China vs. Brazil Brawl

#8 looked like he tried that muy thai clinch word to

Originally Posted by Nako XL

China will be the world's second wealthiest nation by 2015, so calling them "poor" is at the very least foolish.

But in HANNSUM's defense, despite how ignorantly he phrases it, he is right about the vast majority of their population living in poverty. The richest 1% of the population account for over 25% of the country's income. That's a HUMONGOUS gap.

poverty = poor? same !!$#. lol
most people are poor so i called china poor. 

what's the point of calling china wealthy when they can't feed their people?
Originally Posted by Nako XL

China will be the world's second wealthiest nation by 2015, so calling them "poor" is at the very least foolish.

But in HANNSUM's defense, despite how ignorantly he phrases it, he is right about the vast majority of their population living in poverty. The richest 1% of the population account for over 25% of the country's income. That's a HUMONGOUS gap.

poverty = poor? same !!$#. lol
most people are poor so i called china poor. 

what's the point of calling china wealthy when they can't feed their people?
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

china has a chance to be the superpower by... maybe 2200

$34g in 2050 ain't gonna cut it .. lol

ya'll really wish this was trollin, but it's the fact.

deal with it. china and superpower will not go together while you're living.

oh yeah this +!@! was from goldman sachs

Stop while you're WAY behind.

Do you understand what GDP and GDP Per Capita are? China has the second largest GDP in the world. It also has a population of 1.3 billion. So yes, per capita is currently low but they are indeed the next world power. Also, I'd like to point out growth in GDP Per Capita using your chart. In 45 years, China's GDP Per Capita multiplies twenty-two times while the US doubles it's GDP Per Capita. That's more telling then the figure itself.

I'll make an admission. The gap between rich and poor in China is huge. There are still tons of people living in rural villages and are in poverty. That is a fact. This summer, I went to China and taught English in a rural village in Fujian province for a month. I got a first hand look at poverty in China.

But here is where you have to break from everything else you think to be true. China has only modernized for 30 years. It's economy is in it's infancy compared to Western countries. How long has the US had to modernize? China also has a population of 1.3 billion people. That's a fifth of the world's population in one country. What's going on right now in China is unprecedented. So while China is developing, faster than any nation ever, it has to grapple with the disparity between the rich and the poor. Never has a country advanced this quickly so how China tackles that issue in the coming years is going to be very interesting to see.

China will be the top superpower within the next decade. Bet on it.

LOL! china is growing 20x but that's because china has lot of weaknesses and holes.. 
countries that are in G7 aren't growing alot because THEY'RE ALREADY DEVELOPED.


china's per capita is currently low and it will be low for awhile. don't get your hopes up. 

already have posted this:

try to read when i post some useful information. it helps.

and now if china is not even ranked top 50, how is china the next superpower? 

dudes are just looking at gdp and hopefully that will be the only answer. be real, only reason china is no.2 is because of their population.

china has lot of issues, what about their politics? health? education? their quality of life is dismal like i said. no one wants to look up to china and learn from them.

only thing we can learn from China is their cheap labor. oh wait, what about their low quality products? is that what superpower does? lol

i mean, who would actually wanna move to China and attain their citizenship?

not trying to hurt ya'll, but just stating the 100% truth. that's what i like to do, i dont care about others' emotions and %$$!. i really don't. i just want to state the fact.

seems like some of ya'll have pride and %$$!, that's good but come on now

end this now
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

china has a chance to be the superpower by... maybe 2200

$34g in 2050 ain't gonna cut it .. lol

ya'll really wish this was trollin, but it's the fact.

deal with it. china and superpower will not go together while you're living.

oh yeah this +!@! was from goldman sachs

Stop while you're WAY behind.

Do you understand what GDP and GDP Per Capita are? China has the second largest GDP in the world. It also has a population of 1.3 billion. So yes, per capita is currently low but they are indeed the next world power. Also, I'd like to point out growth in GDP Per Capita using your chart. In 45 years, China's GDP Per Capita multiplies twenty-two times while the US doubles it's GDP Per Capita. That's more telling then the figure itself.

I'll make an admission. The gap between rich and poor in China is huge. There are still tons of people living in rural villages and are in poverty. That is a fact. This summer, I went to China and taught English in a rural village in Fujian province for a month. I got a first hand look at poverty in China.

