Califorinians: What do you think about Proposition 64? Update: It has passed.

Already voted yes on this. Even though I've had my medical card since I moved out here. I'm just interested to see how it affects prices afterward. 
Can we get a thread on the porn condom prop too?
Voted No on this 
I don't see a correlation between the "big pharma" concern, and, lack of empathy for black and brown folks. It seems you have made that negative connection yourself. Do you have a source for this? I don't believe it because I'm in the industry and everyone I have met is pro legalization.But like I said, if you have a source I'd be interested in seeing it. You said "they are talking"; who is "they'? I'm always trying to learn more and I don't live in Cali so if that is really the attitude out there I'd like to hear more of your opinion on it.

WE, by we I mean members of the cannabis community pushing for legalization, are fully aware of the injustices minorities have suffered due to the combination of corrupt police practices, racial profiling, and absurdly harsh sentences for minor posessions/sales. WE care about "black and brown folks" because they have been some of the biggest pioneers of this industry, and collectively, we are ALL against big business. It is not fair the amount of INCARCERATED FELONS that have resulted from non-violent marijuana crimes. WHEN it is legalized, will the records of these people be wiped cleaned? This is a very big issue. Can you imagine getting out of jail and thinking you'll finally being able to LEGALLY enter the industry, pay taxes, etc.. do what you love and help other people with medicine only to find out that you still have that prior FELONY from a few grams? You have a FELONY from an antiquated law that is preventing you from now entering legally. What a slap in the face. It's the Drug War 2.0. Except this time, it's against big pharma and not the police.

We are against "big pharma" not because we don't care about black and brown folks. It's the opposite in my mind really. We've all been doing this underground for a while now. When it's legal we want the opportunity to start businesses that will set the standard for the industry. We want our slice of the pie and to continue to uphold the quality standards we've set. We a network of small businesses collaborating together to work for the people more than for a profit. Big pharma ONLY cares about profit. Keep them out. A loss in potency is a concern but it's at the bottom of the list really. You can't scale craft. Dank buds are always going to be around, always. Big pharma is scary because they have the power to influence politics to pass laws that will only allow them to benefit on their own at the expense of all the little people who care about the continual cultivation of the plant and their craft more than money. They will pump out a product that is poor quality, it will be extremely cheap, it will hurt small businesses in the same way Big Box stores have. You see, the main concern isn't loss of potency, it's NOT being able to participate in what we've spent our lives contributing to and buidling because big pharma swoops in with billions and won't allow us to compete.

I mostly read and post in the general politics thread a.k.a. The Rent Stabilized Steel Cage Death Match Battle Royale Culture War 2016 Featuring Los Trolos Hermanos, Da Stawmanz Group And Sponsored By Breitbert And Da Kremlin.

So I am taken aback to see a substantive and thoughtful retort.

View media item 1736917

Your gif has me imagining Ray Liotta narrating:

In Washington Heights back then, we had it made, we were living like Kings. Mamacitas showed respect to the papis- none of this feminist crap- they had arroz con pollo on the table every night and no one talked about all that identity politics junk.

Now I was stacking chips, getting Jesus pieces and Jordans, I mean so many Jordans you would believe the number if I told you. I was spending Porsche money, 80 grand on sneakers, just like that. Those were the days.

See the way I saw it, only suckers paid the full market value of their rent and because the building was already built it wasn't like we were on getting welfare, unlike those lazy blacks.

Ya know, these people, these do gooders, these social justice warriors they always are saying things like "oh you can't read" and "oh, you're actually black. Truth is I was readin' the Daily news since I was a kid and as far as the black thing goes, my ancestors came over from Spain which is in Europe, no different then the Jews or the Italians.
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Your gif has me imagining Ray Liotta narrating:

In Washington Heights back then, we had it made, we were living like Kings. Mamacitas showed respect to the papis- none of this feminist crap- they had arroz con pollo on the table every night and no one talked about all that identity politics junk.

Now I was stacking chips, getting Jesus pieces and Jordans, I mean so many Jordans you would believe the number if I told you. I was spending Porsche money, 80 grand on sneakers, just like that. Those were the days.

See the way I saw it, only suckers paid the full market value of their rent and because the building was already built it wasn't like we were on getting welfare, unlike those lazy blacks.

Ya know, these people, these do gooders, these social justice warriors they always are saying things like "oh you can't read" and "oh, you're actually black. Truth is I was readin' the Daily news since I was a kid and as far as the black thing goes, my ancestors came over from Spain which is in Europe, no different then the Jews or the Italians.

Also, what if you get pulled over/in an accident and you're high? No repurcussions?

Law Enforcement brings you into the station to do a blood, urine or hair test. Plus a majority of the police force are now DREs (Drug Recognition Experts).

The issue that worries me are drug driving laws like in Colorado where a driver with a THC level greater than 5ng/ml is considered DUI. This is BS cause someone could have smoked over a week ago and that THC level can still be detected.

I am all in for Prop 64. I know a few people with the passing of Prop 64 whom can petition to have the courts reduce their felony charges to a misdemeanor.
Law Enforcement brings you into the station to do a blood, urine or hair test. Plus a majority of the police force are now DREs (Drug Recognition Experts).

The issue that worries me are drug driving laws like in Colorado where a driver with a THC level greater than 5ng/ml is considered DUI. This is BS cause someone could have smoked over a week ago and that THC level can still be detected.

I am all in for Prop 64. I know a few people with the passing of Prop 64 whom can petition to have the courts reduce their felony charges to a misdemeanor.

Right. What do you think about saliva tests being used to test for DUI?
You lucky bastards

Trumps the president thank goodness almost
And bud is legal across the west coast
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what is the impact on small local farmers?

know a lady that poured her life into this for the last decade and she fears the big growers will eventually take over
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