Can I ask about this LGBT thing...


May 21, 2013
So what exactly is Gay? Is it a lifetime thing? does it have more to do with what one desires or with the way one acts? Dudes that have a family, wife and kids living on the "down low," are they "gay?" Are we really allowing high school kids make choices that affect the rest of their lives before they can vote? IS being "gay" strictly based on sexual preference? Why is gay so different from Pedophilia (and before people say "but it's consensual, there are 16 year olds who, legally and willingly sleep with dudes 23+)?

 Being "gay" and "gay rights" are two very different issues,  "Gay rights" is a legal construct, effecting alienation of property, whereas who you decide to sleep with, since Lawrence v Taylor, is up to you.

Made this thread after reading buzzfeed, I use to "know" what gay was, i.e two consenting adults of the same sex having sexual intercourse, but since we've decided that children, well before they have any sexual desire (or at least I'm not willing to say my 4 year old niece has sexual desire) are gay, that is where I started getting confused. Because I little boy wears a dress, now he's "gay" or because a girl chooses a Tonka Truck over a barbie doll, is she "Gay."

I really, really don't want ot hear anything about the "gay rights" struggle, that is a non issue, I have and will keep fighting for "gay rights" however, being "gay" isn't cut and dry to me,. I truly believe that "sexuality" is more of a continuim, with some people clearly being "gay" and other people clearly being "straight" and most people falling somewhere in the middle, making the "choice" to have homosexual sex or not based on the way they were raised, their social stimili and general self awareness.

Now, if they find a "gay" gene or a some sort of "chemical" gayness, than I'll believe people are born that way, until then, I believe being "gay" is a choice.

Like really? were tracking the number of Gay friendly television hours?
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Now, if they find a "gay" gene or a some sort of "chemical" gayness, than I'll believe people are born that way, until then, I believe being "gay" is a choice.
I guess being straight is a choice as well, they haven't found a straight chemical either. I'm a wake up tomorrow and choose to like women.

Why is straight different from beastiality? I mean I could smash a female sheep, its the same thing.
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some have that chromosome issue some were curious tried and enjoyed. i don't believe in the stigma to it. i don't subscribe but whatever, if it's consensual cool.
Alright, my proof that being gay is natural and not a choice is the fact that I can't get a stiffie by looking at a dudes buttocks. If it were a choice, I would get a stiffie.
I guess being straight is a choice as well, they haven't found a straight chemical either. I'm a wake up tomorrow and choose to like women.

Why is straight different from beastiality? I mean I could smash a female sheep, its the same thing.
Never said it was. You could wake up tomorrow and decide you like women, I know Gay dudes that did just that, now their married with children, haven't "relapsed"...yet anyway. And, to me, it's not different from beastiality, it's about your personal sexual desire. Beastiality is a little different because being able to tell if it was consensual would be a little difficult.

So I agree with everything you said.
Alright, my proof that being gay is natural and not a choice is the fact that I can't get a stiffie by looking at a dudes buttocks. If it were a choice, I would get a stiffie.
****, if you don't find this attractive than idk what is....

Once I found out I'd be out, but man, no ayo, this is an attractive specimen of the human female form. I commend and despise whatever doctor did this.
I guess being straight is a choice as well, they haven't found a straight chemical either. I'm a wake up tomorrow and choose to like women.

Why is straight different from beastiality? I mean I could smash a female sheep, its the same thing.
Never said it was. You could wake up tomorrow and decide you like women, I know Gay dudes that did just that, now their married with children, haven't "relapsed"...yet anyway. And, to me, it's not different from beastiality, it's about your personal sexual desire. Beastiality is a little different because being able to tell if it was consensual would be a little difficult.

So I agree with everything you said.
Be careful guys. Sodomy is illegal. That makes it a gateway to more illegal sodomy.
Alright, my proof that being gay is natural and not a choice is the fact that I can't get a stiffie by looking at a dudes buttocks. If it were a choice, I would get a stiffie.

****, if you don't find this attractive than idk what is....
View media item 612377

Once I found out I'd be out, but man, no ayo, this is an attractive specimen of the human female form. I commend and despise whatever doctor did this.

So let me ask you something .. If you smashed that, then afterwards "she" told you that she used to be a man .. you would think that you're gay?
A) I wouldn't because I'm a fan of vagina, and I don't think he has one.

But to play along, personally I would say yes that would have been a gay act, even without the gay intent. But that is why I made the thread, because I don't really understand what society decided 'gay' means.
How in the world is smashing a female sheep the same as smashing a female, human being again?
A) I wouldn't because I'm a fan of vagina, and I don't think he has one.

But to play along, personally I would say yes that would have been a gay act, even without the gay intent. But that is why I made the thread, because I don't really understand what society decided 'gay' means.

(S)he does have a vagina now that's the point. You can have sex with person in that picture above and not know it use to be a man. You think that makes you gay? Even though when the action took place, your mind and penis was under the pretense that it was a woman?
I dont give a F about you, is my approach to this whole thing. I dont care how you living, i just hope your doing fine and are happy. We are all living to die, why care about how someone else is living, when you should be living
Never said it was. You could wake up tomorrow and decide you like women, I know Gay dudes that did just that, now their married with children, haven't "relapsed"...yet anyway. And, to me, it's not different from beastiality, it's about your personal sexual desire. Beastiality is a little different because being able to tell if it was consensual would be a little difficult.

So I agree with everything you said.
Yep me liking women is a daily choice I have to make. It's as easy as making a decision. I know straight people that have reverted to gay. If you believe all this why are we having this discussion, stop making these statements as if they are unique to gays. Say the same thing about straight people.

In fact change the title to Can I ask about this human sexuality thing, stop making it sound unique to homosexuals if this is what you believe.

Anyhow I'm smashing dudes tomorrow.....
I dont give a F about you, is my approach to this whole thing. I dont care how you living, i just hope your doing fine and are happy. We are all living to die, why care about how someone else is living, when you should be living

As long as is it's not encroaching upon the next individuals you.
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If you are aroused by the same sex you are gay. If you are aroused by the opposite sex you are straight. If you are aroused by both sexes you are bisexual. If you are a dude who wears dresses but is only attracted to women, you are straight. If you are a dude who cuts down trees with chainsaws but is attracted to men, you are gay. You can probably fake whatever you like (being gay but wanting a traditional family with a wife and kids) but I assume you'd need an imagination and a dark bedroom.
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