Bye Sonics

I agree with Bill Simmons, if a franchise wins a title in their city, they shouldn't be allowed to move. Ever. THe Sonics are the most successful franchisein Seattle's history. The Mariners had exactly one and a half months of good baseball in their almost 20-year history and it got them a new stadium. TheSeahawks hadn't been to the playoffs in 15 years and hadn't won a playoff game for even longer and they got a new stadium. They were a sub-.500 teamfor a very long time. The Sonics have been disrespected so much in Seattle it's disgusting. This recent run by the Seahawks and the vibe in this city isnothing like the mid-90s when the Sonics reigned supreme. The city is the definition of "what have you done for me lately?" and the Sonics justhaven't done enough to warrant a new arena. Very sad.
Come to Anaheim , California.
Oklahoma City would be boo-boo.

Las Vegas would be my pick.

San Diego would be dope and so would San Jose....bring another team to the Bay!
The Mariners had exactly one and a half months of good baseball in their almost 20-year history and it got them a new stadium
I assume you were referring to '95? And that wasn't just good baseball, that was unheard of. 12 games back in a month i believe to win ina one game playoff. Also, 116 wins in 2001. mariners i would say by far rule seattle. it was a freakin dynasty back in the day to most people. griffey,randy, arod, buhner, martinez, among many others. having said that though, i still dont see why the sonics have to move. most believe that they will movebecause of the stadium, and not creating enough revenue, which is the biggest bummer of all, that sports has to be this business oriented, because the keyarena is a great environment to watch basketball. its small, yes, but i wouldnt say there is a bad seat in the house.
Y'all don't need any more damn teams in CA.

I still find it mind-boggling how St. Louis never gets any love. The closest we got was the Grizzlies when they left Vancouver.

There are plenty of people who follow basketball, and it's a tremendous sports city. I know there would be no worries of support and attendance. Even thedamn Blues games still get pretty packed, and some people forget that sport exists. All I want is season tickets for some hoops...

Goin' to school up here in Chicago is as close as I've come to having a basketball team...
It is a shame the Sonics are going to be leaving Seattle, but the team is losing money by playing in Key Arena, the smallest in the league. It would be greatif they could make the owner financially responsible for a new arena and not allow the team to leave, however since this is a business, and a failing one atthe moment, I can't really fault ownership for looking for a way to start making a profit (although the sincerity of Bennett's efforts to stay inSeattle is obviously shaky).
All my childhood memories.
I will never be able to watch another NBA game live in my life as long as I'm in Seattle

I wanted to take my grandma out to a Hornets game at they Key

Stern and
Bennett and
If the Sonics move, they will move to Oklahoma City. There's no debating this fact, that's been Clay Bennett's MO since he bought the team.

If they do leave, Stern, and most likely whoever follows him, will NEVER give another franchise to Seattle. The powers that be in Seattle have done everythingto stop this deal, and built new baseball and football stadiums instead.
at all of you saying there is no fan base in Oklahoma. They only sold out every game while the Hornets were in town. You've got to remember, inthis three state area (Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas) we have no professional sports teams. The Sonics will be treated like royalty around here. I might have toget me a Durant jersey now.
Originally Posted by PUSHA x Vinsanity

Y'all don't need any more damn teams in CA.

I still find it mind-boggling how St. Louis never gets any love. The closest we got was the Grizzlies when they left Vancouver.

There are plenty of people who follow basketball, and it's a tremendous sports city. I know there would be no worries of support and attendance. Even the damn Blues games still get pretty packed, and some people forget that sport exists. All I want is season tickets for some hoops...

Goin' to school up here in Chicago is as close as I've come to having a basketball team...

Exactly. Considering we (STL) is already a 3 franchise city, it would be difficult to support 4 major sport franchises. Although with SLU getting a newarena next year the ScottTrade Center will be looking for something else to pack the seats besides the Blues.
I WISH nothing but pain for David Stern
they taking away a 41 year oldfranchise, and treatin the city that supported it like kids
Originally Posted by Esims7244

To hell with Clay Bennet and David Stern, he had to give his boy a team and we lost out. Im going on friday to get a t-shirt expressing my feelings for both of them. Hopefully a buyer will step up and by another team for us. Bye Kevin, and what could have been.
Its because clay Bennett and David Stern were roommates/butt buddies in college. And this is more Howard Shultz fault more than anybody. He sold theteam knowing this +$*#%*@!% was from okl and even the minor share holder said dont do it. But shultz wants to be buttbuddies with them and he sold the team.DONT GO TO STARBUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well maybe we will get the blazers or hornets to move up here.... Even tho stern said that there will neverbe a franchise here ever again... He should be fired!
Originally Posted by houser34


The ______ Supersonics make no sense unless the _____ is filled by the word "Seattle"

Thats why the "Supersonics" will be changed as well. Like the other teams that have leaf cities and changed names. This isn't exactlyunheard of.
Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Originally Posted by houser34


The ______ Supersonics make no sense unless the _____ is filled by the word "Seattle"

Thats why the "Supersonics" will be changed as well. Like the other teams that have leaf cities and changed names. This isn't exactly unheard of.

Lakers didn't change when they left Minneapolis. I'll be damned to find a lake in Los Angeles
wow this makes alot of sense. you can't trade players if you have a side deal in place where one team will buy the player they acquireds contract out sothat he can return to his original team but if your money is right, you can buy a basketball franchise make a half *** attempt to pretend you want to stay inthat city then relocate within a few years.
Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Originally Posted by houser34


The ______ Supersonics make no sense unless the _____ is filled by the word "Seattle"

Thats why the "Supersonics" will be changed as well. Like the other teams that have leaf cities and changed names. This isn't exactly unheard of.

If i read correctly your saying when Supersonics leave Seattle they will change their name. But When Grizzles left Vancouver to Memphis they kept theGrizzles name, and also when the New Orleans Jazz left New Orleans to Utah they also kept the name Jazz.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

so why doesnt bill gates just buy his own team/stadium
Stern and Bennett won't allow it..... I guess it has to come from the taxpayers...
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