Califorinians: What do you think about Proposition 64? Update: It has passed.

Seattle got the best weed ever. Period.

It has weed so strong I quit afterwards.

I got high on a roof top party in summer, my friend owns a club down there. We all use to work for him at another club he had. Anyway my Mexican homegirl and her brother were like wanna hit this? And I was like yea, I get die every now and then. And she looked at me and said be careful only a few hits! I was like why? It laced? She like was like no but this that one hitter quitter. So I grab the blunt like: let a real one like me puff on it. 10 minutes later I'm sitting on a couch having hot flashes and feeling like a mild heart attack is coming on. People walking by, chicks like are you Ohk? I can't eeem respond just sitting there with a silent war inside my body. The party ends and we head to a restaurant, finally I feel a little better enough to eat and start talking about my survival story.

By then homegirl and her brother roll up again and were like round two? I was like **** no. Then they ask my homeboy and he was like yea I'm down. He like I smoke on the daily you don't. I looked him dead in the visual outlets and was like bro don't smoke this ****. He was like back up.

Well 10 min later this cat comes walking in like he seen a ghost. Then we make eye contact and he just starts nodding. And I start laughing my *** off. That girl and her bother gave out a minor warning but I think they built up a tolerance too it. But they smoke in 1/2 blunts. They never smoked it all cause **** was too powerful. Trust.
I will be extremely surprised if this measure doesn't pass. LA county gone give it enough votes for the whole state. :lol:
Although I don't smoke, I'm voting for it. Tired of bruhs getting arrested and illegally harrased over weed.
It's not that bad bruh.. my bro gets tested from his PO bi weekly.. maybe his 4-5th one too.. they all are pretty LAX on piss test when weed shows up positive..
Don't get me wrong. Y'all know what you are doing so please continue doing it. I'm saying that if it's legalized, big business is going to ignore the standards you've grown accustomed to and will be allowed to saturate the market with garbage while the real growers are pushed out.

Also, while that bud looks pretty good. You never know what you're smoking until it's inspected under a microscope. Obviously, know one has the time to examine everything under a microscope. If an individual growing doesn't even always make time for that, you think big business will? Nope. They'll have the same practices as tobacco and be allowed to essentially sell garbage/poison infused plant matter. Won't even be the cannabis you know any more.
I hear your thoughts on awareness. It's understandable but I don't need the govt controlling what I put in my mouth. They already ****** up The food industry.. My 12 yr old son looks like he's 17. Laws are pretty LAX right now and they should leave it the way it is.
Laws are pretty LAX right now and they should leave it the way it is.

I agree with you. UNLESS we are talking about big business producing. THEY are the ones that need regulation and inspection. Not us individuals who actually care about what we produce.
GREAT watches from a social justice stand point. @RustyShackleford think you'd enjoy these man.


S1E3 - The War on Weed
Krishna investigates how Bernard Noble's two joints led to 13 years in prison.

S2E5 - Going Legit

Krishna investigates black market dealers and growers in Atlanta and Oakland to discover why they have yet to break through into today's legitimate weed world.

S2E7 - Search and Seizure
Even though medical pot is legal in Michigan, weed arrests are up and cops raid mom and pop caregivers on minor technicalities in order to seize and sell their most valuable stuff.

Also relevant to discussion in here:

S1E7 - The Emerald Triangle
Krishna meets growers in CA whose farms are threatened by corporate interests.

The first two are especially powerful pieces. Must see if you are a minority in the industry.
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It's not that bad bruh.. my bro gets tested from his PO bi weekly.. maybe his 4-5th one too.. they all are pretty LAX on piss test when weed shows up positive..
I hear your thoughts on awareness. It's understandable but I don't need the govt controlling what I put in my mouth. They already ****** up The food industry.. My 12 yr old son looks like he's 17. Laws are pretty LAX right now and they should leave it the way it is.
Got locked up in NYC in May for a 20 bag of weed. Did the most too lol
Curious to see if it passes in MA.

I know people didn't care too much last time I was home. I was waiting on a concepts drop and everyone in line was smoking in Cambridge.

Definitely would be cool to see it completely legal
I hate that people here call weed "medicine"
It is medicine though, whether you like it or not. I use marijuana for chronic pain relief. I'm chronically ill and have severe pain in both lower legs 24/7.

I'm prescribed the maximum dosage of a medium strength opiate painkiller (Tramadol) but despite that I still experience a lot of pain, particularly during and after physical activity.

I'm currently in treatment at the Ghent university hospital with some of the best doctors in the country. I consulted with them about using marijuana for additional pain relief and all of them had zero objections to it, in fact they supported it. With my Tramadol dosage and my other prescription medications there's not really any other effective form of pain relief I can take besides stronger opiates, which is out of the question at my age.

Eventually consulting with the specialists convinced my parents to allow me to use marijuana and it is surprisingly effective.

I don't really enjoy the weed high so I only use it a few hours before I go to bed. That way I can go to bed in less pain and get better sleep.

