Carter 3 Premier Single

Yall a bunch of stans, the song sucks, the album will suck and it wont sell either. Ns is seriously proud about shh goin plat over a year n got da nerve tobring up mixtape money.

Originally Posted by Schnitzengiggle

Originally Posted by ImmaGetMine

he ur just ignorant... goin platinum after a whole year aint exactly great...

I hate lil wayne.

and this statement is laced with so much ignorance and hate just for the sake of hating and possibly just saying it for attention. and liquor STILL hasnt gone plat, Fishscale?..More fish? nope, Game theory? nope, The B-Coming?...The Truth? nada, Be? ....nope, go plat within a year this day and age is GREAT. Not only that, but he went DOUBLE plat. Thats selling no matter how you slice it.

ps this song is pass Waste Management its beyond garbage

nobody claimed that them dudes is sellin either...



[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Artist
LIL WAYNE[/td] [td]Title
THA CARTER, VOL. 2[/td] [td]Certification Date
01/18/2006[/td] [td]Label
CASH MONEY[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Award Description
GOLD[/td] [td]Format
ALBUM[/td] [td]Category
SOLO[/td] [td]Type
ST[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Artist
LIL WAYNE[/td] [td]Title
THA CARTER, VOL. 2[/td] [td]Certification Date
03/23/2006[/td] [td]Label
CASH MONEY[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Award Description
PLATINUM[/td] [td]Format
ALBUM[/td] [td]Category
SOLO[/td] [td]Type
ST[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [/tr][/table]i only see 1x plat... not 2...hmmm...padding stats?
Not saying I'm a Wayne stan, but if you listen and bump your favorite artist daily you're considered a groupie?
no but weezy fans take everything too far... talkin bout he the best and all that crap... dude dont even b on topic... he's the southern mixtape rapper...i listen to him every now and then but dudes act like everything this dude drop b heat when it really dont...

"i aint a *** hole but im on some hood %%+$." wtf is that...
I Think that Lil' Wayne is Ok at best...Im simply trying to say that the man sells cant take that away from him.

Its hard to have civilized conversation on here
Everything is love/hate...
Yo this is absolutely terrible and I consider myself a Wayne fan.
Get off thecrack, cocaine, weed, whatever else you on and get back on that Carter 1 era flow. I mean #%!* get Gillie back if thats the problem.
Can't believe I paused my Lupe to listen to this trash.
man im no wayne stan, i havent listened to much since C1 but i like this song. PLUS, did i hear right, did he mention Brad Daugherty, legendary Cavs center? ifso, this is an even better song now.
The song ain't that bad.Its kinda growing on me,I don't think it'll become a radio fav. though.
I don't have nothin against Wayne like a lot of people do on here, but this song is terrible
Just overdose already....geez. Dude is like a plague to the music industry.
This vid was done last year...Some dude posted the pics of the shoot on here or on Hypebeast...

Song is trash tho...His album won't be
1. Song was dope and I hate his reggae $##@.

2. Some of you are stupid as %%!!, plain and simple. If you think he's not selling this time around, especially with the buzz he's built since TC2,you're as blind as Slim.
Song is OK, would've been much better if it had a better chorus. i've heard worse from him tho.
Some observations:
-He should've left off the features, ESPECIALLY on the Chorus.
-Should've done one Jamaican verse and placed it in the middle or last.
-Girl at the end with the cigar is

I think C3 will be good stuff tho.
Originally Posted by Mw2889

1. Song was dope and I hate his reggae $##@.

2. Some of you are stupid as %%!!, plain and simple. If you think he's not selling this time around, especially with the buzz he's built since TC2, you're as blind as Slim.
buzz doesnt equal sales mr 20/20... its about ur single... if ur single sucks so do ur album sales... ask chris brown... dude was on pace to gowood off wall to wall... soon as he drop kiss kiss his sales jump...hmmm,,,
Originally Posted by ImmaGetMine

Originally Posted by Mw2889

1. Song was dope and I hate his reggae $##@.

2. Some of you are stupid as %%!!, plain and simple. If you think he's not selling this time around, especially with the buzz he's built since TC2, you're as blind as Slim.
buzz doesnt equal sales mr 20/20... its about ur single... if ur single sucks so do ur album sales... ask chris brown... dude was on pace to go wood off wall to wall... soon as he drop kiss kiss his sales jump...hmmm,,,

Would you agree that "Like Father, Like Son" sold pretty well considering the terrible state of sales right now? SLMD wasn't that exactly ahuge single either.
It's not really a "bad song" it's not a good song, not really listenable but it's no that bad of a song. To be on an album, Iwouldn't do it, to make my first single, I wouldn't do it, but the song isn't exactly trash. People listen to anything that Gucci Man Puts out, andanything that Sean Paul puts out, this is like a bad combo of both of them.
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