Californians, how do you feel about Prop 8: Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry?

Originally Posted by jomitm

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Nope as I stated man, It is a religious word
people don't get married just to be "religiously" bonded.
matter of fact, more than often, people get married with no religious blessing at all.

forreal though, what does the origin of the word have to do with its modern meaning?

imbecile comes from the French word imbécile,which means weak. does that mean
i'm saying "you're weak" if i say you're an imbecile, which really what i'm trying to say
is that "you're an idiot" in my perspective? ( not calling names out, just simple analogy.)

your logic is void then.

i don't and never will understand homosexuality because i don't get how you can't
get an erection if you visit every page of the big booty / boobs thread or what have you,
but they're humans just like everybody else and they shouldn't be deprived of what they feel.

which is why i don't know what's getting your panties in a bunch about it
( panties originally meant a child's undergarment. that's not what i meant though. )

So you agree with me that phrases in the dictionary are void. For example Marriage?

You just stated what I stated a page ago, you made my point for me.

If you are going to allow gay marriage, you have to be for polygamy as well, for the same reasons.
Gay marriage is a personal issue, and A state issue, and if a civil union has the same rights as gay marriage on a state level, where is the issue?
If a marriage is a "Union bound under God's word between woman and man", the government should not be granting marriage licenses to ANYONE. It isnot the right or responsibility of the government to regulate a contract between god and a man and a woman. If you believe that gay people don't have theright to be "married" UNDER THE LAW for religious beliefs, then heterosexual people shouldn't either.
[h1]Class surprises lesbian teacher on wedding day[/h1]

Jill Tucker, Chronicle Staff Writer

Saturday, October 11, 2008

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A group of San Francisco first-graders took an unusual field trip to City Hall on Friday to toss rose petals on their just-married lesbian teacher - putting the public school children at the center of a fierce election battle over the fate of same-sex marriage.

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The 18 Creative Arts Charter School students took a Muni bus and walked a block at noon to toss rose petals and blow bubbles on their just-married teacherErin Carder and her wife Kerri McCoy, giggling and squealing as they mobbed their teacher with hugs.

Mayor Gavin Newsom, a friend of a friend, officiated.

A parent came up with the idea for the field trip - a surprise for the teacher on her wedding day.

"She's such a dedicated teacher," said the school's interim director Liz Jaroslow.

But there was a question of justifying the field trip academically. Jaroflow decided she could.

"It really is what we call a teachable moment," Jaroflow said, noting the historic significance of same-sex marriage and related civil rightsissues. "I think I'm well within the parameters."

Nonetheless, the excursion offers Proposition 8 proponents fresh ammunition for their efforts to outlaw gay marriage in California, offering a real-lifeincident that echoes their recent television and radio ads.

"It's just utterly unreasonable that a public school field trip would be to a same-sex wedding," said Chip White, press secretary for the Yeson 8 campaign. "This is overt indoctrination of children who are too young to have an understanding of its purpose."

The trip illustrates the message promoted by the campaign in recent days, namely that unless Prop. 8 passes on Nov. 4, children will learn about same-sexmarriage in school.

"It shows that not only can it happen, but it has already happened," White said.

California Education Code permits school districts to offer comprehensive sex education, but if they do, they have to "teach respect for marriage andcommitted relationships."

Parents can excuse their child from all or part of the instruction.

On Friday, McCoy and Carder, both in white, held hands on Newsom's office balcony overlooking the rotunda and recited their vows.

"With this ring, I thee wed!" Carder said, shouting the last word for emphasis.

After traditional photos, the two walked out City Hall's main doors where the students were lined up down the steps with bags of pink rose petals andbottles of bubbles hanging from their necks. McCoy, a conferences services coordinator, was in on the surprise and beamed as the children swarmed aroundCarder.

The two said they have participated in the campaign against Proposition 8 and planned to travel around San Francisco on Friday afternoon in a motorizedtrolley car with "Just Married" and "Vote No on 8" banners.

The two met on a dance floor two years ago.

"This is one girl I can honestly say deserves happiness, and it came in the form of Kerri," said Carder's friend Dani Starelli.

Creative Arts administrators and parents acknowledged that the field trip might be controversial, but they didn't see the big deal. Same-sex marriage islegal, they noted.

"How many days in school are they going to remember?" asked parent Marc Lipsett. "This is a day they'll definitely remember."

Carder's students said they were happy to see their new teacher married.

"She's a really nice teacher. She's the best," said 6-year-old Chava Novogrodsky-Godt, wearing a "No on 8" button on her shirt."I want her to have a good wedding."

Chava's mothers said they are getting married in two weeks.

The students' parents are planning to make a video with the children describing what marriage is to them.

Marriage, 6-year-old Nolan Alexander said Friday, is "people falling in love."

It means, he added, "You stay with someone the rest of your life."

As is the case with all field trips, parents had to give their permission and could choose to opt out of the trip. Two families did. Those children spentthe duration of the 90-minute field trip back at school with another first-grade class, the interim director said.

