Chad Johnson gets 30 days in jail for slapping his lawyers butt

The court system in the states is a joke. Judges are elected so they hand out crazy sentences so that when it comes time for re-election they can run on the platform of being tough on crime. Does anybody honestly believe that warranted 30 days in jail?
I don't even know what to say.

absolutely ******g sick......god damn lock that cocksucker up

edit: all he got was fired SMH
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I bet you guys will say the judge can do whatever she wants, because she is a God in court.

I hope that mother sues EVERYONE

Now that I have read some of y'all comments, I do think the judge overreacted a tad bit too much. She felt like the court was showing up on her and Chad had turned it into a TV based court of law show. Regardless, Chad Johnson absolutely perpetuates what continues to plague my people, my beautiful Black people. #NoFrank.
This "I Ain't Worried About Nothin" attitude and persona has to stop! You already look foolish being in a courtroom when you should be training for the upcoming NFL season. Instead you have increased the percentage and statistics of Black males being incarcerated. Whew, I don't-I don't even wanna get started. Lemme start y'all.
so whos gonna defend this new cop and judge?  anyone up for the challenge?

Where there's a thread there's a sheep.

Someone will defend them. It's the judges court and the Marshall works there. She should show up meaning business and if the Marshall wants to grope her she needs to respect his authority as he has power over her freedom
Family court. Dad doesn't show up. It's dismissed. She SHOWED up and is given a drug strip search? How does this even remotely happen?

I'm calling a lawyer on the spot.

You can make any claim you want on the spot. If its proven to be faked later on, yeah something can happen.

Why didn't that judge step in to do anything?
sad how a few of these bad female judges are giving female judges in general a bad name.  im sure there are some decent real life judge judys out there
I'm still waiting for the part where dude sexually assaults her but maybe it was in another vid and not that one.

Judge was negligent though.

Child being around was just foul.
man i dont wanna watch anything else to do with that, still mad i watched the first one. i hate watching people be victimized, especially someone as foxy as the mother in the video.

i just wanna hear one of the usual pro-cop guys attempt to defend this case.  i will at least respect the courage
I'm still waiting for the part where dude sexually assaults her but maybe it was in another vid and not that one.

Judge was negligent though.

Child being around was just foul.

She was taken to a separate room outside the courtroom..
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and here lies the problem. society actually accepting that a publicly elected official can handle things in a manner that doesn't have to be fair, when the point of the job is to be impartial

She was impartial she gave the man freedom and immediately took away after she felt he no longer deserved it.

Bout as impartial as you can be

And I've seen cats bend over backwards at job interviews yall really acting like a courtroom doesnt hold more authority when the person holds your life in his or her hands?

she wasn't impartial. she was about to accept a plea agreement, she misinterpreted his gesture, and revoked his plea agreement because she felt he was being disrespectful. that isn't impartial.

and comparing job interviews to a courtroom? really? in a job interview you're applying to a privately owned company which does make it's own rules.
in a courtroom, you're in front of a PUBLICLY ELECTED OFFICIAL. last i checked, people who run for public office are supposed to answer to us citizens, not us kissing their *****.
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she wasn't impartial. she was about to accept a plea agreement, she misinterpreted his gesture, and revoked his plea agreement because she felt he was being disrespectful. that isn't impartial.

and comparing job interviews to a courtroom? really? in a job interview you're applying to a privately owned company which does make it's own rules.
in a courtroom, you're in front of a PUBLICLY ELECTED OFFICIAL. last i checked, people who run for public office are supposed to answer to us citizens, not us kissing their *****.

I dont think you understand the point. In a job interview you're being JUDGED. For whatever reason yall in here think someone judging your freedom is less important then getting a job.

Both are submissive positions. One is more important then the other tho. You can always find another job. You rarely can get an appeal.

And yall are killin me with this misinterpreted BS. Son was being himself which is a goofball. Even the lawyer knew it was a joke. Which is why he also laughed in the judges face...

Ill break it down for you....It was funny because it was an unconventional gesture in an imperious setting. Had he just shook his lawyer's hand like a man would it have caused such a reaction? No.

