day
I feel you.  I developed up a brand concept, logos, marketing strategy, business plan, etc.  All to come to the realization that I just don't have the time.  I mean when you think about it a brand is overwhelming constant work and requires an insane amount of consistency to really take hold.  The idea of having to create a series of pieces twice a year requiring a strong understanding of where fashion is moving, having to source materials and do all the design work on my own, having to seek out angel investment, having to get the brand to a point that I can even get into the major conventions/trade shows... I'd love to do it one day, but I'm fine with waiting til I have the $$ or an established partner that's willing to basically collaborate.  Starting your own brand and working it to take root is a 100+ hr/wk commitment and I just can't do that right now.
i think im too scared to go outside and start a buinses from scratch.

i would prob purchase a business or just do something that is so common / needed i couldnt worry that much.

Dry Cleaners


Gas Station

Strip Club

Car Wash

Midtown Sac? Hmmm...PM me if you don't want to blow up you're spot but me and my coworkers are always looking for new happy hour spots around the 916...
Looking to also start a iPhone/iPad/iTouch etc Repair Company. I've seen these in a few cities, none in mine. Doing my research and is looking promising. Anyone care to share thoughts or anything? 8)

Repairing iPhone screens can be profitable depending on the area but the newer phones are hard to replace. I have a laptop screen repair site that does OK, the demand is there but lately I've slacked on promotion.
i wouldn't consider it a business yet because it doesn't make me enough money to live off of, but i've owned a multi family (3 unit) house in my city for almost 2 years. while it definitely comes with headaches in regards to tenants, i'm gaining equity and making money off the top.

trying to buy a second property within the next 6 months.
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