career fair on wednesday, need nt's help

Feb 1, 2005
yo, what's up everybody.
i know nt isn't exactly the best place to get help for stuff like this, but i know there are some people out there who can help.

so on wednesday, my school is having their annual career fair and we have a bunch of companies coming out.

anyone got tips on what i should be speaking to employers about, things that would help, basically anything.

i'm attending an orientation/registration event tonight that will inform us (only a little, from what i hear. i'm only going cause the event's mandatory if you want to go to career fair)

i'm also going to a resume review tomorrow.

also, attire tips?

i have pants, shirt and a tie, but no jacket, no shoes or belt either. i am planning on going shopping tomorrow for these items.

i've been hit with exams and paper all due this monday/tuesday so i've been avoiding this career fair stuff until now. so that's why i'm asking 

i forgot to mention, i'm a junior accounting major with a 2.72. i'm only really involved with one activity too. so i know i won't have the greatest chances out there
yo, what's up everybody.
i know nt isn't exactly the best place to get help for stuff like this, but i know there are some people out there who can help.

so on wednesday, my school is having their annual career fair and we have a bunch of companies coming out.

anyone got tips on what i should be speaking to employers about, things that would help, basically anything.

i'm attending an orientation/registration event tonight that will inform us (only a little, from what i hear. i'm only going cause the event's mandatory if you want to go to career fair)

i'm also going to a resume review tomorrow.

also, attire tips?

i have pants, shirt and a tie, but no jacket, no shoes or belt either. i am planning on going shopping tomorrow for these items.

i've been hit with exams and paper all due this monday/tuesday so i've been avoiding this career fair stuff until now. so that's why i'm asking 

i forgot to mention, i'm a junior accounting major with a 2.72. i'm only really involved with one activity too. so i know i won't have the greatest chances out there
Definitely wear a suit.  Get a nice looking portfolio and keep 10-15 resumes in it.  If you can, use actual resume paper.
Definitely wear a suit.  Get a nice looking portfolio and keep 10-15 resumes in it.  If you can, use actual resume paper.
The career fair is where i found my first job at my college. Best advice:

-Be yourself, the recruiters make it seem very informal and what not, but they can see through fakeness very easy. If they sense that they wont even forward your resume
-Dont be disappointed if you dont get a huge amount of follow up calls, make sure you get business cards and you take the iniative to follow up. Some companies love that.
-Dont go with a pack of friend, do it solo.
-Your attire should be a reflection of you. You can be unique(I wore a bow tie and recruiters loved that), be a professional but always be yourself
-Bring way more resumes then needed
-Drop your resume even if you dont think you have a shot with a company, you never know
-Lastly, have a little fun because this is the fun part of college life, so savor it.
The career fair is where i found my first job at my college. Best advice:

-Be yourself, the recruiters make it seem very informal and what not, but they can see through fakeness very easy. If they sense that they wont even forward your resume
-Dont be disappointed if you dont get a huge amount of follow up calls, make sure you get business cards and you take the iniative to follow up. Some companies love that.
-Dont go with a pack of friend, do it solo.
-Your attire should be a reflection of you. You can be unique(I wore a bow tie and recruiters loved that), be a professional but always be yourself
-Bring way more resumes then needed
-Drop your resume even if you dont think you have a shot with a company, you never know
-Lastly, have a little fun because this is the fun part of college life, so savor it.
Get prepared to hear apply with us online a lot. The career fair is not what it used to be four years ago.
Get prepared to hear apply with us online a lot. The career fair is not what it used to be four years ago.
Your school only has one career fair a year? Definitely purchase as least some nice dress shoes and a matching belt, but a well tailored suit would be a huge plus.

A few days before the fair look over the list of companies in attendance, and point out which ones would apply to your career interests (it wouldn't hurt to talk with companies outside of the box as well). Do some research (company websites/Google them). I liked to make a list of what company booths I'd visit and in what order the night before (start with some easy/BS companies that aren't your first pick... just to get used to the environment/calm your nerves). Being yourself, eye contact, a good handshake and a smile are key.

