Cam'ron is top 10 dead or alive

Cam is not even in the top 50. Influence, really? Pharrell is more influential than Cam by a long shot, and hes not even a good rapper.
seriously name me 50 rappers better than cam so you can get laughed at hell name me 10 the list dudes come up wit are absurd i swear dudes top 10s dont even bewho they like jus who they think they're supposed to like
camron is top 10 in NYC

when you take the arguement on a national scale his number drops to about either top 20 or just outside 20.
Originally Posted by iLL W1LLiam

Cam is not even in the top 50. Influence, really? Pharrell is more influential than Cam by a long shot, and hes not even a good rapper.

what bothers me about your reply and all the replies saying Cam ISN'T top 10 is that none of you have any reasoning for why not. You're just arguingfor the sake of arguing. But why? I'm a reasonable and rational person. Anyone on here can attest to that.

So tell me, why is Cam not top 10? All things considered, I can give you several reasons for why I'd accept an argument that he is:

1. Influence
- Like it or not, Cam (even more so than Ma$e and Big L) spawned today's generation of not just Harlem, but NYC rappers. Flow, rhyme style, content,language... You might not want to admit it, but Cam has had a bigger influence on your favorite musicians than you might have realized.

2. Style
- language, fashion, and this whole "swag" movement everyone is jocking right now. Cam started that YEARS ago.

3. His resume
- He's put out SOLID material his entire career. Children of the Corn, CoF, SDE (his best album), CHwM, PH, and Dip Immunity are all incredible tapes.

Killa Season was weak, and still had gems on it. Half of the problem with the album was it was all old !#%$%!@$ we'd heard before anyway, and I'dstill put it up against a lot of the stuff coming out right now. Seriously.

I mean you're all entitled to your own opinions but in all seriousness look at your greatest rappers list. If Cam doesn't belong ANYWHERE NEAR IT thenwhy do some rappers like DMX, Ghost, Snoop, and (I'll get hate for this but) Pac and Biggie.

Like what makes BIG and Pac more deserving of a top 10 nod than Cam? Seriously. and don't bother coming at me with any dumb replies, because I'lljust ignore you.

I want an earnest answer.
I've read all these list and no one has put KRS in a top ten list or their better the Cam list

And I was a huge Cam'Ron fan, he is nowhere near top 10
I mean, I started this thread as a result of an argument I had with a friend. People are always so quick to form "lists" but theyre so biased andsubjective in their criteria, it's stupid.

So I'm asking again, based on what you guys are using to determine your own personal top 10 lists (because thats all they really are, YOUR lists) then whyisnt Cam top 10?
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Like what makes BIG and Pac more deserving of a top 10 nod than Cam? Seriously. and don't bother coming at me with any dumb replies, because I'll just ignore you.


in all seriousness. what objectively makes BIG and Pac better than Cam? Nigaas always use emoticons as shields on here.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Like what makes BIG and Pac more deserving of a top 10 nod than Cam? Seriously. and don't bother coming at me with any dumb replies, because I'll just ignore you.

BIG is reaching, he is just a better rapper point blank period. All you really need to do is listen to RTD or LAFD and ask yourself who elsecould really do it like that, and really the only answer is Jay when he brings it imo, but whatever thats another thread. Keeping it real though ill listen toCam over Pac any day of the week and im from the midwest (not NYC). I could rock with Cam being top 10-20 alive no problem.


And for the record Diplomatic Immunity Vol. 1 is a classic album straight up.

I used BIG as an example, because people like to say things like "well ok Cam has 1 or 2 maybe classic albums. How does that entitle him to top 10consideration??"

Well BIG only had two albums period, and the second one wasnt even considered that good by anyone until he died.
Overall Cam isn't even a top 10 greatest rapper outta NY

Kool G
Prodigy [94-2000]
Pharaoh Monch
Big Pun
Chuck D

Then you got cats like Masta Ace, Cormega, Az, Styles P, OC, Big L, Gza.

This thread is foolishness, cats adding in sub categories like "swag" as a reason why Cam is a top 10 rapper.
Has Cam ever made an album with the impact of an Illmatic, Reasonable Doubt,Infamous, Liquid Words or Ready To Die, has Cam every been renowned as a rapper that helped to shape & spawn a generation of great rappers JrWriter?!?!
Is Cam known for any classic collaborative production noKanye, Large Professor, Havoc, Hitmen, Rza.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Well BIG only had two albums period, and the second one wasnt even considered that good by anyone until he died.

After that statement I am convinced that you either werent listening to RAP music in 1997 or you just dont know %*%% about music at all
@ saying LAD wasn't that good.
Notoroious Thugs, Whats Beef, I Got A Story To Tell, Your Nobody, My Downfall probably over shadow 90% of the songs throughout Cam's career
lol the man isn't even top ten in his the hell is he top ten of all time? he's entertaining as hell and should be a comedian...butseriously top ten??? maybe top 25
2003 Cam'ron barely made top 10 alive IMO and I listened to Diplomats alot then. Cam'ron overall career misses top 40. Now Cam'ron is nowhere nearany list.

SMH at people thinking Cam'ron is top 10 now..

Originally Posted by JR Paperstacks

Well BIG only had two albums period, and the second one wasnt even considered that good by anyone until he died
He died before the album came out.

Albums are reviewed in magazines several weeks before they are released in stores so that the magazine sales can coincide with the album release. I'm speaking specifically about a magazine article I read (in entertainment weekly or somewhere I want to say) that released the month after Biggie diedpointing out how prior to his death critical reception of the album really wasnt THAT good (though they never really are for double discs) but howpost-humously all of the reviews were giving it 4-5 stars and albums sales were somewhere around 6-700,000. It was the first time I had ever even seen someoneacknowledge the effect a rappers death has on his sales and how people viewed his legacy.


and to everyone saying Cam isn't top 10 in his state, i ask you again instead of listing off dumb one word answers, explain to me why he isnt.

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Overall Cam isn't even a top 10 greatest rapper outta NY

Kool G
Prodigy [94-2000]
Pharaoh Monch
Big Pun
Chuck D

Then you got cats like Masta Ace, Cormega, Az, Styles P, OC, Big L, Gza.

This thread is foolishness, cats adding in sub categories like "swag" as a reason why Cam is a top 10 rapper.
Has Cam ever made an album with the impact of an Illmatic, Reasonable Doubt, Infamous, Liquid Words or Ready To Die, has Cam every been renowned as a rapper that helped to shape & spawn a generation of great rappers Jr Writer?!?!
Is Cam known for any classic collaborative production no Kanye, Large Professor, Havoc, Hitmen, Rza.
look at what you wrote. like REALLY look at it. Look at the argument you made there about Cam. Then look at the names you list again, then getback to me.

yo can't make a statement like Prodigy (94-2000) because you're implying he deserves top 10 consideration for a selection of his body of work. OKfine. Have any of you HEARD s.d.e.?

I'm just trying to have an objective mature discussion with y'all and people are in here trying to get their post count up. explain to me why based onhis career's work Cam is not top 10.
If he dies today, maybe Top 10 Dead. Top 10 Alive? Never.

Music Forum seems to be suffering from Idiot Overdose lately.....
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