Car heads, do you know your logos? vol quiz

Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Knew most, guessed a lot, and used the crappy censoring to my advantage.
How the $+#+ does that make any sense if you knew MOST yet guessed ALOT?

*scratches head*
let's analyze this together, shall we?

as maybe both you and i know, most would be the majority or more. so since i got a score of 47, lets say i KNEW 26.

according to merriam-webster english dictionary, the term "lot" is "aconsiderable quantity or extent ." as such, the term "lot" canbe a very much a subjective term. lets assume that i guessed the rest of the answers to get 21 answers correct. to me, getting 42% (in addition to the 52% iknew) of a quiz correct via guessing is "a lot." you're welcome for the clarification of the english language.
since I guessed on about 10
thats dumb if you gonna show a picture of a mitsubishi logo ... show all 3 red diamonds not just one red diamond and @%@@. i figured it was mitsu but i guessedother wised... dumb site you fail and they did first
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