Chicago Bulls Offseason Thread

Originally Posted by CAto312

Originally Posted by morningstar7777

I read that we're looking to get Hinrich back, he makes 8 mil next year....FOH
He has to take a hometown discount to make it happen.

I might be wrong, I think the last year of his huge contracted ended last season, I think he's a FA now.
Originally Posted by CAto312

I will be very surprised if CJ is brought back.

It really might be JL3, Teague, and a vet minimum pg for the rotation.

I will commit that before i see that rotation at point
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

y'all took the wrong Kentucky guard... Teague ain't doing squat in the league.

out of uk players he could've used some more college
but i think the bulls have assets to flip into some type of scorer

kevin martin is available 
Teague wont be bad. He has an elite coaching staff, a brother who starts that can help him with guidance, some potential great mentors in Derrick Rose, Scottie Pippen, Rod Strickland and Coach Cal who will take care of him and make sure he makes the right choices, and a team that cares about each other genuinely and want to see each other succeed. I'm not a true genuine Chicago fan, but I've been following the Bulls seriously since Rose got drafted and I believe that he's in good hands as long as he doesn't get or already have his motorcycle license.
I would've liked Lamb but hopefully Teague is decent. We should make a play for Mayo at the 2. Not the greatest but the best option right now. We need that second scoring threat
Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

we need to try and sign oj, nick young, or brandon roy, even though i think roy is a risk

its brandon roy or bust. this front office doesnt like chuckers at the sg spot. just look at recent history
We arent going to be able to offer the type of money OJ is looking for. Dont forget we have to re-sign Taj soon.

Who do you guys like as a backup center with Omer likely gone?
Chris Kaman? I mean, the FA for bigs this yr is real tight. I would like a person who could play both 4 and 5. I really wish we could get rid of Boozer.

I would like Chicago to take a look at Sam Young too. Dude is the type of player that would work in Thib's system w/ that defensive mindset.
It'd be much better to execute a S & T with Houston, rather than not match and lose Asik for free.

Gar has been consistently saying they'd match, but we'll see.
Man....**#K the Rockets!!!

We had Brad Miller back in 2010 and him and Joakim played really well together.
Brad was ready to stay with the Bulls and sign for about 3mill per, when the scumbag Rockets came in and offered 5mill per, and then they tried to turn around and trade him back to us a year later in a package deal for Courtney Lee...

Hate to see Asik go, but going to the Rockets hurts even more.
it does seem like the Rockets specifically target our bigs. I'm going to hate to see Omer go he was honestly a key part of our defense, especially in late game situations and allowing our 2nd unit to overcome the lack of scoring that plagued us.

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Chris Kaman? I mean, the FA for bigs this yr is real tight. I would like a person who could play both 4 and 5. I really wish we could get rid of Boozer.

I actually like Kaman a lot.  Offensively he's an upgrade over every big we have... Defensively... he's lacking.
^^^^ Yea, he is but I feel his defense could take a big step up in our system. We are a defensive oriented team and we lock down, which I love.
Captain Kirk has reportedly been offered a contract, at the veteran's minimum:

It’s been reported that the organization reached out to former Bulls guard Kirk Hinrich at the outset of free agency and according to a person with knowledge of the situation, offered a deal at or just above the veteran’s minimum and below the “mini
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

More old %!+ _'s

Yall dudes are brutal 
 The Bulls don't have much $$$$ to work with and Jerry is not going to pay that luxury tax unless it's beneficial to the team.  I would take Kirk Hinrich.  It's an interchangeable guard, tough, and a decent defender.  He's still good for 12-13 points a game and some nights even more.  I would take him over Roy personally.  We don't know the true condition of Roy knees and the Rockets were smart and backloaded Asik deal with him gettin $5 mil the 1st 2 years and then $13 or $15 mil in the last year.  Should the Bulls match it? Nope, not in IMO especially with Taj up for renewal next year.  
Originally Posted by Da R Entertainment

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

More old %!+ _'s

Yall dudes are brutal 
 The Bulls don't have much $$$$ to work with and Jerry is not going to pay that luxury tax unless it's beneficial to the team.  I would take Kirk Hinrich.  It's an interchangeable guard, tough, and a decent defender.  He's still good for 12-13 points a game and some nights even more.  I would take him over Roy personally.  We don't know the true condition of Roy knees and the Rockets were smart and backloaded Asik deal with him gettin $5 mil the 1st 2 years and then $13 or $15 mil in the last year.  Should the Bulls match it? Nope, not in IMO especially with Taj up for renewal next year.  


this front office is not going to pay the tax... unless we trade deng,noah or boozer this team is who it is expect for minor moves
Originally Posted by jmause3

Willie Green?!

Hell naw mane not him. I remember thinking dude was hot garb when I was watching him here in Philly and now he could be on the team boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
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