"As far as I'm concerned, it's not controversial for me," Jaroflow said. "It's certainly an issue I would be willing to put myjob on the line for."
Domestic partnerships in California grant virtually all the rights of those who are married; we remain one of the few states to do so. In 2000 the peoplealready voted on this issue, and said "No" to marriage between homosexuals. Unfortunately, because the California Supreme Court decided to oversteptheir judicial bounds, we now are faced with having to re-vote on something that was already decided by the citizens of this state. It already faces an uphillbattle. Also, because Jerry Brown placed a negative connotation on the language of the Proposition, many people have this idea that we're eliminating"rights", which is untrue.

I will be voting Yes on Prop 8. And also on Prop 4.
Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

It saddens me to live in a country that denies rights to certain citizens due to religious and moral grandstanding.

I feel the same way.
Letting the homosexuals have civil unions has no affect on me. Let them do what they want. They have the right to the pursuit of happiness like anyone else.Can someone please explain how allowing the homosexuals to do this negativley harms you? And don't give me that BS about "My kid will have to see thisstuff in school and in pictures... etc. etc." First, you can't shield your children from the world. If this is your stance you better not let themturn on a television, read a book, or go out in public. Second, who are you to pass judgement on your neighbor? If your marraige is intact then you should beall squared away with your god on that perticular religious issue.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by holdenmichael

If you are not of religious belief, no reason to get married.

This discussion we're having is specific to Prop 8 which concerns marriage in the state of California. Marriage in the state of California doesn't require that you be religious in any way nor does the state require any religious official be present to get married. So, I don't believe that religious beliefs should have any relevance in this discussion of civil marriage.

I have yet to see clearly supported claims of how banning gay marriage protects the institution of marriage or society as a whole. Thus, I'm voting no on Prop 8.

My response was to a statement saying that non-religious people getting married is the same as gays.

Marriage should not come with tax breaks ect ect. or, recognition by the Government because it is a RELIGIOUS TERM.

That is the main issue I have, not gay marriage itself. The constitution is SUPPOSED to not have religious pretenses, however, this is not the case, and Its time to address that.

That is my argument

You have "learned" too many "facts" from the bible and your church to have a valid argument...

I don't see the word "god" on my marriage license, nor was the word "god" uttered even once during my wedding...does that mean I am notmarried?

Marriage is a social status, not a religous one...

The bible is just a collection of stories and should NEVER be involved in matters of government and law...the Constitution was pretty clear in this case...

If someone can make an argument that not allowing homosexual couples the same rights hetrosexual couples would be in the best interest of the citizens of thestate or union, then it should be not, there should be no reason to deny equal rights...and, if the only argument is biblical, this debate should havebeen over before it started...

Are they gonna teach gay sex ed in school now???

lol Im to the point where I dont even care anymore. It doesnt really affect me directly. So do you HAVE to vote on it?
kix every point you are making is YOUR beliefs. Why should you put your beliefs on other people? If you don't believe in gay marriage then don't getmarried to a dude. Yes, you can argue that marriage is a word from "God" but, do you honestly believe that everyone who believes in God has areligion? People can be spiritual too without a religion. And people who are spiritual and have their own connection with God don't have priests ordoctrines telling them that their lifestyle is wrong.

Face it, God CREATED us all. Even gay people. Your points are sickening and its people like you who give religion and spirituality a bad name. Go take timeto get to know God and yourself instead of letting a piece of outdated literature rule your life. I take it you would never eat shelfish either becauseit's against God's word? SMFH

It's okay for teens to be forced into marriages, straight couples marrying when they don't love eachother, parents arranging marriages for kids whodon't even know eachother and force them to love eachother, but 2 people of the same sex who love eachother can't get married? Dope.
Just because someone doesn't believe in gay marriage and think its immoral or whatever, that doesn't mean they have the right to impose their views onanyone else. I personally think being gay, or engaging in homosexual sex acts is fricking sick, but if they love and care about each other, and AREN'Tharming anyone else, why cant they be happy? What they do behind closed doors has no effect on my life in any way shape or form.

Unless they're my neighbors and I can hear them getting it on through the walls
once the same sex unions got approved

lightning bolts ripped thru the sky and CA was burning up...outta nowhere man.

on some straight biblical *!+*.
Marriage has become a SOCIAL status like my guy said up there. Which is not what it is supposed to be, all Im saying is that if you are for gay marriage howcan you be against polygamy, or other African relationship structures that are AGAINST the law?
I'm voting yes because the commercial disgusts me. The SF mayor said "it's here to stay whether you like it or not". Before letting gaysmarry outright we should just let them date 1st.
Yeah, there STILL hasn't been a legitimate argument for why any straight person should be allowed to ban marriage for gay people.

And for the dude who brought up polygamy, that's just not even relevant.