Also you have over a year left of college. Get involved, join at least one or two organizations to add onto your resume and raise your GPA. Good luck.
Get prepared to hear apply with us online a lot. The career fair is not what it used to be four years ago.
This.. a little discouraging but true. over the years going to the career fair lost its meaning. Companies stopped sending actual HR reps/recruiters and sent random workers and/or alumni who simply told you to apply online and added your resume to a meaningless pile.
Your school only has one career fair a year? Definitely purchase as least some nice dress shoes and a matching belt, but a well tailored suit would be a huge plus.

A few days before the fair look over the list of companies in attendance, and point out which ones would apply to your career interests (it wouldn't hurt to talk with companies outside of the box as well). Do some research (company websites/Google them). I liked to make a list of what company booths I'd visit and in what order the night before (start with some easy/BS companies that aren't your first pick... just to get used to the environment/calm your nerves). Being yourself, eye contact, a good handshake and a smile are key.

Also you have over a year left of college. Get involved, join at least one or two organizations to add onto your resume and raise your GPA. Good luck.
Get prepared to hear apply with us online a lot. The career fair is not what it used to be four years ago.
This.. a little discouraging but true. over the years going to the career fair lost its meaning. Companies stopped sending actual HR reps/recruiters and sent random workers and/or alumni who simply told you to apply online and added your resume to a meaningless pile.
From my experience, it's tough to expect anything out of it, so just talk to everyone possible that you have in your time.
Definitely dress up nicely.
Print out 15-20 resumes.
If there's a list of the companies that'll be there, it'd be a good idea to do a bit of research beforehand and get some information about companies so you can talk about it with the recruiters. Like, at least know what they do, what products/services they sell, etc.

Just go in there like you have nothing to lose and talk to as many companies as possible. Don't expect to get any calls/interviews, because it's very rare, even though it's possible.
And yeah, a good amount of companies (esp. the bigger ones) will say to just apply online.
From my experience, it's tough to expect anything out of it, so just talk to everyone possible that you have in your time.
Definitely dress up nicely.
Print out 15-20 resumes.
If there's a list of the companies that'll be there, it'd be a good idea to do a bit of research beforehand and get some information about companies so you can talk about it with the recruiters. Like, at least know what they do, what products/services they sell, etc.

Just go in there like you have nothing to lose and talk to as many companies as possible. Don't expect to get any calls/interviews, because it's very rare, even though it's possible.
And yeah, a good amount of companies (esp. the bigger ones) will say to just apply online.
- Business attire is a must.
- You must convey that you have a positive attitude towards them and the company.
- Always ask for contact information before leaving, even if you do not get an interview/offer.
- Explain what your interests are and you future goals.
- The point of the career fair is to get the interview, make sure you talk to the companies you are most interested in within a certain amount of time. I was helping out some friends at our career fair last week and they did not get the interviews because they were too late, all slots were filled beyond capacity.

Good luck.
- Business attire is a must.
- You must convey that you have a positive attitude towards them and the company.
- Always ask for contact information before leaving, even if you do not get an interview/offer.
- Explain what your interests are and you future goals.
- The point of the career fair is to get the interview, make sure you talk to the companies you are most interested in within a certain amount of time. I was helping out some friends at our career fair last week and they did not get the interviews because they were too late, all slots were filled beyond capacity.

Good luck.
thanks for all the help so far. everyone else, feel free to contribute.

to ro0ts, we have 2 major career fairs, one in the fall, and one in the spring.

but the one in the fall is just way bigger. 180+ companies.

i went to the required meeting today, and they touched on a lot of the topics that i asked about. but one thing that i stlil would like more info on, is what should i expect when i go speak to the recruiter

would it go down like this
me: hi, how ar eyou doing today sir
recruiter: I'm doing fine, i'm ____. what brings you to us today
yada yada

and just questions that i should be prepared for
thanks for all the help so far. everyone else, feel free to contribute.

to ro0ts, we have 2 major career fairs, one in the fall, and one in the spring.

but the one in the fall is just way bigger. 180+ companies.

i went to the required meeting today, and they touched on a lot of the topics that i asked about. but one thing that i stlil would like more info on, is what should i expect when i go speak to the recruiter

would it go down like this
me: hi, how ar eyou doing today sir
recruiter: I'm doing fine, i'm ____. what brings you to us today
yada yada

and just questions that i should be prepared for
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