Califorinians: What do you think about Proposition 64? Update: It has passed.

It's going to spread to the rest of the country though.

It'll come to NY once they see the money it's making.

Honestly a lot of the dispensary weed is not all that anymore in Cali. The medical stores started buying from regular growers at a cheaper cost and selling it back and it's hurt the quality and potency of the business.

You can still get really good week in NY, but it's still hard to find really good Haze like when dipset was popping in the early 2000's. Not Cali, Colorado or anywhere has really good legit Haze.

I'm going to do some more research and enter the stock thread because I'm doing my googles and they're saying it's going to pass with a landslide win now.
i hope your right but i "highly" doubt it will become legal anytime soon in NYC

i'm hoping Boston will vote to legalize marijuana also
Yup. They way they treat medical MJ in this state should tell you how soon we're gonna legalize it. 
i had a friend of mine visit LA he went to a pot doctor gave his hotel as his home address and was able to get a reefer card the same day

its pretty much already legal in cali
I hope the voting people in Cali don't feel this way. They need to get out and vote for this proposition. Despite how easy it is to get the card.

good luck to all the cali heads

i hope its gets legal out there cause i got family out there and if it happens im going

but what these states that already have legal weed need is coffeeshops
then the real money will start coming in

in 2017 all of Canada is going legal and they have coffeshops for years in Vancouver
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I'm in Nevada, they have recreational marijuana on the ballot too, I will be voting in favor of it. I don't smoke, and I think that some in the "legalize crowd" are kinda full of it, but I support legalization for many reason.

Yes big corporations will probably take over the industry in the not so distant future, which I oppose for many other reasons as well. But yeah, it is kinda unavoidable.

However, I see this playing out like state lotteries did back in the day (which is legalized gambling), in that tax revenue will be given to schools in the short term, but in the long run the extra tax revenue will most likely be used to give businesses tax breaks

But, Cali seems like one of the best ran state in the country, so my fears might be a little misplaced regarding them.

Can you explain give your reasons that I bolded. I know you're really into politics, I'm not. This is the one political issue I do care about. Would like to hear your stance as someone who doesn't smoke and is really into politics because we are opposite ends of spectrum. I think it could be beneficial to hear your reasons. Thanks.
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Yup. They way they treat medical MJ in this state should tell you how soon we're gonna legalize it. 

the medical pot in nyc is a joke

Probably partially due to the cost of space. Grows need a lot of space. I can't see dedicating that much space to a niche market. Seems like you'd need to be open to the public to really get the clientele you need to pay rent. The prices must be crazy at NYC dispensaries. Upstate NY would be killing it if it was legalized in NY because cost of real estate is sooo much cheaper.
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I know most people don't care about where their food comes from let alone their weed.

If it's legalized say goodbye to the stuff you know.

More often than not humans like the easy route. All these startups are going to bought up and sell out.

The definition of "organic" will be changed by lobbyists, then weed won't be what it is today.

It can stay illegal for all I care.

If you want some today you can find it.

Few years from now, if it is passed in multiple States, I can see people acting the same way they did after consuming "bath salts".
What are some names of stocks in the cannabis industries currently? :nerd:
Guys how much do you believe this law will pass.

I was watching this interview with the Game and he said that if you invest some money into some of these dispensaries you will make a killing if they pass the law.

Was thinking about dumping some money in these stocks and hopefully make a quick come up

Keep it illegal, let us get it, keep da squares away. Dont pay taxes spend it on the farm! NYC weed is a joke, what's even worse they smoke anything. They don't care abut exotics Nada. Comimg from the bay area I've had some business in NYC in relation to weed. Majority don't know or care about the quality of what they smoke. Not allbut most don't. You can have have fire organic. These dudesand broads only worried about the quantity. Smh. O well. The south appreciates the strains and quality more. Keep it illegal please. Main clientele are folks from Cali. If u in NYC and need that organic/high grade holla [emoji]128526[/emoji][emoji]128526[/emoji][emoji]128526[/emoji]
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Meh.. police don't trip off greenery that much out here. F the dispensarys... rather cop from the homie.. support your local community.