I'm voting NO on this b.s.
Originally Posted by ProducedByTheJuice

Yeah, there STILL hasn't been a legitimate argument for why any straight person should be allowed to ban marriage for gay people.

And for the dude who brought up polygamy, that's just not even relevant.

I'm voting NO on this b.s.

No hate but the Polygamy line is relevant, the only reason it is illegal is because it is viewed so legally. Same as gay marriage, if you are for gay marriage,you can't be against any type of marriage, or else you would be a hypocrite.
Originally Posted by 23sole collector23

My opinion to gay marriage shouldn't be allowed in the first place....Marriage was not intended for gay people to begin with.God basically designed marriage for the opposite sex only.It's easy for us to say....(it's ok,my kids are not going to be gay anyways) ...think does make a big difference,it can be a big influence to others.......I don't hate or dislike gay people....i just don't agree with the lifestyle that they are living in......We people are not designed that way......If we all just be gay...then it's like putting ourselves to extinction.......or may be worse...condemnation from God.
Okay so why is divorce not outlawed yet? God said till death do us part right? So to whomever gets a divorce they are sinners and will go to hellwith homosexuals. Let people do what they want, to many people butt into other peoples lives.
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by lionheart

btw, this has happened in MA before (dad was jailed) and how would you feel as a parent if one day, your kids are bringing home books about same sex marriage with tons of pictures in it?
why would there be tons of pictures? and about what? It is not that important and would probably only cover a couple of pages in a history book.

I am not religious so I could care less but will probably vote against it.
I agree. If they are covering the subject of families in school a few pictures will do. It's no different than learning about families wherethe children live with and are taken care of by aunts, uncles, grandparents or even single parent homes. If they go more in depth, which I'm sure theywont, will be just to stir up controversy. I'm voting no because I could care less who's marrying who. Its not like it's directly affecting me sowhy not? Let the gays be "happy".
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by PaidNHalf

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by kix4kix

don't be so thick. what if two NON-religious straight people get married? is that marriage religious?

I don't get how that is the same?

If you are not of religious belief, no reason to get married.
The definition of Marriage is a Union bound under God's word between woman and man.

Again I am not against gay marriage, but I don't see why they want something so bad that the very thing they base it on states that it is not allowed.

The best, and ONLY argument against same-sex marriage is the argument against ALL marriage IMO
just wondering do you have any evidence other than the bible?

Let me rephrase other than religious doctrines?

Nope as I stated man, It is a religious word

Kix is right.

Marriage is a religious institution. Personally I think that the State shouldn't sanction marriage at all. I'm notagainst gay couples getting married as long as the state sanctions marriage of any type.
However, marriage is a religious institution ( in fact it's a core tenet of monotheist religions) and the definition is a union between a man and a woman.That cannot be discounted.

I don't understand why gay couples want to get " married" when the entire institution of marriage is antithetical to a portion of theirlifestyle.
Why not fight against the state sanction of the institution of marriage and instead the acceptance of civil unions for all.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

What saddens me about many of my fellow Christians is that we are taught to accept everybody exactly how they are, and not judge them but do the exact opposite.
There is a difference between tolerance and compromise. I have a few gay friends, and while I absolutely hate what I believe is wrong (theirhomosexuality) it doesn't mean I have the right to judge or treat them in an ill manner. However, I am voting YES to ban this because I see the sin ofhomosexuality as something God hates, and for that reason I would not welcome it to be open. To be clear, God does not hate the people practicinghomosexuality, but the sin in the heart.

And just for discussion's sake where is there a final say that people are born gay? I don't think I've ever heard a clear answer on that. Open tohearing anyone's input.
Originally Posted by jumpman247

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

It saddens me to live in a country that denies rights to certain citizens due to religious and moral grandstanding.
You know what else boils my blood, when people say things like " How can you not vote Republican if you're a Christian ".
That and bigotry is what sustained their position in power for the longest time....I'm against the banning of same sex marriage.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by cquan05

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I don't think they should call it marriage, but I do not care enough to vote against it.

Marriage is a man & a woman.

I would vote no to it..........Marriage can be a man & woman, man & man or woman & woman.......How you gonna say a marriage is a man/woman only?

Because that is what Marriage is defined as in the bible. Period.

Gays have every right to be as miserable as straight people.

I agree you should let them be together. But If my religion says that something is not validated, than why would you need to call it marriage?

As long as they have the SAME rights, tax breaks, visiting rights, will ect....I don't see the big deal, but like I stated I don't really care what they call it, so I guess in a way I'm for it.
That's the problem. Not everybody is your religion, and like I stated I'm a Christian. We as Christians should NOT force our beliefs on anybody. If they want to get married they should have that right.

In every religious document. Koran/Torah ect....States the same, and God is in pretty much every legal document. Including the CONSTITUTION.

Im not a christian either.

Marriage is a religious word.

Civil Unions receive the EXACT same rights as marriages, the only difference is the NAME. That is it.
separate but equal is NOT EQUAL
the +@!@ is this? 1950?
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