Cd Sales 12-1-09 Vol. Curtis 59k Second week

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

At the end of the day 50 ONLY made 1 GREAT album... 7 yrs and only produced 1 great album.. his only legacy are his sales thats why he clings onto that so much, people like Nas, Jay and etc legacy is their MUSIC, thats the difference between 50's career and others.

Thank you.... now why Harlem can't realize y 50 only gets 3 lines in the hiphop history book is another question that shud be answered
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

This nothing more than the SAME arguments being brought up from the LAST thread...

Cats act as if Curtis career is based soley on the marginal sales from BISD... If that makes his career over, what about the 85% of rappers that will ultimatley sell way less??
Son when you go from amassing over 15mill in sales with just 3albums to barely able to go Gold your career is on the decline and potentially over.Nelly knew his career was over after Brass Knuckles barely went Gold so thats why he moved onto other ventures... 50 must know the writing is on the wall. 85%of other rappers haven't went platinum in their life... 50 went almost 20x's that, thats the difference.
gunnascott wrote:
Lando I'm pretty sure dre mixed it and besides it was released on the 8 mile soundtrack which helped get it exposure.

Musically, Dre and Em had nothing to do with Wanksta.

Yeh, Em put it on the 8 Mile OST to help get exposure but Wanksta still would have existed without Dre and Em.

Yeah but it wouldnt of got as big.
What about the cats that NEVER did those #s?? Did they NOT have careers cause they didn't do so??...

Say what you want about 50, when we look back @ the 2000 he will be mentioned amungst the BIGGEST hitmakers in the genre... That's a fact, you guys cannottwist that, or try and divert the credit to other... The #s will speak for thmeselvs...

50 is being criticized for EXCEEDING the initial level of success most thought his career would bring... So now that he's back to earth and selling likeEVERY other rapper (with the exception of 4 or 5) he's now all of a sudden doomed?? Come on...
Say what you want about 50, when we look back @ the 2000 he will be mentioned amungst the BIGGEST hitmakers in the genre...

One of the biggest hitmakers.........YEAH we'll go with that. One of the best or biggest rappers however...................NOT A CHANCE IN HELL.
HarlemOnTheRise, you can't win.

People don't like him personally so they'll say anything to discredit any accomplishment he has

So he sold a little over 200k total so far, it happens. He's still sold more records than 97% of the rappers out now and probably made more money than all of them, hes still gonna tour the world while the rest of them cant get out of the clubs..If his career is over because he ONLY sold 220K total after his second week of being released in 2009, then any rapper not named Jay-Z or Eminem should off themselves.
THE MASSACRE is up there though...
I've seen literally 3 different arguments trying to validate 50 in some way. That should tell you something
When its all said and done Jay Will Be/Is the GOAT all time and 50 will go down as the greatest mixtape rapper all time. No DenyingEither Of Those.
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