You're probably smoking mold and spider mites more often than you think. Every hear a little pop or crackle when you're smoking? Hint: it probably wasn't a seed.

We need legalization and regulation, IMO, to provide the safest medicine possible. Smoke the wrong mold with a weak immunse system you could die. I truly believe this is medicine I have seen it's healing powers. However, it needs to be regulated/inspected as such. One of the best attributes of cannabis as medicine is that can be truly organic method of healing. If we allow big pharma and big tobacco to take over you are going to have the same loq quality standards you see with mass production of cigarettes and the like. Poison and rat poop getting into your medicine. Additives that are undisclosed. Bad bad bad.
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I know most people don't care about where their food comes from let alone their weed.

If it's legalized say goodbye to the stuff you know.

More often than not humans like the easy route. All these startups are going to bought up and sell out.
The definition of "organic" will be changed by lobbyists, then weed won't be what it is today.

It can stay illegal for all I care.

If you want some today you can find it.

Few years from now, if it is passed in multiple States, I can see people acting the same way they did after consuming "bath salts".

Thank you. People don't understand the amount of time and hard work that goes into good, organic cannabis.

There's NO WAY you will have clean, mold free, pesticide free, pest free bud by producing on a large scale. YOU CAN"T SCALE CRAFT.

Let the people who have been doing this, the right way, for years open small businesses and control this indsustry.
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Probably partially due to the cost of space. Grows need a lot of space. I can't see dedicating that much space to a niche market. Seems like you'd need to be open to the public to really get the clientele you need to pay rent. The prices must be crazy at NYC dispensaries. Upstate NY would be killing it if it was legalized in NY because cost of real estate is sooo much cheaper.

it has nothing to do with it all the pot that is used for making medical marijuana is grown upstate

the governor didnt want smokeable flowers all we have is oils and some other nonsense
Probably partially due to the cost of space. Grows need a lot of space. I can't see dedicating that much space to a niche market. Seems like you'd need to be open to the public to really get the clientele you need to pay rent. The prices must be crazy at NYC dispensaries. Upstate NY would be killing it if it was legalized in NY because cost of real estate is sooo much cheaper.

it has nothing to do with it all the pot that is used for making medical marijuana is grown upstate

the governor didnt want smokeable flowers all we have is oils and some other nonsense

Yeah oil is definitely the future... BUT, you can't make oil without flower. And we can't continue the amazing strides we've made in genetics with a big business takeover. I believe it will be detrimental.
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You're probably smoking mold and spider mites more often than you think. Every hear a little pop or crackle when you're smoking? Hint: it probably wasn't a seed.

We need legalization and regulation, IMO, to provide the safest medicine possible. Smoke the wrong mold with a weak immunse system you could die. I truly believe this is medicine I have seen it's healing powers. However, it needs to be regulated/inspected as such. One of the best attributes of cannabis as medicine is that can be truly organic method of healing. If we allow big pharma and big tobacco to take over you are going to have the same loq quality standards you see with mass production of cigarettes and the like. Poison and rat poop getting into your medicine.
:lol: foh mayne.. been burning green since the Garcia vega/blegitey days. Ain't never had no **** pop or crack in my bleezy or bowl. must b an east coast thing.. We know what the **** we smoking out here.. we pioneered this ****! Don't need no govt to regulate ****. Dispensaries charge a **** load. 1/4 for 100$??? **** outta here.. the homie got it for 45.. and it's that good good
View media item 2216755
You're probably smoking mold and spider mites more often than you think. Every hear a little pop or crackle when you're smoking? Hint: it probably wasn't a seed.

