Carter 3 Premier Single

Jun 30, 2007
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Song is terrible and mad funny.

"What are you having? Organs please"
no waaaaaaaaaaaay, he buggin if thats his for real first single for the album, like for real is he ever sober?
wow am i really a fan?
yeah. i am.
but this %*#$ sucks. f being different... Carter 1 come back!!
This won't be the single this is sooooooooo OLD... Video was shot like 8 or 9 months ago... still wack
Originally Posted by FiNcH XX

Why you so mad?
the hells so funny?
The fact that people get mad and respond with name callin' when they're wrong...

Im not the biggest Lil' Wayne fan, but hes "OK" on some tracks...Saying that Lil' Wayne doesnt sell is an ignorant statement.
Originally Posted by ImmaGetMine

he ur just ignorant... goin platinum after a whole year aint exactly great...
With everyone downloading Music all willy-nilly, Going plat isgreat...Plus son puts out mixtapes that consumers beast do the math
Wyane sells, point blank. Say no more
ive never seen a retail copy of any weezy mixtape...and all these fools here bump weezy all day... u a groupie...point blank...say no more
Originally Posted by ImmaGetMine

he ur just ignorant... goin platinum after a whole year aint exactly great...

I hate lil wayne.

and this statement is laced with so much ignorance and hate just for the sake of hating and possibly just saying it for attention. and liquor STILL hasnt gone plat, Fishscale?..More fish? nope, Game theory? nope, The B-Coming?...The Truth? nada, Be? ....nope, go platwithin a year this day and age is GREAT. Not only that, but he went DOUBLE plat. Thats selling no matter how you slice it.

ps this song is pass Waste Management its beyond garbage
Originally Posted by ImmaGetMine

ive never seen a retail copy of any weezy mixtape...and all these fools here bump weezy all day... u a groupie...point blank...say no more
I havent either...but thats besides the point. Wayne sells...Playaz circle wouldnt have sold what they sold without Wayne. Why do you thinkEVERYONE puts wayne on their track or better yet their SINGLE? Because the man sells. As garbage as you may think he is...he sells he sells HE SELLS!

Oh, and me?..a Lil' Wayne Groupie?...nah
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