Can anyone here say they got rich off going to college?

Most college students are in for a rude awakening once they graduate.

Same can be said for those who don't have degrees who are trying to enter the workforce.

[Marlo Stanfield] you want it to be one way..... [/Marlo Stanfield]
The problem is cats getting masters right after the bachelor's with no experience to speak of. So of course if you're applying to entry level jobs instead of ones you would've qualified for with experience and the masters the hiring manager will look at you funny. And most companies won't give a kid fresh out of college the level of responsibility in the position their looking for. Get your bachelor's, work in the field then make a decision on grad school imo. Only exception I see is if the program was a 5 yr combined.
OP makes it seem as if going to school stops you from becoming rich.

If you feel you would be rich without school, then what's stopping you from being rich with school?

See that's the problem right there.

Why you askin' all these questions? That's some Book Smart ****.

Cats who are Street Smart know better than that. They get it how they live and rarely ever fail in gaining success in life after the age of 40.
adding to this, derick rose went to college which caused him to get a 800 in the SATs (out of 2400), while kobe didnt go to college and he got 1080 (out of 1600). 

pretty easy to see that not only are cats who dont go to college street smart, they are also more book smart than these college going clowns
im over here about to finish my AS like should i bother with a BA.... 
it depends on what you can do with the AS, if you can get a decent non dead end job with your AS and have a drive to get better then i would say take that job and you will be in a better situation after two years than if you were to stay in school for a BA.

ideally if you're a really good employee you can show the company that you're worth keeping and they will offer to pay for your BA if you really need it. but that's rare
Same can be said for those who don't have degrees who are trying to enter the workforce.

[Marlo Stanfield] you want it to be one way..... [/Marlo Stanfield]
I was referring to the people who feel that a college degree entitles them to a job.

But you're right. It can be said for those who don't have degrees as well. It can be said about any individual that lacks social capital in life. There's a whole pool of talent that is motivated, loyal and hardworking. Sometimes they just can't get through an employer's door because they lack the networking and interpersonal skills.
OP makes it seem as if going to school stops you from becoming rich.

If you feel you would be rich without school, then what's stopping you from being rich with school?

See that's the problem right there.

Why you askin' all these questions? That's some Book Smart ****.

Cats who are Street Smart know better than that. They get it how they live and rarely ever fail in gaining success in life after the age of 40.
adding to this, derick rose went to college which caused him to get a 800 in the SATs (out of 2400), while kobe didnt go to college and he got 1080 (out of 1600). 

pretty easy to see that not only are cats who dont go to college street smart, they are also more book smart than these college going clowns

I got a higher SAT score than both of them.

Would say my street smarts is about as high as theirs was when they were still on them, and my book smarts are higher. I'm also in college. Continue discussion.
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Some of you guys sound VERY self-conscious about the fact that you believe not going to school "hinders" your chances of making a wealthy living.

Now, why don't you all tell us what the real reason is for feeling this way? You guys know who you are.

It seems like a lot of younger people who have Bachelors or even Masters for that matter feel as if they are entitled to a well paying job just because they met the minimum requirements to receive those degrees.
ok i see where you guys are coming from, now answer this for me? when i graduate my doctoral program ill me making something in the 120k-130k range. is this amount of cash worth going to school for???? #humblebrag/ifimbugginthenopenmyeyesplease. thanks in advance
I'd be happy to graduate and have a 40k-60k job lined up.. Y'all buggin.
Bachelor of Science in what? 

I know this chick who majored in Asian Studies and is complaining about not finding a job. Like what kinda job you expect to get from Asian Studies?

Criminal Justice. Graduated with a 3.5. Can't even get my resume looked at for probation jobs with a starting salary of $40-50K :smh:

Whats also not discussed is all this debt being

accumulated by students with da idea thats been

Drilled into them that "once you finish school you'll

Have a great paying job waiting for you" when da

Reality of this economy is way more bleak... Imagine

Graduating with 150-200k in debt and not being

To get a job other than part time work to even put a

A scratch into that? **** is bad.

Some of you guys sound VERY self-conscious about the fact that you believe not going to school "hinders" your chances of making a wealthy living.

Now, why don't you all tell us what the real reason is for feeling this way? You guys know who you are.

It seems like a lot of younger people who have Bachelors or even Masters for that matter feel as if they are entitled to a well paying job just because they met the minimum requirements to receive those degrees.

