CARDS WERE ROBBED!! pics to prove it

Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

What's the story on this? Video?

Harrison was just keeping him on the ground...they would not show one replay for the life of them on NBC though, @$%@ was hilarious the first time around.
Francisco the dude getting punked, helped give away the game winning TD.

yeah let it go.
Originally Posted by mike23theking

Sorry dude...

That looks like a TD.. (I was rooting for you guys, btw.)

case closed td....and if it wasn't a touch down pittsburg would of kicked a field goal and taken it in overtime
As you can tell by pic 10. His feet were both in bounds. The other pics that looked like one foot was above the ground was after he already caught it and wasshoved, knocking him off balance.
I was surprised Aaron Francisco made it to the league. he wasn't that good in college here.
Sit down clown. I bet you listened religiously to Daryl Ankarlo every morning thinking you're "on it " . Ole boy thinking he's been a ryde or die with the team since they beat the Panthers.
Fall back son... dude was born and raised in the valley, one of the only true AZ fans on this board, or in this valley for that case.

Back to the thread, cards didnt get robbed on that TD, and it clearly shows it was one in photos 10 and 12... however they shouldve at least been able toattempt a hailmary from the 35. With Fitz on the squad, that wouldve made for one dramatic ending
Originally Posted by proph515

Fransico is a safety ppl....he was helpin out over top on Holmes on 2 of the plays and then on two others they were in a cover two....DRC checked him and I think Rod Hood had one play....funny thing is, ALL THREE were there on the LAST PLAY and they still COuldnt Stop
DRC was on him, but on the Holmes long reception it was #47 Francisco who SLIPPED like a @+%*@ and let Holmes turn a 10-15 yard play into a40-yard play. if he had tackled Holmes where he should have been tackled, back around the 40, it is much less likely that the Steelers would have scored a TD.they would at least have gone to OT, assuming the FG was good.
I just wish that Kurt would have been able to throw the ball deep to Fitz at the end of the game just to see if he could have came down with it.

Sit the #+$% down and quit your godd$#@! whining already...your just embarassing yourself. I never knew the cards were such sore losers....your worse the whenwe beat the seahawks in 06.
I was rooting for the Cardinals and I hate the Steelers (Seahawks got robbed
) but this is a TD. The refs couldn't look up close-up pics like thatduring the game.

Damn, I was so hyped when Fitz caught that TD just to have it all ruined with Holmes catching one at the end.
Didn't you know thats why they call them the STEALers? All them roid SB wins in the 70s and the bogus calls in the SB in 2005?

But nah yo, that's clearly a TD.
Originally Posted by rock4light

Sit down clown. I bet you listened religiously to Daryl Ankarlo every morning thinking you're "on it " . Ole boy thinking he's been a ryde or die with the team since they beat the Panthers.
nah recogniz has been down with the cards for a minute, probably one of the only ones in S&T I've noticed, all the rest of the cards fanswere thrilled they didn't take the tags off their jerseys

HOWWWEVVVAAA nobody was robbed, it's time to let it go homie......
Its almost impossible to know whether or not the second toe was down... given the circumstances (regardless of whether he did or didnt), the right call wasmade here.
Im not saying it would've altered the outcome but my points on the game:

1. TD was good
2. Excessive celebratrion should've been assessed. (wouldve kicked off from the 15, field position?? Time management??)
3. Last play should've been reviewed regardless, its a championship deciding play. imo it was a forward pass.

**not for anyone in particular great game regardless
TC....don't become like Seahawk fan, focus on the good season and making it back. And the final play was reviewed, just not announced on the field. ReadPeter Kings column. A hail mary at the end though would've been the ultimate ending though (as long as it wasn't caught!)
Should've made the stop long before Santonio's grab.

Zona' had the Steelers 1st-and-20 on that possession, got to "make a play".
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