Can you pass a 1960's Louisiana literacy test for black voters?...

The things the would do to deny black people their rights. Reason I still wouldn't move to the south....
This speaks more about lengths people go to cheat people out of something.

If you gotta cheat this hard, you just ain't good at the game...
LOL look at this nonsense. Like what in the world is this mess? Nobody could pass it because some of the questions have no answers.
Most of these are pretty easy, but there's a few that you know the test writers put in just to @#$% people over to meet that "One wrong question=failure" requirement.

Like how is #12 even possible? Is it because I'm horrible at drawing or because it's just impossible?

Same with #28. Draw a curved line which is also straight at some point? the @#$%?
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:lol  and here it goes

:lol 8o :lol

But slavery was a million years ago, why are black people still angry? Racism ended a while back so why are we talking about this? :rolleyes :{

I don't know which is worse, the overt racism of then or covert racism today. At least we had a known enemy at that time, now we get lulled to sleep and duped into defending racism.

Unfortunately racism still hasn't ended.
I have no idea why we still trust our government if this used to be an accepted and enforced practice.
With the new ruling handed down we will come to see that much hasn't changed when it comes to denying certain people their right to vote.Just watch what goes on again,especially in certain states when it's time to vote for our new president of the united states.You thought Bush pulled a fast one on us with the discrepancy in the state of Florida(he did),just watch and see goes on in places most of us never knew existed,thanks to our good ol government.
So if my math is correct they're allowing just 20 seconds per question?  Completely ridiculous.

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