Cam'ron is top 10 dead or alive

whoa, dont call me an idiot dude.

this is a discussion forum right? so i started something that i thought was an interesting discussion. and why isnt he top 10 alive?
Originally Posted by AK Nako

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Like what makes BIG and Pac more deserving of a top 10 nod than Cam? Seriously. and don't bother coming at me with any dumb replies, because I'll just ignore you.

in all seriousness. what objectively makes BIG and Pac better than Cam? Nigaas always use emoticons as shields on here.

Because they're better rappers and they made better music. Why is that so hard for to understand. Why is this thread even still going. Ifyou think camron is a top 10 rapper you shouldn't even be allowed to listen to hip hop.
Cam isn't top 10 in the hip hop game right now. Much less of ALL TIME.

There is NO denying that Cam had a greatmovement, solid rap sheet, entertaining dude overall. But even if you look at where he is now, he has already faded into obscurity. Dude is not going down inHip Hop history.
Originally Posted by AK Nako

Originally Posted by JR Paperstacks

Well BIG only had two albums period, and the second one wasnt even considered that good by anyone until he died
He died before the album came out.
Albums are reviewed in magazines several weeks before they are released in stores so that the magazine sales can coincide with the album release. I'm speaking specifically about a magazine article I read (in entertainment weekly or somewhere I want to say) that released the month after Biggie died pointing out how prior to his death critical reception of the album really wasnt THAT good (though they never really are for double discs) but how post-humously all of the reviews were giving it 4-5 stars and albums sales were somewhere around 6-700,000. It was the first time I had ever even seen someone acknowledge the effect a rappers death has on his sales and how people viewed his legacy.


and to everyone saying Cam isn't top 10 in his state, i ask you again instead of listing off dumb one word answers, explain to me why he isnt.

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Overall Cam isn't even a top 10 greatest rapper outta NY

Kool G
Prodigy [94-2000]
Pharaoh Monch
Big Pun
Chuck D

Then you got cats like Masta Ace, Cormega, Az, Styles P, OC, Big L, Gza.

This thread is foolishness, cats adding in sub categories like "swag" as a reason why Cam is a top 10 rapper.
Has Cam ever made an album with the impact of an Illmatic, Reasonable Doubt, Infamous, Liquid Words or Ready To Die, has Cam every been renowned as a rapper that helped to shape & spawn a generation of great rappers Jr Writer?!?!
Is Cam known for any classic collaborative production no Kanye, Large Professor, Havoc, Hitmen, Rza.
look at what you wrote. like REALLY look at it. Look at the argument you made there about Cam. Then look at the names you list again, then get back to me.

yo can't make a statement like Prodigy (94-2000) because you're implying he deserves top 10 consideration for a selection of his body of work. OK fine. Have any of you HEARD s.d.e.?

I'm just trying to have an objective mature discussion with y'all and people are in here trying to get their post count up. explain to me why based on his career's work Cam is not top 10.

So one magazine = nobody liked the album? Biggie died 3weeks before the album even came out. Something tells me you weren't even into hip hop at the time or weren't old enough.
Originally Posted by WillyBuck
Post your top 10, I'm curious to see what it looks like if you think Cam deserves a spot.

I don't have a top 10 list.

I can tell you Jay-Z was my favorite rapper with Biggie a close 2nd. I already said this thread stemmed from an argument I had with a friend. I personallydon't have a list of 10 favorite rappers in any particular order, but I was forced to try to make one and when I did my friend argued to me why he believedbased on my list, Cam at least deserved consideration in that list. Just because I might not have had Cam in my top 10 at the time didn't mean Iwasn't willing to participate objectively in a dialogue about why he maybe belonged. Some of you seem totally opposed to even that...

Originally Posted by u ttocs

Originally Posted by AK Nako

Originally Posted by JR Paperstacks

Well BIG only had two albums period, and the second one wasnt even considered that good by anyone until he died
He died before the album came out.
Albums are reviewed in magazines several weeks before they are released in stores so that the magazine sales can coincide with the album release. I'm speaking specifically about a magazine article I read (in entertainment weekly or somewhere I want to say) that released the month after Biggie died pointing out how prior to his death critical reception of the album really wasnt THAT good (though they never really are for double discs) but how post-humously all of the reviews were giving it 4-5 stars and albums sales were somewhere around 6-700,000. It was the first time I had ever even seen someone acknowledge the effect a rappers death has on his sales and how people viewed his legacy.


and to everyone saying Cam isn't top 10 in his state, i ask you again instead of listing off dumb one word answers, explain to me why he isnt.

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Overall Cam isn't even a top 10 greatest rapper outta NY

Kool G
Prodigy [94-2000]
Pharaoh Monch
Big Pun
Chuck D

Then you got cats like Masta Ace, Cormega, Az, Styles P, OC, Big L, Gza.

