Cavaliers At Celtics | Round 2, Game 6 | Cavaliers vs. Celtics | Thursday, May 13 | 8:00 ET

It looked like the pressure got to Bron, once he saw the Celtics wouldnt roll over.

Hopefully he works on that mid range game over the summer, so when teams pack the paint he can just raise up.

Cant blame MO/SHAQ tonight, they played well enough to give the Cav's a shot at winning this game.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

*%$# Chicago. Who leaves the mid-west to stay in the mid-west ?
Boy stop, why you mad that Lebron might go to Chicago?

Chris Broussard got you feelin yaself huh
Originally Posted by What up

That Jamison pick-up sure paid off. I remember a few individuals were kinda/sorta excited.
Yep. Same with the Shaq pick-up. I just didn't see either of those moves as "game-changers".

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Antawn Jamison gonna get a fat check from the Wizards for his undercover work

Originally Posted by lynchpin33

varejo - done
shaq - done
mo -plays when he wants to
big z- done
delonte - needs to be deep on somebody's bench
parker and moon - done
jamison - done

likei said earlier who would ou pick from this list to start on another NBAroster.  When you look at what he has would you want to stay around????

Originally Posted by lynchpin33

Thiscavs team is horrible, only good for high fives before the game... 
Yes, they won a ton of games during the regular season.

But honestly, who on this Cavs roster (besides LBJ) is worth anything??

How many guys would any of you Laker fans or Knick fans or Heat fans (or whichever team you're a fan of)... how many players on the Cavs roster would you actually WANT on YOUR team??
Well well, go back to Cavs vs. Bulls game 1. I said, "If Boston gets past Miami quickly they will beat the Cavs." Ninjas was like i'm crazy and whatnot, but how ya like me now!!!

Oh and Lefraud....smh

But honestly, who on this Cavs roster (besides LBJ) is worth anything??

How many guys would any of you Laker fans or Knick fans or Heat fans (or whichever team you're a fan of)... how many players on the Cavs roster would you actually WANT on YOUR team??

Honestly, I'd take Varejao and Delonte.

I think they'd fit perfectly in LA. Varejao as the hustle/energy type big we don't have.

and I think Delonte would work well in the triangle.
NobleKane wrote:

knightngale wrote:

This dude NobleKane making laker fans look bad

yea because LAKER fans are supposed to be pulling for the CELTICS. the $+%@
outta here with that bull #*@@...

you guys make yourself look bad. constantly bashing other players who are
surpassing kobe...

tell me why the $+%@ would ANY laker fan be cheering for the CELTICS??? the !
+!#@#* celtics???

and dont gimme that %%!*%*## that u wanna face um in the finals cuz u know
they aint making it there.

either you all was scared bron was gonna get a ring this year or the cavs was
gonna beat the lakers dont front.

least im a laker fan that keeps it !+!#@#* real unlike all you bandwagon kobe is
goat fans.

[iverson]the celtics? we talkin bout the CELTICS![iverson]

First off, there's a big reason to want the celtics. HOME COURT in the finals.

Second I want Boston in the finals for revenge purposes.

Third if you want to talk about "keepin it real" then you need to retire your SN and
your lame @%@ two faced act.

I'm getting tired of hearing that LeBron didn't have enough talent surrounding him. If a team is talented to win 60 games then they are talented enough to win the title. The game plan was non existent, like always. The ONLY thing Danny Ferry didn't give LeBron was a COACH, period. The ENTIRE "LeBron James team" played poorly. On top of that, the referees didn't feel the need to coddle him this post-season. I know that had to have him wondering what was going on. At the same time LeBron's body language was screaming that he wants a fresh start somewhere. He was literally DREAMING out there when he did that mid-range post up knowing damn well he had no idea what to do next. His mind was nowhere near the court.

With that said, I can't really blame him. He's a young kid who has MAJOR multiple cities ready to bow at the very notion of his arrival. Taking that into consideration, I say he is handling things very well. But I will laugh every time I hear that he gave it his all for Cleveland. He wanted out and his heart showed it. At least he realized he was wrong last year for walking out on the Magic like he did and decided to show some class this time. I think he realizes that he needs all of the positive press he can get at this point. Whatever the reason, it showed some signs of personal maturation.
Originally Posted by mogzz04

But honestly, who on this Cavs roster (besides LBJ) is worth anything??

How many guys would any of you Laker fans or Knick fans or Heat fans (or whichever team you're a fan of)... how many players on the Cavs roster would you actually WANT on YOUR team??
Honestly, I'd take Varejao and Delonte.

I think they'd fit perfectly in LA. Varejao as the hustle/energy type big we don't have.

and I think Delonte would work well in the triangle.

Agreed. Most teams need a dirty guy like Andy. And Delonte is definitely capable of providing a spark. He was great when he was the starter last year.