We need legalization and regulation, IMO, to provide the safest medicine possible. Smoke the wrong mold with a weak immunse system you could die. I truly believe this is medicine I have seen it's healing powers. However, it needs to be regulated/inspected as such. One of the best attributes of cannabis as medicine is that can be truly organic method of healing. If we allow big pharma and big tobacco to take over you are going to have the same loq quality standards you see with mass production of cigarettes and the like. Poison and rat poop getting into your medicine. Additives that are undisclosed. Bad bad bad.
I get why you would say this and it might be true. But in California he probably is getting good and fire bud. Your saying it from an NY perspective. I work in marijuana majority of y'all have bad taste in bud here. Y'all really don't know. I've had a delivery service in NYC and the people rather have quantity of some chemical bammer. Good organic weed makes u feel good not drowsy. Active healthy ****. Y'all hit some **** from dispensary and not feel as high. Good weed doesn't mean plastered and paranoid lol.
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I will be extremely surprised if this measure doesn't pass. LA county gone give it enough votes for the whole state. :lol:
Although I don't smoke, I'm voting for it. Tired of bruhs getting arrested and illegally harrased over weed.
You're probably smoking mold and spider mites more often than you think. Every hear a little pop or crackle when you're smoking? Hint: it probably wasn't a seed.

We need legalization and regulation, IMO, to provide the safest medicine possible. Smoke the wrong mold with a weak immunse system you could die. I truly believe this is medicine I have seen it's healing powers. However, it needs to be regulated/inspected as such. One of the best attributes of cannabis as medicine is that can be truly organic method of healing. If we allow big pharma and big tobacco to take over you are going to have the same loq quality standards you see with mass production of cigarettes and the like. Poison and rat poop getting into your medicine.
:lol: foh mayne.. been burning green since the Garcia vega/blegitey days. Ain't never had no **** pop or crack in my bleezy or bowl. must b an east coast thing.. We know what the **** we smoking out here.. we pioneered this ****! Don't need no govt to regulate ****. Dispensaries charge a **** load. 1/4 for 100$??? **** outta here.. the homie got it for 45.. and it's that good good
View media item 2216755

Don't get me wrong. Y'all know what you are doing so please continue doing it. I'm saying that if it's legalized, big business is going to ignore the standards you've grown accustomed to and will be allowed to saturate the market with garbage while the real growers are pushed out.

Also, while that bud looks pretty good. You never know what you're smoking until it's inspected under a microscope. Obviously, know one has the time to examine everything under a microscope. If an individual growing doesn't even always make time for that, you think big business will? Nope. They'll have the same practices as tobacco and be allowed to essentially sell garbage/poison infused plant matter. Won't even be the cannabis you know any more.
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I'm in Nevada, they have recreational marijuana on the ballot too, I will be voting in favor of it. I don't smoke, and I think that some in the "legalize crowd" are kinda full of it, but I support legalization for many reason.

Yes big corporations will probably take over the industry in the not so distant future, which I oppose for many other reasons as well. But yeah, it is kinda unavoidable.

However, I see this playing out like state lotteries did back in the day (which is legalized gambling), in that tax revenue will be given to schools in the short term, but in the long run the extra tax revenue will most likely be used to give businesses tax breaks

But, Cali seems like one of the best ran state in the country, so my fears might be a little misplaced regarding them.

Can you explain further your many reasons that I bolded. I know you're really into politics, I'm not. This is the one political issue I do care about. Would like to hear your stance as someone who doesn't smoke and is really into politics because we are opposite ends of spectrum. Thanks.

-In the short run funding for schools. I know this money will probably get sucked away in the long term, and might not all go where needed, but some school districts and in desperate need for an injection of cash, so in the end, I support it for that.

-Fewer people's lives destroyed by stupid drug charges. It is kinda ridiculous the economic damage drug laws have none to so many people, especially minorities. But once again, lets be honest, minorities will still be targeted, ticket and fined under these news laws. The situation maybe better but it is not a panacea. Not talking about you, but I wonder how popular marijuana legalization would be if it was just a social justice issue. Imagine, what if, only big corporations where allowed to sell weed, no small growers, and we that as a jobs program for minorities, plus all the tax dollars would go to helping groups that have been disproportionately hurt by the drug war. Or imagine that only minority businesses owners could get growers licenses, they get the golden ticket.

I'm not suggesting that happen, but as a mental exercise, how many people that claim (not talking about you brah) to care so much about minorities getting a break, would be down for some sort of reparations through legalization. I would think much less people than we have now would support such a move. So that is why I find it a lil disingenuous when some of these activist use justice for black and brown people to push their political agenda.