This thread is foolishness, cats adding in sub categories like "swag" as a reason why Cam is a top 10 rapper.
Has Cam ever made an album with the impact of an Illmatic, Reasonable Doubt, Infamous, Liquid Words or Ready To Die, has Cam every been renowned as a rapper that helped to shape & spawn a generation of great rappers Jr Writer?!?!
Is Cam known for any classic collaborative production no Kanye, Large Professor, Havoc, Hitmen, Rza.
look at what you wrote. like REALLY look at it. Look at the argument you made there about Cam. Then look at the names you list again, then get back to me.

yo can't make a statement like Prodigy (94-2000) because you're implying he deserves top 10 consideration for a selection of his body of work. OK fine. Have any of you HEARD s.d.e.?

I'm just trying to have an objective mature discussion with y'all and people are in here trying to get their post count up. explain to me why based on his career's work Cam is not top 10.
So one magazine = nobody liked the album? Biggie died 3 weeks before the album even came out. Something tells me you weren't even into hip hop at the time or weren't old enough.

The magazine article quoted other magazine articles and journalists. Don't try to play me. And what tells you I wasn't into hip hop or "oldenough" at the time? it must be because you know me right?
Top 10? Maybe at the most. Underrated? Definately. I think people look past his skills because of his antics.
Naw I F's wit cam but Dead or Alive??? That's kind of a bold statement...I don't even know if he's top 10 alive...
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

BWHWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH@ homie listing chuck D
like i said, 99% of the people replying here are doing so based on who they THINK they should be listing ahead of Cam. Most of them have nevereven listened to the majority of the artists they listed.
i want to say that cam isnt in the top ten but i cant think of 10 rappers better than him so i guess that means he is a TOP 10 RAPPER IMO
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

BWHWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH@ homie listing chuck D
like i said, 99% of the people replying here are doing so based on who they THINK they should be listing ahead of Cam. Most of them have never even listened to the majority of the artists they listed.

Yeah because only hypebeasts listen to Chuck D
How can you not listChuck D as a top 10 rapper outta NY when he is mainly the reason why socially conscious hip-hop became somewhat popular in the early 90's. Inspired a wholebunch of cats from Dead Prez, Talib, Mos Def, ATCQ & etc. Chuck D sold more records, has more classic tracks, inspired more artists and is significantlymore important an artist to Hip-hop than Cam.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

BWHWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH@ homie listing chuck D
like i said, 99% of the people replying here are doing so based on who they THINK they should be listing ahead of Cam. Most of them have never even listened to the majority of the artists they listed.

Yeah because only hypebeasts listen to Chuck D
How can you not list Chuck D as a top 10 rapper outta NY when he is mainly the reason why socially conscious hip-hop became somewhat popular in the early 90's. Inspired a whole bunch of cats from Dead Prez, Talib, Mos Def, ATCQ & etc. Chuck D sold more records, has more classic tracks, inspired more artists and is significantly more important an artist to Hip-hop than Cam.

So you can call Chuck D a top 10 rapper out of NY because he inspired angry "socially conscious" rap, but we can't use Cam'ron's styleand social influences and his starting this entire "swagger movement" the entire music industry is obsessed with as justification for why he might betop 10?? So basically what you're doing is using something that was your justification for discounting one artist, as your reasoning for another.

You do see that right?

And album sales? Really?? We're gonna make the album sales argument?

Ok. Well since Chuck D is in your top 10, recite 1 famous Chuck D line, or name his last 3 albums (without using google.)

Originally Posted by EzFlash26

Why does rap need substance?

Honestly the worse statement Ive seen made in this forum....and Ive seen my share.

Originally Posted by Tuff G0ng

^ And music is art.

and as art it serves different purposes. WHY does it have to have "substance"?

People seem to forget that rap started as party music.
Originally Posted by AK Nako

And as art it serves different purposes. WHY does it have to have "substance"?
I didn't say it was necessary for substance to be present. I simply pointed out that music is art and can be expressed in a variety ofdifferent ways, just as you stated, so there is always going to be music with and without substance.

That question - "Why does rap need substance?" - allows one to ask "Why should rap lack substance?"

Is there something wrong with using a medium like rap, which has proven to be successful in reaching the masses, to convey opinions and messages about specificor controversial issues? Especially when it is the only medium in which some people are able to use. Music is aboutexpressing how you feel, why should rap be pigeonholed and kept to the same stereotypes which are perpetuated on a daily basis? Is rap ALL about party music?Hell nah! Really, this goes for all genres of music.

*Note: I'm not saying that was what you were getting at because I feel where you're coming from with the displeasure you expressed about the responsesin this thread. That is why I said a lot of people are sporting the rose-colored glasses in here HARDBODY.

Frankly, if all music lacked any kind of substance, society would be a little bit dumber.
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