Can anyone here say they got rich off going to college?

no one should go to college. why would you spend money to go somewhere to not make money for four years instead of just making money for four straight years? lock this thread up

can you really do that making 12-14hr working for bank or america doing telemarketing?????? HA!!!!!!!!!

DING DING DING--Correct answer.

Tell em' what he's won, Bob!


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What's rich?

Also being someone with a master's degree you should be well aware that the car you see someone riding in doesn't at all depict the actual amount of money they have or owe for that matter. (It could be borrowed, a lease, parents bought it, insurance settlement etc.)

What is your master's in? What is the average salary?

There is no real advantage to not going to college as these types of threads often attempt to imply. Can you become a multi millionaire without going to college? CERTAINLY!! Can you become a multimillionaire after attending college? Certainly!! That's really an irrelevant statistic seeing as how there is a small percentage of people that fall within that income bracket in general.

I think that going into the workforce directly out of high school has its benefits in that you don't have to pay for school (Somewhat negligible if you were on scholarship tho). Often times individuals coming into the workforce out of high school are paid severely less and also paid hourly. Of course after years they have "experience" which can substitute for a degree for some professions. The thing is, a person with a degree typically has a little bit more job stability. Also while two individuals can make 80k a year, often times the person with the degree is doing far less work. Time is important, 60-70 hour weeks making the same as a person only working 35 hrs a week isn't exactly "winning".

Also most professions, law, pharmacist, dentist, surgeon etc. require the education.
You guys need to work for the railroad. Screw office jobs.
Actually trying to land an internship at Union Pacific next summer

Heard about some of the people they hire right out of college.... Definitely not struggling.

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people also need to realize that guys like bill gates only dropped out because they had a clear idea of what they were going to do. its not like they dropped out because college was useless and randomly came up with microsoft while sitting at home one day
dont want to pay that out of state tuition plus Boston sucks 
What a surprise, someone from NY crapping on Boston

At least we help people that fall onto the tracks and not snap pics as they get run over

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people also need to realize that guys like bill gates only dropped out because they had a clear idea of what they were going to do. its not like they dropped out because college was useless and randomly came up with microsoft while sitting at home one day
Not even that...

Bill Gates was a genius, an actual genius. Would have been a genius with or without college.

Regardless of how smart one would consider themselves.. There's being smart, and being a genius.

He is the very very rare exception.
Not even that...

Bill Gates was a genius, an actual genius. Would have been a genius with or without college.

Regardless of how smart one would consider themselves.. There's being smart, and being a genius.

He is the very very rare exception.

You gotta be convincingly foolish if you're seriously comparing the average person to Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. If it was that common, we'd all be millionaires and technological revolutionaries.
Not even that...

Bill Gates was a genius, an actual genius. Would have been a genius with or without college.

Regardless of how smart one would consider themselves.. There's being smart, and being a genius.

He is the very very rare exception.
You gotta be convincingly foolish if you're seriously comparing the average person to Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. If it was that common, we'd all be millionaires and technological revolutionaries.
That's what im saying.

When people use that to support their argument of dropping out you might as well just end the conversation.
I hear this most from the Liberal Arts majors. I'm sorry but you not going to CEO 10k a day off an English or Film major.
IMO the Bill Gates thing has nothing to do with genius and has everything to do with execution and drive.
I once read somewhere "no one EVER got rich working," I immediately hit the Alonzo Mourning .gif
IMO the Bill Gates thing has nothing to do with genius and has everything to do with execution and drive.
theres no one single factor for success. you cant say any one factor has nothing to do with it. but yes, he did grow up at the perfect time and was exposed to the resources he needed to learn enough to start a company. there is a good read on his path to success in the book Outliers
theres no one single factor for success. you cant say any one factor has nothing to do with it. but yes, he did grow up at the perfect time and was exposed to the resources he needed to learn enough to start a company. there is a good read on his path to success in the book Outliers

Bill Gates is an extraordinary individual with a very unique path to wealth. Like the guy i'm quoting says, sometimes it's better to be lucky than smart.