Chad je****lly acted. The judge whose job is to "react" did so. Did she overreact? Yes. Did Chad put himself in a position for her to overreact? Yes.
she wasn't impartial. she was about to accept a plea agreement, she misinterpreted his gesture, and revoked his plea agreement because she felt he was being disrespectful. that isn't impartial.

and comparing job interviews to a courtroom? really? in a job interview you're applying to a privately owned company which does make it's own rules.
in a courtroom, you're in front of a PUBLICLY ELECTED OFFICIAL. last i checked, people who run for public office are supposed to answer to us citizens, not us kissing their *****.

I dont think you understand the point. In a job interview you're being JUDGED. For whatever reason yall in here think someone judging your freedom is less important then getting a job.

Both are submissive positions. One is more important then the other tho. You can always find another job. You rarely can get an appeal.

And yall are killin me with this misinterpreted BS. Son was being himself which is a goofball. Even the lawyer knew it was a joke. Which is why he also laughed in the judges face...

Ill break it down for you....It was funny because it was an unconventional gesture in an imperious setting. Had he just shook his lawyer's hand like a man would it have caused such a reaction? No.

Chad je****lly acted. The judge whose job is to "react" did so. Did she overreact? Yes. Did Chad put himself in a position for her to overreact? Yes.
That's all that needs to be said. Every action has a reaction. Yall focusing on her being a female and sending him to jail, completely ignoring the FACT that Chad did this to HIMSELF.
judge overreacted but Chad should have had more respect for the courtroom.... tough break.

im sure he wont spend the full 30 days there, but the judge sending him there to teach a lesson is aint summer camp. what if something was to happen to him while he was in there.

and the inital probation violation was cuz he missed an appointment right? not nothing outright inexcusable
i guess my problem is yall being ok with her overreacting. judges are supposed to be held to a much higher standard, and it seems to me like yall are ok with her being petty because yall think chad was being disrespectful. we'll just have to agree to disagree because in my eyes it's pretty gross how much power she abused in a span of 10 seconds, which led to a guy being imprisoned for 30 days.
i guess my problem is yall being ok with her overreacting. judges are supposed to be held to a much higher standard, and it seems to me like yall are ok with her being petty because yall think chad was being disrespectful. we'll just have to agree to disagree because in my eyes it's pretty gross how much power she abused in a span of 10 seconds, which led to a guy being imprisoned for 30 days.

Although I do think the judge was power tripping.
i guess my problem is yall being ok with her overreacting. judges are supposed to be held to a much higher standard, and it seems to me like yall are ok with her being petty because yall think chad was being disrespectful. we'll just have to agree to disagree because in my eyes it's pretty gross how much power she abused in a span of 10 seconds, which led to a guy being imprisoned for 30 days.

Although I do think the judge was power tripping.

i know what contempt of court is, but have trouble seeing how his actions fall under that category. even when he did it, it wasn't like he was jumping with joy. it was minor, subtle, and shouldn't be noteworthy.

while it may have been in bad taste, she still could have accepted the plea deal, then added on hours to his community service or added a fine. my problem is with her completely rejecting the plea deal, and sentencing him to 30 days in jail for something she was about to let him do community service to resolve. that's where i think she overreacted and abused her power.
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i know what contempt of court is, but have trouble seeing how his actions fall under that category. even when he did it, it wasn't like he was jumping with joy. it was minor, subtle, and shouldn't be noteworthy.

while it may have been in bad taste, she still could have accepted the plea deal, then added on hours to his community service or added a fine. my problem is with her completely rejecting the plea deal, and sentencing him to 30 days in jail for something she was about to let him do community service to resolve. that's where i think she overreacted and abused her power.
put yourself in her seat.

you just saved this dude from REAL jail time and he does something as stupid as slapping his lawyer in the ***. Extra probation and community service doesn't cure that, he needed to be taught a lesson.

Same thing needs to happen to Chris Brown. He has these chances ands still can't stay out of the news headlines.
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