Caught Cheating on a exam .. help me out UPDATE pg 14

Jun 2, 2005
Junior in college

Had an exam on Friday

Teacher caught me with a cheat sheet that had a few formulas and some definitions written on it.

He caught me completely off guard when he went to answer a question another student had 

I didn't see him and i had part of the sheet hanging out

SO he takes the sheet and just walks to the front of the class

Lets me finish the exam

I hand the exam in and says we need to talk sometime on Monday, he said he would email me.

So NT i ask..

What should i expect from this, I think I might be in some serious trouble but i think i could get myself out of it.

Should i email him first with an apology and asking to set the time for the meeting before he does?

We also have a paper due Next week so i was thinking maybe i could just do that and have it ready for the meeting so i can show that this was just a huge mistake and that  I am really a good student and this was just bad judgement

HELP... I am basically freaking out and just constantly thinking about it so i need some advice 
Junior in college

Had an exam on Friday

Teacher caught me with a cheat sheet that had a few formulas and some definitions written on it.

He caught me completely off guard when he went to answer a question another student had 

I didn't see him and i had part of the sheet hanging out

SO he takes the sheet and just walks to the front of the class

Lets me finish the exam

I hand the exam in and says we need to talk sometime on Monday, he said he would email me.

So NT i ask..

What should i expect from this, I think I might be in some serious trouble but i think i could get myself out of it.

Should i email him first with an apology and asking to set the time for the meeting before he does?

We also have a paper due Next week so i was thinking maybe i could just do that and have it ready for the meeting so i can show that this was just a huge mistake and that  I am really a good student and this was just bad judgement

HELP... I am basically freaking out and just constantly thinking about it so i need some advice 
you better get to praying on that one fam, most colleges will expel you for that. I think he woulda just told you to leave rather than let you go through a test that would mean nothing if he turned you in. Apologize and do your best going forward.

Relax, there is nothing you can do to change the past.
you better get to praying on that one fam, most colleges will expel you for that. I think he woulda just told you to leave rather than let you go through a test that would mean nothing if he turned you in. Apologize and do your best going forward.

Relax, there is nothing you can do to change the past.
You dug your hole and now you must lay in it. Cheaters never prosper

They will definitely post that you have cheated on your exam(s) on your file/transcript permanently.
You dug your hole and now you must lay in it. Cheaters never prosper

They will definitely post that you have cheated on your exam(s) on your file/transcript permanently.
You're a junior and making a mistake like that? Send him an email and ask him how much greater your chances of staying in school will be if you suck his D.
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