Cavs goin for history tonight...24 straight losses

Plenty of cities have 3 major sports though 
Originally Posted by Demps

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Listen, nobody in Cleveland supports this current team we have. That's because they don't represent this city. They don't represent the hard work, the toughness, and support that the city of Cleveland illustrates. The city of Cleveland is probably one of the bets sports towns in this country, bar-none. We are literally THE sports city. There's a reason we have all 3 major sports teams. No where else in America will you find fans like we have here. So yeah, laugh at us now - go ahead. Get all of the little corks out your heartless bodies, because as soon as we can look back at this moment and laugh, is exactly the point in time where some of you fools will cry. 

And props to all those who are not Cleveland fans that feel what we're going through. I respect that.

this guy
Cold Blooded
Originally Posted by Demps

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Listen, nobody in Cleveland supports this current team we have. That's because they don't represent this city. They don't represent the hard work, the toughness, and support that the city of Cleveland illustrates. The city of Cleveland is probably one of the bets sports towns in this country, bar-none. We are literally THE sports city. There's a reason we have all 3 major sports teams. No where else in America will you find fans like we have here. So yeah, laugh at us now - go ahead. Get all of the little corks out your heartless bodies, because as soon as we can look back at this moment and laugh, is exactly the point in time where some of you fools will cry. 

And props to all those who are not Cleveland fans that feel what we're going through. I respect that.

this guy
Cold Blooded
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by grittyman20

"Once again" clowns be trying to argue for the sake of arguing 
 ....sad when grown men be riding another grown man's nuts 
This is not the same Cleveland team from a year ago, minus Lebron. There is more than 1 reason alone why this team is so bad. 

Wow, what a great counter-argument. I hit you with cold hard facts about every single player you mentioned and you come back with some crap quasi-philosophical remark that I'm "arguing for the sake of arguing"? Yeah, keep hoping you'll win the argument this way. If there is more than one reason, then say what it is. I already pointed out that the reasons you listed so far are hollow. The only one you have left is Mike Brown. I can't really disprove anything about him since he only coached the Cavs and hasn't coached since, so if you want to believe that he's a major reason, then go ahead.
If you read my original statement, the first thing I said was..."Not to take any credit from Lebron" and I said that because everyone knows that he is a 2 time MVP and has been best player in the league for several years now. The only thing I did was to point out that this year's roster is not the same as last year. Why you felt possessed to look up some ESPN stats for a pointless argument is beyond me. The funny thing is, I don't give a %$%* about your meaningless stats, the only way you can truly prove that Lebron is the ONLY reason that this team is so bad you would have to have every single variable of that team (players, coaches, etc) remain the same and then maybe you could have a valid argument. As it has been quoted by a few others already "It's not the exact same team"....that's pretty much that's all that needs to be said about that.
In the mean time, you keep hugging and giving Lebron all the credit in the world while the rest of us use our common sense before we post in this forum. I'm out, I really have nothing else to add to an already meaningless discussion. 
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by grittyman20

"Once again" clowns be trying to argue for the sake of arguing 
 ....sad when grown men be riding another grown man's nuts 
This is not the same Cleveland team from a year ago, minus Lebron. There is more than 1 reason alone why this team is so bad. 

Wow, what a great counter-argument. I hit you with cold hard facts about every single player you mentioned and you come back with some crap quasi-philosophical remark that I'm "arguing for the sake of arguing"? Yeah, keep hoping you'll win the argument this way. If there is more than one reason, then say what it is. I already pointed out that the reasons you listed so far are hollow. The only one you have left is Mike Brown. I can't really disprove anything about him since he only coached the Cavs and hasn't coached since, so if you want to believe that he's a major reason, then go ahead.
If you read my original statement, the first thing I said was..."Not to take any credit from Lebron" and I said that because everyone knows that he is a 2 time MVP and has been best player in the league for several years now. The only thing I did was to point out that this year's roster is not the same as last year. Why you felt possessed to look up some ESPN stats for a pointless argument is beyond me. The funny thing is, I don't give a %$%* about your meaningless stats, the only way you can truly prove that Lebron is the ONLY reason that this team is so bad you would have to have every single variable of that team (players, coaches, etc) remain the same and then maybe you could have a valid argument. As it has been quoted by a few others already "It's not the exact same team"....that's pretty much that's all that needs to be said about that.
In the mean time, you keep hugging and giving Lebron all the credit in the world while the rest of us use our common sense before we post in this forum. I'm out, I really have nothing else to add to an already meaningless discussion. 
please just win this one

it sucks being a cleveland fan right now and then on top of that having michigan get beat at everything by OSU

you can laugh cause i do to, but i stay loyal to these teams

And Animalthug...its not worth arguing because people on here dont understand cleveland and what it means to be a fan in cleveland. Nothing like a browns game even though they get destroyed every weekend. I can honestly say no professional game would be rowdier than a home playoff game in browns stadium.
please just win this one

it sucks being a cleveland fan right now and then on top of that having michigan get beat at everything by OSU

you can laugh cause i do to, but i stay loyal to these teams

And Animalthug...its not worth arguing because people on here dont understand cleveland and what it means to be a fan in cleveland. Nothing like a browns game even though they get destroyed every weekend. I can honestly say no professional game would be rowdier than a home playoff game in browns stadium.
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