It certainly doesn't take all the pain away but it does improve my quality of life quite a bit.
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Got locked up in NYC in May for a 20 bag of weed. Did the most too lol
crazy. Bet u was minding ure own too.
It is medicine though, whether you like it or not. I use marijuana for chronic pain relief. I'm chronically ill and have severe pain in both lower legs 24/7.
I'm prescribed the maximum dosage of a medium strength opiate painkiller (Tramadol) but despite that I still experience a lot of pain, particularly during and after physical activity.
I'm currently in treatment at the Ghent university hospital with some of the best doctors in the country. I consulted with them about using marijuana for additional pain relief and all of them had zero objections to it, in fact they supported it. With my Tramadol dosage and my other prescription medications there's not really any other effective form of pain relief I can take besides stronger opiates, which is out of the question at my age.
Eventually consulting with the specialists convinced my parents to allow me to use marijuana and it is surprisingly effective.
I don't really enjoy the weed high so I only use it a few hours before I go to bed. That way I can go to bed in less pain and get better sleep.
It certainly doesn't take all the pain away but it does improve my quality of life quite a bit.
it does provide medicinal purpose. Diagnosed with gout years ago. Started back chiefing and it rarely flares up. 85% of the reason for blazing is because of my food intake. It slows down my appetite for some reason.
I live in LA and will vote for marijuana to be legalized

Just way more pros than cons if it's completely legal in CA
Yup. They way they treat medical MJ in this state should tell you how soon we're gonna legalize it. 
the medical pot in nyc is a joke
Probably partially due to the cost of space. Grows need a lot of space. I can't see dedicating that much space to a niche market. Seems like you'd need to be open to the public to really get the clientele you need to pay rent. The prices must be crazy at NYC dispensaries. Upstate NY would be killing it if it was legalized in NY because cost of real estate is sooo much cheaper.
There are only 2 dispensaries I know of in NYC. One in manhattan and one in the bronx and it's easier to get into the pentagon than it is to get into either of them.

They really dont want anyone accessing this **** out here. Dont know why they even bothered making it medicinally available. Gotta be dying just to get on the list.
someone point me in the direction of what are some potential conflicts in state drug laws vs federal drug laws?

And to reiterate, how comparable is Cali's prop 64 to colorado's legalization?
GREAT watches from a social justice stand point. @RustyShackleford think you'd enjoy these man.


S1E3 - The War on Weed
Krishna investigates how Bernard Noble's two joints led to 13 years in prison.

S2E5 - Going Legit

Krishna investigates black market dealers and growers in Atlanta and Oakland to discover why they have yet to break through into today's legitimate weed world.

S2E7 - Search and Seizure
Even though medical pot is legal in Michigan, weed arrests are up and cops raid mom and pop caregivers on minor technicalities in order to seize and sell their most valuable stuff.

Also relevant to discussion in here:

S1E7 - The Emerald Triangle
Krishna meets growers in CA whose farms are threatened by corporate interests.

The first two are especially powerful pieces. Must see if you are a minority in the industry.

Thanks, definitely going to check this out.

Its strange, even now I hear people say this. I wonder how much of it is fact and placebo. If its fact, why? Growers move around, and many send their product out of state. In my experience, no matter where you are(generally speaking) you can get some high quality stuff if you know the right people.

Got locked up in NYC in May for a 20 bag of weed. Did the most too lol

Correct me if im wrong, is marijuana decriminalized in NY? How does that work now?

There are only 2 dispensaries I know of in NYC. One in manhattan and one in the bronx and it's easier to get into the pentagon than it is to get into either of them.
They really dont want anyone accessing this **** out here. Dont know why they even bothered making it medicinally available. Gotta be dying just to get on the list.

Yea, thats how it will be down here if Amendement 2 passes. I worry that if it does pass, voters(particularly older ones) will be less likely to pass recreational use later down the line.
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Thanks, definitely going to check this out.
Its strange, even now I hear people say this. I wonder how much of it is fact and placebo. If its fact, why? Growers move around, and many send their product out of state. In my experience, no matter where you are(generally speaking) you can get some high quality stuff if you know the right people.
Correct me if im wrong, is marijuana decriminalized in NY? How does that work now?
Yea, thats how it will be down here if Amendement 2 passes. I worry that if it does pass, voters(particularly older ones) will be less likely to pass recreational use later down the line.

California is the pioneer. They eat breathe, live cannibus and the culture. Its entrenched in the soul and the soil. Of course plenty of people moved to co and wa. But California embodies it. Harborside in Oakland paved the way forefore what you see today. Yes you can get good stuff anywhere, but not in my experience. I'm a snob with my ****. The mix of exotic strains you see, California was doing it years ago. Bay Rappers been rapping about loud *** weed. All the **** you see today cats in the bay rapped about using thizzles and smoking loud dank 20 years ago.
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California is the pioneer. They eat breathe, live cannibus and the culture. Its entrenched in the soul and the soil. Of course plenty of people moved to co and wa. But California embodies it. Harborside in Oakland paved the way forefore what you see today. Yes you can get good stuff anywhere, but not in my experience. I'm a snob with my ****. The mix of exotic strains you see, California was doing it years ago. Bay Rappers been rapping about loud *** weed. All the **** you see today cats in the bay rapped about using thizzles and smoking loud dank 20 years ago.

