Carter 3 Premier Single

how is this not considered COMPLETE trash?

When he is capable of makin@%!* like BM JR, Go DJ, the intros and outros on both the carter 1 and 2, to name a few

Whoever is sayin this is good or "not that bad" is crazy..
This song flew over yalls heads. The concept is gotta be %%%+@$ up to catch it. Pop a few pills, light sumtin, then listen.

^nah u high out my mind and that%$$+ is wack... fake jamaican accents aint never been cool...
Originally Posted by Sole For Real

Word. I notice Wayne fans will back him up no MATTER what he says and claim its "

That can be said for any artist really.

Of course people are going to defend their favorites.

NaS, Jay, 50, Pac, Em and others are defended on here by their fans even when they do stupid sh..

B.I.G. I will always defend because to me he was/is/always will be the best until someone comes along and proves me wrong.
Originally Posted by ImmaGetMine

^nah u high out my mind and that%$$+ is wack... fake jamaican accents aint never been cool...
And if can't Save the tune you know its Trash

Wayne is losing...
I couldn't help but laugh when i watched this.
It may grow on me never know. It's definitely different...
time why you so mad son?? platinum is platinum if it was 1 week or 1 year. mostartist couldnt even go plat in a DECADE with NUMEROUS albums.

I dont even like the song but your hate is groupie-$#$
I don't dislike lil wayne, but these diehard fanboys take this fool to a whole other level. My man is coked up, making trash, and screaming "he dabest" like a black Khaled, and dudes be buying into it like yung is the second coming. What's wrong with letting the music speak for itself, becausethis song cries out skip me.
Ns is seriously proud about shh goin plat over a year n got da nerve to bring up mixtape money.
@ what Time and Bless said its true...please school N's

dont cosign this garbage
Originally Posted by ImmaGetMine

i was never mad... i just said its a stupid practice...

u just mad cuz u a groupie...

You seem to be mad that people are d-riding Wayne. Why so?

Song sucks, by the way.
it went double platinum 1st of all...dudes in here so ignorant....buddha i doubt if your fav rapper could go double platinum...

and this is not the 1st single to the carter III.
Originally Posted by RudyGay22UcoNN

it went double platinum 1st of all...dudes in here so ignorant....buddha i doubt if your fav rapper could go double platinum...

and this is not the 1st single to the carter III.

everyone is hating on Wayne for no apparent reason, no one is asking you to be a fan of his songs. Why would you waste your time bringing irrelevant point
. Even soulja boy didn't get this type of hate

I will give him props for trying new stuff
- the song is definitely not that bad.

NT is like a chain reaction - One says " i don't like it" the rest follows lol.
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