Can you love with your mind and not your heart?

no. love dosent come from your mind. infatuation comes from your mind and love comes from your heart.
no. love dosent come from your mind. infatuation comes from your mind and love comes from your heart.
LOL at you guys thinking that piece of tissue that pumps blood has anything to do with love.

...on second thought; when I fall in love my heart pumps MAD blood to my pipe.. so no, you cannot love without your heart.
LOL at you guys thinking that piece of tissue that pumps blood has anything to do with love.

...on second thought; when I fall in love my heart pumps MAD blood to my pipe.. so no, you cannot love without your heart.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

LOL at you guys thinking that piece of tissue that pumps blood has anything to do with love.

...on second thought; when I fall in love my heart pumps MAD blood to my pipe.. so no, you cannot love without your heart.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

LOL at you guys thinking that piece of tissue that pumps blood has anything to do with love.

...on second thought; when I fall in love my heart pumps MAD blood to my pipe.. so no, you cannot love without your heart.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

no. love dosent come from your mind. infatuation comes from your mind and love comes from your heart.

think i'm gonna go with this...
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

no. love dosent come from your mind. infatuation comes from your mind and love comes from your heart.

think i'm gonna go with this...
When I say heart and mind, I mean that in the met)aphorical sense. Like does love have to be an emotion as it's usually described(heart). Or can it be something of pure logic and thought(mind). For example. I date q girl and we're good together, we have similar values and all the other things that make a good relationship. Is it love if I say "ok, we have a b and c so I love her. Or does there have to be some kind emotional x factor that makes it love.
When I say heart and mind, I mean that in the met)aphorical sense. Like does love have to be an emotion as it's usually described(heart). Or can it be something of pure logic and thought(mind). For example. I date q girl and we're good together, we have similar values and all the other things that make a good relationship. Is it love if I say "ok, we have a b and c so I love her. Or does there have to be some kind emotional x factor that makes it love.
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