I guess im just not convinced :lol: I'll have to go there myself and experience it to understand.
If they sell bud like cigarettes just roll your own like people do there own cigarettes. I will be growing my own and pressing my own wax. Don't even smoke flower these days. Dab.
Definitely backing this.  I honestly think medical marijuana has done more harm than good when it comes to outright legalization.

Before the medical marijuana movement, the argument was whether or not individuals had an inherent right to smoke weed if they so desired.  There were no other qualifiers.  Then the medical marijuana movement came around and added an extra layer to justify its legitimacy.  Given that the medical benefits of marijuana are often exaggerated, this takes away from its legitimacy in the eyes of a lot of its detractors.

Medical marijuana was great for short-term gains, but in the long run it has made us depart from the original debate of basic freedoms.  
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I don't see a correlation between the "big pharma" concern, and, lack of empathy for black and brown folks. It seems you have made that negative connection yourself. Do you have a source for this? I don't believe it because I'm in the industry and everyone I have met is pro legalization.But like I said, if you have a source I'd be interested in seeing it. You said "they are talking"; who is "they'? I'm always trying to learn more and I don't live in Cali so if that is really the attitude out there I'd like to hear more of your opinion on it.

WE, by we I mean members of the cannabis community pushing for legalization, are fully aware of the injustices minorities have suffered due to the combination of corrupt police practices, racial profiling, and absurdly harsh sentences for minor posessions/sales. WE care about "black and brown folks" because they have been some of the biggest pioneers of this industry, and collectively, we are ALL against big business. It is not fair the amount of INCARCERATED FELONS that have resulted from non-violent marijuana crimes. WHEN it is legalized, will the records of these people be wiped cleaned? This is a very big issue. Can you imagine getting out of jail and thinking you'll finally being able to LEGALLY enter the industry, pay taxes, etc.. do what you love and help other people with medicine only to find out that you still have that prior FELONY from a few grams? You have a FELONY from an antiquated law that is preventing you from now entering legally. What a slap in the face. It's the Drug War 2.0. Except this time, it's against big pharma and not the police.

We are against "big pharma" not because we don't care about black and brown folks. It's the opposite in my mind really. We've all been doing this underground for a while now. When it's legal we want the opportunity to start businesses that will set the standard for the industry. We want our slice of the pie and to continue to uphold the quality standards we've set. We a network of small businesses collaborating together to work for the people more than for a profit. Big pharma ONLY cares about profit. Keep them out. A loss in potency is a concern but it's at the bottom of the list really. You can't scale craft. Dank buds are always going to be around, always. Big pharma is scary because they have the power to influence politics to pass laws that will only allow them to benefit on their own at the expense of all the little people who care about the continual cultivation of the plant and their craft more than money. They will pump out a product that is poor quality, it will be extremely cheap, it will hurt small businesses in the same way Big Box stores have. You see, the main concern isn't loss of potency, it's NOT being able to participate in what we've spent our lives contributing to and buidling because big pharma swoops in with billions and won't allow us to compete.

I mostly read and post in the general politics thread a.k.a. The Rent Stabilized Steel Cage Death Match Battle Royale Culture War 2016 Featuring Los Trolos Hermanos, Da Stawmanz Group And Sponsored By Breitbert And Da Kremlin.

So I am taken aback to see a substantive and thoughtful retort.

First let me amend what I said about prop 64's opposition, the usual suspects, law enforcement, suburban housewives and Republicans are opposed to legalization. The prop cannabis anti-legalization folks are real but they are probably a very small part of the coalition. I say probably because until the National election, there is not much polling, let alone advanced polling done in these California elections.

Here's an article that gives a pretty good over view of what is going on here in California.

Regarding people's record's being wiped clean, I am not totally sure but I do know that there are people who are in jail who will be released if this passes so there will be at least some amnesty, it will be applied retroactively.

My feelings are that the State's laws against cannabis, how ever weakened they have been by our State's medical cannabis laws, are still used as a cudgel, in variety of ways, against people of color. Even in a pretty progressive State like California, there is still a multi tiered system of justice and as it stands Cannabis is de facto legalized in white communities but it is still illegal in communities of color.

I believe that the top priority is to roll back the War on Drugs wherever we can and do so as quickly as possible. Then from that position of legalization, keep a close on on how this legalization is implemented because the devil is the details. I hope for the sake of consumers and entrepreneurs that we can have a regulatory regime that allows for big producers as well as higher quality, "micro-bud" groups to be able to thrive.

The good news is that California is slowly but steadily becoming more and progressive and every two years we (and sometime more frequently then that) we get ballot measures that allow us to shape our own laws and we will pass prop 64 but we will watch its implementation and use the power of the referendum to correct any major errors.
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