~~~~| Celebrities Rockin Heat (Fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. IV | ~~~~

That jacket LeBron got on. :pimp:
More interested in wondering what is going on with that bottle though, making something.
In the words of Tommy. Oh My DAMN!!!

Yes and no, dude fell off BIG time for a while, had to resort to minor movie roles and TV shows. He was lacking of a big hit for a while, I think the first big hit I saw him in after he went MIA was Couples Trip. Probably trying to build that savings back up after such a long drought.

I don't blame him though. He hasn't been hot since, what, 01 or 02 (what year was Holla Back ?). He's a professional taker of pics so probably has to settle for fake kicks.

This is why I think the photo is shopped I mean she got hips but that above pic makes them look crazy. Might want to hit them squats up though because that back is looking real long. No question I still wood though. Look what happened when Kasper shot his shot.
jlo.jpg jlo2.jpg
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