Cavaliers At Celtics | Round 2, Game 6 | Cavaliers vs. Celtics | Thursday, May 13 | 8:00 ET

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by knightngale

This dude NobleKane making laker fans look bad

yea because LAKER fans are supposed to be pulling for the CELTICS. the $+%@ outta here with that bull #*@@...

you guys make yourself look bad. constantly bashing other players who are surpassing kobe...

tell me why the $+%@ would ANY laker fan be cheering for the CELTICS??? the !+!#@#* celtics???

and dont gimme that %%!*%*## that u wanna face um in the finals cuz u know they aint making it there.

either you all was scared bron was gonna get a ring this year or the cavs was gonna beat the lakers dont front.

least im a laker fan that keeps it !+!#@#* real unlike all you bandwagon kobe is goat fans.

[iverson]the celtics? we talkin bout the CELTICS![iverson]
good @##% man. all 100% true.
one of my close friends work for the lakers and dude was rooting for the celtics. reason was that he wanted to get a ring as well lmao. 

he said lakers aren't confident against the cavs the most and then magic next...real source from the actual laker organization
JUS3 wrote:
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Twig1026 wrote:
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by Billy Hoyle

toine2983 wrote:
you big dummy wrote:



Lebron sending subliminals?
whats going on in this .gif? i dont see anything just him going to the locker room and tossing his jersey like every other normal player does.

This was right after the game. It basically signified that he was done playing as a Cavalier. It was obvious he just couldn't wait to get off the court and as soon as he did that, he took off his Cavaliers jersey, which showed that he's done with the Cavs.
Ok so now explain that impromptu butt slap by the doorman

"Cheer up"?

That doorman is Danny Green aka Lebron's dancing partner.
@ doorman.

   Sorry for the long quote but..


@ DG being the doorman...
Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

thekillerj23 wrote:
toine2983 wrote:
^ OC probably isn't posting until November, that's if Lebron stays.

These last few pages have been bombarded with
's from Laker fans.

I'm still here, always will be, The avg age for a person is 78 and I'm 21, If I'm blessed enough to live that long, I'll have 57 more chances to see my city win a championship


Damn I was 9 when I saw my CITY win a chip...

also got 3 more times to see it happen...IT FELT GOOD MAN

one more would be nice

no shots fired of luck to you 


Must be nice, I just want one in any sport, so I can run downtown butt-naked pouring champagne all over myself
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by Billy Hoyle

Originally Posted by toine2983

you big dummy wrote:



Lebron sending subliminals?
whats going on in this .gif? i dont see anything just him going to the locker room and tossing his jersey like every other normal player does.

This was right after the game. It basically signified that he was done playing as a Cavalier. It was obvious he just couldn't wait to get off the court and as soon as he did that, he took off his Cavaliers jersey, which showed that he's done with the Cavs.
Well, damn....I thought looking for symbolism was limited to movies, books, and music lyrics....dudes REALLY took it there with the way they are dissecting the jersey toss by Bron

a couple of other things...

-The way KG I saw in this series both on/off the court was the guy I grew up admiring.  No sideshow, no taunting, no woofing, etc....I'm sure he'll do something over the course of the next couple of weeks to draw the ire of many tho

-Did OC, EnEye, or Belle post anything after the loss?  If so, what pages of this thread can I find what they said after the game?  They gotta feel like %@@@ right now.  No need to rub anything in, but I'm curious to see what their reactions were following the loss.
Did this thread just turn into the Lebron Bashing thread?  Well hell then... 


Anyway, it's gonna be an interesting off season for Cleveland, I'm sure they will be shambles all summer. 

I don't know how else they can provide support for Lebron, they gave him Jamison, and okay partner and scorer to help him but he just seemed out of place the whole time.

Shaq is definitely not coming back, if he does, you Cavs fans should boycott.  You got an okay bench, but they needed a legitimate second scorer/all-star.
-Did OC, EnEye, or Belle post anything after the loss?  If so, what pages of this thread can I find what they said after the game?  They gotta feel like %@@@ right now.  No need to rub anything in, but I'm curious to see what their reactions were following the loss.

belle posted already plenty of times hes legit...eneye im almost certain he will hes legit as well these 2 along with killer23 to me are too legit to quit...ktowntrash is a phoney with his "born here stays here" sig but dude just revealed he doesnt know why he has that sig and he lives in LA
...mytos realized that not even his legod can help the cavs, brandon is still wondering why homecourt doesnt mean squat, xta is still counting brons "couldve championship rings" and OCM i havent seen him since the game 5 thread and commented something very anti-Lebron
I'm here DoubleJs07.

Boston was flat-out better this whole series. We're lucky it even went 6, considering Boston could've taken Game 1 in CLE. Boston played championship D the whole time and just clicked offensively. Combine that with our turnovers, horrible shot selection and lack of effort in a few games and...later CLE. All this without mentioning Mike Brown's great schemes.

Congratulations to the Celtics, they were just BETTER.

As for our team and LeBron staying, who knows. I have to stay optimistic because I live in CLE now, but Mike Brown is hopefully gone by the end of the afternoon. Beyond that we still have AV, Delonte, Mo (shows flashes), Hickson, and Z and Shaq coming off our books this offseason so we'd have some money to spend should LeBron decide to stay.

I can see anything happening at this point, so who knows.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

I'm here DoubleJs07.

Boston was flat-out better this whole series. We're lucky it even went 6, considering Boston could've taken Game 1 in CLE. Boston played championship D the whole time and just clicked offensively. Combine that with our turnovers, horrible shot selection and lack of effort in a few games and...later CLE. All this without mentioning Mike Brown's great schemes.

Congratulations to the Celtics, they were just BETTER.