-Marijuana, in moderation, can have a positive effect on many people's lives. I know a lot of people that use it to manage high stress jobs and pain. And all this has happens without much research done into the benefits of the plant. I am weary of it because just like with a lot of things: fapping, alcohol, religion, etc, some people go overboard, but then again I'm not that scared of it because I know there are other things probably driving that behavior as well.

But for the love of god, folk need to not smoke and drive. I think we can all agree that people shouldn't be using marijuana irresponsibly.


-I don't want big business getting involved because they will use this opportunity to finesse the system in ways people don't really even realize.

Because of economies of scale, they will be able to mass produce large amount of marijuana and sell it at a lower price. Not only does that crush the small business owner (kinda sad but that is how capitalism goes), it will cut into tax revenue because they will be selling at a lower price.

Then I know these fools will want to increase demand, and pedal it as a way for the state to "get more money for roads and schools", so then they will want to advertise to gain new customers.

Then they will demand selling across state lines, because you know, free interstate trade.

Then they will demand tax cuts, or else they will to move to the neighboring state, and take the jobs with them. And guess where those money from tax cuts will most likely come from? From cuts to education and other public services. They will be slowly draining money from the budget of schools they claim to be filling. This will happen anyway most likely, schools get tons of money right now, but budget growth slows in the long run where revenue for marijuana is not giving EXTRA money to schools, they are jst used to fund schools in general. People don't really think about inflation and pollution growth, hell they don't really thinking about long term spending.

Some people might say I'm making a slippery slope argument, but in recent history, when has big business looked out for the interest or our citizens? Furthermore, corporations like else pull this nonsense in all areas of the economy because a) they are profit maximizing (which is cool, I understand, capitalism) and b) You elected official, especially on the local level, indulge these fools in their rent seeking behavior (this I ******* hate).

And I think if marijuana becomes too cheap, after a while marijuana might become like the state lottery and scratch offs, just act as a tax on poor people.

Keep big business a bay, keep it to small business owners, have marijuana still have some aspects of being a luxury good (not like wine not beer), let businesses the banking system, put monitor them closely.

But hey, in no way does this all end up perfectly, so even from a cost-benefit standpoint, the benefits look like the outweigh the cost. So yes, make it legal.
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Seattle got the best weed ever. Period.

It has weed so strong I quit afterwards.

I got high on a roof top party in summer, my friend owns a club down there. We all use to work for him at another club he had. Anyway my Mexican homegirl and her brother were like wanna hit this? And I was like yea, I get die every now and then. And she looked at me and said be careful only a few hits! I was like why? It laced? She like was like no but this that one hitter quitter. So I grab the blunt like: let a real one like me puff on it. 10 minutes later I'm sitting on a couch having hot flashes and feeling like a mild heart attack is coming on. People walking by, chicks like are you Ohk? I can't eeem respond just sitting there with a silent war inside my body. The party ends and we head to a restaurant, finally I feel a little better enough to eat and start talking about my survival story.

By then homegirl and her brother roll up again and were like round two? I was like **** no. Then they ask my homeboy and he was like yea I'm down. He like I smoke on the daily you don't. I looked him dead in the visual outlets and was like bro don't smoke this ****. He was like back up.

Well 10 min later this cat comes walking in like he seen a ghost. Then we make eye contact and he just starts nodding. And I start laughing my *** off. That girl and her bother gave out a minor warning but I think they built up a tolerance too it. But they smoke in 1/2 blunts. They never smoked it all cause **** was too powerful. Trust.
^Thanks dude those are a lot of excellent points you've made.

Or imagine that only minority businesses owners could get growers licenses, they get the golden ticket.

More people than you know feel this way! I've expressed a similar sentiment in another thread in regards to the industry in DC. There needs to advantages given to small minority owned businesses the same way the government works with small minority owned business in contracting work (programs like SBA's 8(a) for example). NOT ONLY THAT, but to keep the local economy thriving there needs to be laws placed where you have to have been a residence of the legal state for X number of years first. No people flying to the east coast from cali to build a monopoly before locals get the chance.

Many people share the same sentiments as you. If you are more interested in the social justice aspect of this, I'd highly recommend the Weediquette episodes based in NOLA, Atlanta, and Michigan. Pretty riveting stories. I can look up the exact episode name and number if you'd like.
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