But even still, look at who we're talking about here.... Delonte West and Anderson Verejao.

Not exactly Pau Gasol and Ron Artest.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by mogzz04

But honestly, who on this Cavs roster (besides LBJ) is worth anything??

How many guys would any of you Laker fans or Knick fans or Heat fans (or whichever team you're a fan of)... how many players on the Cavs roster would you actually WANT on YOUR team??
Honestly, I'd take Varejao and Delonte.

I think they'd fit perfectly in LA. Varejao as the hustle/energy type big we don't have.

and I think Delonte would work well in the triangle.
Agreed. Most teams need a dirty guy like Andy. And Delonte is definitely capable of providing a spark. He was great when he was the starter last year.

But even still, look at who we're talking about here.... Delonte West and Anderson Verejao.

Not exactly Pau Gasol and Ron Artest.

Not exactly Pau and Ron...but let's not just ignore the fact that 'Tawn is a good player. Mo, as much as he disappears, is a good player. JJ Hickson contributed, but was buried on the bench in the post season (inexplicably imo). Shaq is still better than about 90% of the centers in the league, Andy is good glue guy/hustle player, Delonte can contribute.

Let's not act like the Cavs didn't have talent....C'mon, this wasn't being said when they were rapping, dancing, posing, and winning 60+ games and dominating the Bulls and rallying to win Game 1.

IMO, the Cavs lost mainly because Coach Brown got out-coached yet again. His rotations were horrible. And as usual, he looked clueless once again when the pressure started to mount.

And Lebron deserves a large part of the blame the leader of the team...Game 5 was very telling...reminded me of when Kobe quit on us in Game 7 in '06. I was watching that game, kept waiting for him to just go...and he never asserted himself. Call it a bad game, whatever...but to me he looked shook. And when the team sees their leader, the best player in basketball, the MVP looking shook, guess what happens? They crumble with him. All of a sudden, the Cavs go from being "deep" to "talentless bums"...well, that's coz the swagger was lost.

Celtics deserve a lot of props for how they performed in this series. They're peaking at the right time. They're playing with a swagger like they did back in '08. Their series against Orlando should be a good one.

Every move the Cavs have made has backfired....

Jamison - Did you see the way KG was licking his chops when he got the ball on the block? Dude was drooling more than Precious at the OCB. In DC (or if you follow the Wizards), you know just how bad of a defender Jamison is. Now EVERYONE knows. You got a flawed product from the Wizards. That trade ain't looking so bad for DC right an expiring contract and a 1st rounder for a traffic cone. On top of it all, he looked SCARED

Shaq -'s his age. Anyone who follows basketball knows that dude hasn't been able to defend a P n' R for the past 5-7 years. Dude looked like his feet were in Cement and the C's exploited him everytime he wandered more than 4 feet from the hoop.

Mo Williams - dude rode Bron's coattails to an all-star appearance 2 years about overrated. He was supposed to be Robin to Bron being Batman...despite his 22 points or whatever he had, dude was making HORRIBLE decisions in transition amongst other best, he should be a 3rd option. And yea....I do believe that Toney Douglas has a higher upside FWIW.

Anthony Parker - they brought your $$@ over from Europe to stretch the floor. Didn't exactly work out. How was your brother-in-law a better player in this series?

JJ Hickson (the move they didn't make) - Not his fault that the Cavs hold him in higher regard than STAT. If Lebron is your lead horse and you know he may or may not leave, then you go all in...the Amar'e trade should have been made. If Bron goes, JJ is the face of the franchise.....

I'll chime in a little more later of the most embarrassing (sp?) defeats I have ever seen....since when does a #1 seed flat out give up? 1:00 to go in the game and there is no sense of urgency. If Bron leaves, Bangladesh will have a better economy than Cleveland.
posted in the Lakers/spurs game thread 4/4/10:

Brandon5000 wrote:
With this Lakers loss it appears they've gone 9-7 in their last 16 games. This loss gives Cleveland HOME COURT ADVANTAGE THROUGHOUT THE PLAYOFFS and the best record in the league


  that didnt help much did it?




the greatest shot in cleveland history



i cant wait for Lebron to leave so the cavs fans, cleveland and the whole state of ohio can go back to being irrelevant and everything will go back to normal
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

NobleKane wrote:

knightngale wrote:

This dude NobleKane making laker fans look bad

yea because LAKER fans are supposed to be pulling for the CELTICS. the $+%@
outta here with that bull #*@@...

you guys make yourself look bad. constantly bashing other players who are
surpassing kobe...

tell me why the $+%@ would ANY laker fan be cheering for the CELTICS??? the !
+!#@#* celtics???

and dont gimme that %%!*%*## that u wanna face um in the finals cuz u know
they aint making it there.

either you all was scared bron was gonna get a ring this year or the cavs was
gonna beat the lakers dont front.

least im a laker fan that keeps it !+!#@#* real unlike all you bandwagon kobe is
goat fans.