Things went right for the guy. But honestly, how rich do you guys really want to be? Would most of you even know how to handle that kind of wealth?

Believe is or not, there such thing as too much wealth.
Any NTers looking at colleges I highly recommend Northeastern University in Boston, MA. We're most well know for our 5yr program, during which you do 3 co-ops (6 month paid internships). They're a great way to get some insight in industries you may be interested in as well as get some experience on your resume.

I have many friends who have interned in accounting at the big 4 as well as large financial companies such as Morgan Stanley or Goldman making $24+ an hour.

Other quick facts

you get interview practice and your resume looked over before you apply to jobs

theres a job database through which you can send your resume, then if they're interested you go through a normal interview process

you pay for 4 years, the 5th essentially is all of your internships which are done in your second third and fourth years with classes in between

jobs are 40hrs a week for 6 months

I feel like a recruiter after writing all that 
If Northeastern University had a Master program in Food Science I would have been there. UMASS the only college in Boston with a MS in Food Science. 
If Northeastern University had a Master program in Food Science I would have been there. UMASS the only college in Boston with a MS in Food Science. 
Johnson and Wales? Not too far from Boston.

I regret not doing some sort of internship or going to school with a co-op program like Northeastern, Drexel, etc. to set me up out of college.

For the dude that says he doesn't know anyone that went to college but is now struggling, you must not know many people bro. I'd say about 50% of the people I know with bachelors or higher are in the lower to working class.
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IMO the Bill Gates thing has nothing to do with genius and has everything to do with execution and drive.
theres no one single factor for success. you cant say any one factor has nothing to do with it. but yes, he did grow up at the perfect time and was exposed to the resources he needed to learn enough to start a company. there is a good read on his path to success in the book Outliers

:wow: just bought that last night :pimp:

IMO the Bill Gates thing has nothing to do with genius and has everything to do with execution and drive.

... And I guess you'll ignore the fact that he attended Harvard :rolleyes

Umm, what??
You screwed up paying that much for an accounting graduate degree when you're just trying to do big 4.

They really don't care where your Masters degree is from as long as you have enough credit hours to sit for the CPA. I graduated from a much less prestigious state school & we're gonna have the exact same job & salary

2nd, since you're doing accounting with the big 4, stay until you make manager. Then stay 1 busy season as a manager, then leave for private industry. You'll be at/above 6 figures after just 5 years out of school.

Or you can try to get into advisory after a few years in audit/tax and you can get there quicker
That's the plan. Well it was. But I have no chance with the big 4

Bachelor of Science in what? 

I know this chick who majored in Asian Studies and is complaining about not finding a job. Like what kinda job you expect to get from Asian Studies?

I can honestly say I got "rich" off of going to College.
What do you do?

OP makes it seem as if going to school stops you from becoming rich.

If you feel you would be rich without school, then what's stopping you from being rich with school?
The fact that I am in 145k debt that I need tp pay off

I would be thrilled about $40K with benefits at this point. Dead serious. If I had a wife and kids right now I would be F'd. Sort of sucks knowing you are not secure enough to support a significant other and potential family. That broke, loner life :wow:

Most college students are in for a rude awakening once they graduate.
It was a slap to the face

The problem is cats getting masters right after the bachelor's with no experience to speak of. So of course if you're applying to entry level jobs instead of ones you would've qualified for with experience and the masters the hiring manager will look at you funny. And most companies won't give a kid fresh out of college the level of responsibility in the position their looking for. Get your bachelor's, work in the field then make a decision on grad school imo. Only exception I see is if the program was a 5 yr combined.
Then I wouldnt have gotten a job because I dont meet CPA Examination requirments.

I'm doing better with my degree then i probably would be doing without it. But I also did go to school for free
That's a deal. School shouldnt be ridiculously expensive anyway. I hope the gov't goes broke for increasing tuition so much so they can make interest revenue from loans that will never be paid back

nvm. One of my friends went to UC Berkeley and sold drugs to all the frats, he got rich off high school.
Damn. Frats are a high risk client.

...and first-mover advantage.
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