Check this video from Attack Gym training Mayo, Wagner, etc.

Dec 8, 2005
Tell me this is NOT a travel and I will laugh. Let's see replacement refs deal with this.
Sorry, it won't let me post the video.
Yeah this is old. When I saw that, I was so confused

Dajuan Wagner was a beast.
Wagner hit all those elbow jumpers, same with Douglas-Roberts. I was doing a paper on Attack Gym and just saw this video. Sorry if I am late, but it justmessed me up that they are the leading off-season coaches/trainers, and they teach this. Any high school level player knows you can not do that legally.(unless you get paid).
i think it's only a travel cuz of how they were running it... im assuming in a game situation u wouldnt come to a full stop and fake that dramatically...i'd hope.
Not a travel:

Art. 4. After coming to a stop and establishing the pivot foot:
a. The pivot foot may be lifted, but not returned to the playing court,
before the ball is released on a pass or try for goal;
g. If a player, with the ball in his possession, raises his pivot foot
off the floor, he must pass or shoot before his pivot foot returns to
the floor. If he drops the ball while in the air, he may not be the first to touch the ball. its not, you can lift the pivot as long as you finish with a shot or pass..which they are.

if the pivot foot slides its a travel, if
IF its executed properly, its not a travel. Most people dont do it correctly so it looks like a travel. Theyre also taking MASSIVE steps which most peopledont do in a game without traveling.
It technically is a travel. But it's one of those things...

I used to get taught that exact move at practice/travel team workouts/clinics.

Its a pro move
Originally Posted by Durden7

IF its executed properly, its not a travel. Most people dont do it correctly so it looks like a travel. Theyre also taking MASSIVE steps which most people dont do in a game without traveling.
took me a minute to watch and decide i was like
@ first
Didn't seem like travel except that first one. Other ones are hard to tell because they'd have to lift that pivot foot before taking off with thatother foot, but they looked pretty clean to me.
Yeah no doubt, I need to try that out too. Too bad the everyday idiot at the rec will call that a travel. Then, when you try to explain to them they'llignore everything.
In my league (CCAA), that's a travel. We call it a girl's step-thru, cause the female league can do that out of the up-and-under.

We can't. Sure it's allowed in the NBA, and it's dumb effective.
^Oh na, I didn't mean that statement towards you. I'm saying, most people are too narrow minded to listen to someone explain something to them. Mosttimes, these cats act like they know everything there is to know about basketball already.
No problem, just hearing and seeing new stuff after all these years playing still schocks me. Here is one for the masses that came up in play last week, hateto change the subject: An offensive player goes in for a reverse lay-up, doesn't have enough lift, and shoots the ball through the bottom of the net.However, it never goes all the way through the rim, it comes off the bottom. Dead ball and turnover, keep playing like a missed shot or pass, or jump ball? Noone knew how to call this, even the head of the league we were in. My team thought you play it live.
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