That's da premise of "go to college" dream was sold

To da youth...meanwhile i got a homie with a

bachelor's degree working retail at da apple store

Wondering" why da hell i even bothered mad bread

In loans when da best job i could get is some job i

Could've gotten being a GED recipient"...
ok i see where you guys are coming from, now answer this for me? when i graduate my doctoral program ill me making something in the 120k-130k range. is this amount of cash worth going to school for???? #humblebrag/ifimbugginthenopenmyeyesplease. thanks in advance

I'm sorry but is 120k supposed to be a lot of money or something?

Just be happy that you'll be a doctor and an asset to society, because no, that's not the type of cash that I would go to school for.
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Whats also not discussed is all this debt being

accumulated by students with da idea thats been

Drilled into them that "once you finish school you'll

Have a great paying job waiting for you" when da

Reality of this economy is way more bleak... Imagine

Graduating with 150-200k in debt and not being

To get a job other than part time work to even put a

A scratch into that? **** is bad.
That's da premise of "go to college" dream was sold

To da youth...meanwhile i got a homie with a

bachelor's degree working retail at da apple store

Wondering" why da hell i even bothered mad bread

In loans when da best job i could get is some job i

Could've gotten being a GED recipient"...
It's easy to be pessimistic about obtaining a college degree when you give worst case scenarios.
I'm sorry but is 120k supposed to be a lot of money or something?

Just be happy that you'll be a doctor and an asset to society, because no, that's not the type of cash that I would go to school for.

exactly, read the hash tags....OPEN MY EYES THEN....what type of money is worth going to school for then???? but 6 figs single is a great starting point to multiple that into some real money... btw what do you do now that has you living in such surplus???
I don't regret going to college, but damn I thought 5 years post graduation I would've found SOMETHING reasonable. There should be some type of guarantee attached to degrees

Like I said, I don't think it's unreasonable to feel entitled to a $40,000 job after 4 years of full time school. Didn't say I wanted to be CEO of a corporation. I just want the opportunity to be able to pay rent and put food on the table.
The key is going for a a major in demand. Most degrees don't mean anything, especially these days. I'm majoring in Computer Science, in which there will always be a demand. While I have to put in the work to get the job, I'm guaranteed one pretty much. Starting salary is $58,000 and I can work with that.
ok i see where you guys are coming from, now answer this for me? when i graduate my doctoral program ill me making something in the 120k-130k range. is this amount of cash worth going to school for???? #humblebrag/ifimbugginthenopenmyeyesplease. thanks in advance

I'm sorry but is 120k supposed to be a lot of money or something?

Just be happy that you'll be a doctor and an asset to society, because no, that's not the type of cash that I would go to school for.

C'mon bro, 120k a year puts you in the 97th percentile.

That's (relatively speaking) a lot of money.
Whats also not discussed is all this debt being

accumulated by students with da idea thats been

Drilled into them that "once you finish school you'll

Have a great paying job waiting for you" when da

Reality of this economy is way more bleak... Imagine

Graduating with 150-200k in debt and not being

To get a job other than part time work to even put a

A scratch into that? **** is bad.

That's da premise of "go to college" dream was sold

To da youth...meanwhile i got a homie with a

bachelor's degree working retail at da apple store

Wondering" why da hell i even bothered mad bread

In loans when da best job i could get is some job i

Could've gotten being a GED recipient"...

It's easy to be pessimistic about obtaining a college degree when you give worst case scenarios.

:lol: @ worst case scenario...

Student loan debt is probably da most problematic

Sector in this economy now, & without good high

Paying jobs relieve pressure on this, its only gonna

Get worse & worse....
ok i see where you guys are coming from, now answer this for me? when i graduate my doctoral program ill me making something in the 120k-130k range. is this amount of cash worth going to school for???? #humblebrag/ifimbugginthenopenmyeyesplease. thanks in advance

I'm sorry but is 120k supposed to be a lot of money or something?

Just be happy that you'll be a doctor and an asset to society, because no, that's not the type of cash that I would go to school for.

C'mon bro, 120k a year puts you in the 97th percentile.

That's (relatively speaking) a lot of money.

If I woke up tomorrow making 120k a year I would jump off the top of the Stratosphere.
C'mon bro, 120k a year puts you in the 97th percentile.

That's (relatively speaking) a lot of money.
Like seriously. Some of you have really skewed views on money and income. 120k+ is good.

Now and far as debt goes, if your graduating with 100k+ in debt and arent able to pay it off, then obviously somewhere along the line you $$#!ed up. Not wanting to pay is a different story.
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