As for our team and LeBron staying, who knows. I have to stay optimistic because I live in CLE now, but Mike Brown is hopefully gone by the end of the afternoon. Beyond that we still have AV, Delonte, Mo (shows flashes), Hickson, and Z and Shaq coming off our books this offseason so we'd have some money to spend should LeBron decide to stay.

I can see anything happening at this point, so who knows.

Originally Posted by JDB1523

I'm here DoubleJs07.

Boston was flat-out better this whole series. We're lucky it even went 6, considering Boston could've taken Game 1 in CLE. Boston played championship D the whole time and just clicked offensively. Combine that with our turnovers, horrible shot selection and lack of effort in a few games and...later CLE. All this without mentioning Mike Brown's great schemes.

Congratulations to the Celtics, they were just BETTER.

As for our team and LeBron staying, who knows. I have to stay optimistic because I live in CLE now, but Mike Brown is hopefully gone by the end of the afternoon. Beyond that we still have AV, Delonte, Mo (shows flashes), Hickson, and Z and Shaq coming off our books this offseason so we'd have some money to spend should LeBron decide to stay.

I can see anything happening at this point, so who knows.
Huh? The only major contract coming off the books is Shaq and then the Cavs payroll even w/o Bron resigning and no player or team options exercised is $65 million so yea, they're pretty much screwed unless Bron comes back, they can't make any moves. But look on the bright side, still got that Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame 

and why the hell was bron high fiving the celtics fans on the way out? highly suspicious...dude seemed to be in a good mood
Originally Posted by JDB1523

I'm here DoubleJs07.

Boston was flat-out better this whole series. We're lucky it even went 6, considering Boston could've taken Game 1 in CLE. Boston played championship D the whole time and just clicked offensively. Combine that with our turnovers, horrible shot selection and lack of effort in a few games and...later CLE. All this without mentioning Mike Brown's great schemes.

Congratulations to the Celtics, they were just BETTER.

As for our team and LeBron staying, who knows. I have to stay optimistic because I live in CLE now, but Mike Brown is hopefully gone by the end of the afternoon. Beyond that we still have AV, Delonte, Mo (shows flashes), Hickson, and Z and Shaq coming off our books this offseason so we'd have some money to spend should LeBron decide to stay.

I can see anything happening at this point, so who knows.

Yeah bro...I give you, EnEye, Belle, theKiller, and even OC props for being the most level-headed of Cavs fans on the board from the jump (and if I forgot anyone, my bad!).  

I was just curious to see your comments and what you all thought following the loss last night.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by JDB1523

I'm here DoubleJs07.

Boston was flat-out better this whole series. We're lucky it even went 6, considering Boston could've taken Game 1 in CLE. Boston played championship D the whole time and just clicked offensively. Combine that with our turnovers, horrible shot selection and lack of effort in a few games and...later CLE. All this without mentioning Mike Brown's great schemes.

Congratulations to the Celtics, they were just BETTER.

As for our team and LeBron staying, who knows. I have to stay optimistic because I live in CLE now, but Mike Brown is hopefully gone by the end of the afternoon. Beyond that we still have AV, Delonte, Mo (shows flashes), Hickson, and Z and Shaq coming off our books this offseason so we'd have some money to spend should LeBron decide to stay.

I can see anything happening at this point, so who knows.

Yeah bro...I give you, EnEye, Belle, theKiller, and even OC props for being the most level-headed of Cavs fans on the board from the jump (and if I forgot anyone, my bad!).  

I was just curious to see your comments and what you all thought following the loss last night.

appreciate it man, I already posted my feelings with the boyz 2 men video
, We lost to the better team, plain and simple,

I'm just scared we're going back to the Bob Sura, Lamond Murray, Bimbo Coles, Trajen Langdon, Etc days..........if that does happen, least we'll get America's most miserable city award for the next few years.....LA/NYC/CHI what you guys know about having a dynasty in that
MISSING PERSON ALERT! LeBron Raymone James -
Cleveland, OH - Age 25. Reported missing 5/11/10. Last seen being taken
to school by Rajon Rondo. Not heard from since. Last seen in false NBA
Crown. James may be in need of medical attention for elbow. Any info
helping authorities find LeBron or his game, please contact
1-800-FAKE-MVP OR 1-617-861-3962!!!!
and why the hell was bron high fiving the celtics fans on the way out? highly suspicious...dude seemed to be in a good mood


I saw that too.  He did a complete 180 from last season.  Dabbing up every Celtic out there and whispering in their ear, no youngcheezy. Dabbing up the Celtic fans. Speaking to the media.  Props to Bron.
For dudes looking for me, what's good?

I knew the series was over with after being in attendance 8 rows behind the CAVS' bench for game 5 when Bron FLAT OUT quit on the team/coach/city, etc.  I was expecting exactly what happened.  I said Bron was leaving for about a year now, and he basically showed everybody through his actions that he's already checked out and has his bags packed.  With that type of attitude, good riddance.  I can't get over how immature he is and the lack of self blame he has.

I honestly don't really even care that he's leaving now (after the way he acted).  The CAVS will always be more important to me than LeBron James.  I went to 15 games a year in the 90's all the way up until the year before we got Bron.  My dad used to drive me out to Richfield for games when I was a toddler.

The organization will just go back to being what it has been the majority of my life, and to be honest, it will feel somewhat "normal" again (no matter how depressing that sounds).

Congrats to BOS, they were flat out the better team...
Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

*%$# Chicago. Who leaves the mid-west to stay in the mid-west ?
Boy stop, why you mad that Lebron might go to Chicago?

Chris Broussard got you feelin yaself huh
You're mad because you put "%%!! Chicago" ...

Don't be mad homie, it'll be aight.
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