[iverson]the celtics? we talkin bout the CELTICS![iverson]
First off, there's a big reason to want the celtics. HOME COURT in the finals.

Second I want Boston in the finals for revenge purposes.

Third if you want to talk about "keepin it real" then you need to retire your SN and
your lame @%$ two faced act.
why are you mad? It is not like the celtics will wing a ring this year and I already stated that I didn't wanna face the cavs in the finals or we would lose
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Has OC posted yet or are they tryna find his body in the Ohio River?
other than belle...has any cavs fan who ran around like clowns talking mad smack throughout this season posted yet or have they all drowned themselves in the ohio river? 

anyways you know hell has frozen over when you got boston fans chanting anything new york related and you got Laker fans rooting for the celtics....damn i guess everyone just hates cleveland 

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by knightngale

This dude NobleKane making laker fans look bad

yea because LAKER fans are supposed to be pulling for the CELTICS. the $+%@ outta here with that bull #*@@...

you guys make yourself look bad. constantly bashing other players who are surpassing kobe...

tell me why the $+%@ would ANY laker fan be cheering for the CELTICS??? the !+!#@#* celtics???

and dont gimme that %%!*%*## that u wanna face um in the finals cuz u know they aint making it there.

either you all was scared bron was gonna get a ring this year or the cavs was gonna beat the lakers dont front.

least im a laker fan that keeps it !+!#@#* real unlike all you bandwagon kobe is goat fans.

[iverson]the celtics? we talkin bout the CELTICS![iverson]

 WHOA....did hell just freeze over?  I agree with EVERYTHING you just said Noble...DAMN.

SHUGES wrote:
But honestly, who on this Cavs roster (besides LBJ) is worth anything??

How many guys would any of you Laker fans or Knick fans or Heat fans (or whichever team you're a fan of)... how many players on the Cavs roster would you actually WANT on YOUR team??

My dog Shuges, i agree with you.  However i'd probably take Varejao just because it's important to have at least ONE hustle guy.
 Shaq is still better than about 90% of the centers in the league
Wait, what?  LOL, that boy Shaq is done.  He's definitely not better than 90% of the centers.

On to the game,

-Lebron, i'm glad, at least SHOWED up to play and showed effort.  He had a pretty bad game, as far as effeciency but he at least showed effort which is all anyone can ask for.  The bad shooting and too many turnovers cost them though.

-Mo Williams was a BEAST in the first half, although he did make some silly plays.  He played aggressive in that first half and kept them in it.

-Jamison DEFINITELY proved he was that LEGIT second option.  He played EXCELLENT defense on KG and his offensive effiency was stellar.
  Man, i'm still LMAO at people thinking Jamison is a legit second option. 
^ OC probably isn't posting until November, that's if Lebron stays.

These last few pages have been bombarded with
's from Laker fans.
Originally Posted by toine2983

^ OC probably isn't posting until November, that's if Lebron stays.

These last few pages have been bombarded with
's from Laker fans.
im only here to post the nonsense a cav fan posted back in april after we lost a home game to the spurs

 WHOA....did hell just freeze over?  I agree with EVERYTHING you just said Noble...DAMN.
i think it i said in my earlier post you Laker fans rooting for the celtics and you got boston fans chanting new york related??

i guess everyone just hates cleveland and the state of ohio

Originally Posted by toine2983

^ OC probably isn't posting until November, that's if Lebron stays.

These last few pages have been bombarded with
's from Laker fans.

I'm still here, always will be, The avg age for a person is 78 and I'm 21, If I'm blessed enough to live that long, I'll have 57 more chances to see my city win a championship
Originally Posted by thekillerj23

Originally Posted by toine2983

^ OC probably isn't posting until November, that's if Lebron stays.

These last few pages have been bombarded with
's from Laker fans.

I'm still here, always will be, The avg age for a person is 78 and I'm 21, If I'm blessed enough to live that long, I'll have 57 more chances to see my city win a championship

props to you sir

i'll add you along with belle and enke to the cavs fans i actually respect
thekillerj23 wrote:
toine2983 wrote:
^ OC probably isn't posting until November, that's if Lebron stays.

These last few pages have been bombarded with
's from Laker fans.

I'm still here, always will be, The avg age for a person is 78 and I'm 21, If I'm blessed enough to live that long, I'll have 57 more chances to see my city win a championship


Damn I was 9 when I saw my CITY win a chip...

also got 3 more times to see it happen...IT FELT GOOD MAN

one more would be nice

no shots fired of luck to you 

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