But here is where you have to break from everything else you think to be true. China has only modernized for 30 years. It's economy is in it's infancy compared to Western countries. How long has the US had to modernize? China also has a population of 1.3 billion people. That's a fifth of the world's population in one country. What's going on right now in China is unprecedented. So while China is developing, faster than any nation ever, it has to grapple with the disparity between the rich and the poor. Never has a country advanced this quickly so how China tackles that issue in the coming years is going to be very interesting to see.

China will be the top superpower within the next decade. Bet on it.

LOL! china is growing 20x but that's because china has lot of weaknesses and holes.. 
countries that are in G7 aren't growing alot because THEY'RE ALREADY DEVELOPED.


china's per capita is currently low and it will be low for awhile. don't get your hopes up. 

already have posted this:

try to read when i post some useful information. it helps.

and now if china is not even ranked top 50, how is china the next superpower? 

dudes are just looking at gdp and hopefully that will be the only answer. be real, only reason china is no.2 is because of their population.

china has lot of issues, what about their politics? health? education? their quality of life is dismal like i said. no one wants to look up to china and learn from them.

only thing we can learn from China is their cheap labor. oh wait, what about their low quality products? is that what superpower does? lol

i mean, who would actually wanna move to China and attain their citizenship?

not trying to hurt ya'll, but just stating the 100% truth. that's what i like to do, i dont care about others' emotions and %$$!. i really don't. i just want to state the fact.

seems like some of ya'll have pride and %$$!, that's good but come on now

end this now
Originally Posted by HANNSUM

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

china has a chance to be the superpower by... maybe 2200

$34g in 2050 ain't gonna cut it .. lol

ya'll really wish this was trollin, but it's the fact.

deal with it. china and superpower will not go together while you're living.

oh yeah this +!@! was from goldman sachs

Stop while you're WAY behind.

Do you understand what GDP and GDP Per Capita are? China has the second largest GDP in the world. It also has a population of 1.3 billion. So yes, per capita is currently low but they are indeed the next world power. Also, I'd like to point out growth in GDP Per Capita using your chart. In 45 years, China's GDP Per Capita multiplies twenty-two times while the US doubles it's GDP Per Capita. That's more telling then the figure itself.

I'll make an admission. The gap between rich and poor in China is huge. There are still tons of people living in rural villages and are in poverty. That is a fact. This summer, I went to China and taught English in a rural village in Fujian province for a month. I got a first hand look at poverty in China.

But here is where you have to break from everything else you think to be true. China has only modernized for 30 years. It's economy is in it's infancy compared to Western countries. How long has the US had to modernize? China also has a population of 1.3 billion people. That's a fifth of the world's population in one country. What's going on right now in China is unprecedented. So while China is developing, faster than any nation ever, it has to grapple with the disparity between the rich and the poor. Never has a country advanced this quickly so how China tackles that issue in the coming years is going to be very interesting to see.

China will be the top superpower within the next decade. Bet on it.

LOL! china is growing 20x but that's because china has lot of weaknesses and holes.. 
countries that are in G7 aren't growing alot because THEY'RE ALREADY DEVELOPED.


china's per capita is currently low and it will be low for awhile. don't get your hopes up. 

already have posted this:

try to read when i post some useful information. it helps.

and now if china is not even ranked top 50, how is china the next superpower? 

dudes are just looking at gdp and hopefully that will be the only answer. be real, only reason china is no.2 is because of their population.

china has lot of issues, what about their politics? health? education? their quality of life is dismal like i said. no one wants to look up to china and learn from them.

only thing we can learn from China is their cheap labor. oh wait, what about their low quality products? is that what superpower does? lol

i mean, who would actually wanna move to China and attain their citizenship?

not trying to hurt ya'll, but just stating the 100% truth. that's what i like to do, i dont care about others' emotions and %$$!. i really don't. i just want to state the fact.

seems like some of ya'll have pride and %$$!, that's good but come on now

end this now

China is not growing at a 20x pace because of "weaknesses and holes". What the hell kind of explanation is that? Compare it to your highly touted Brazil or India, none of which are growing at quite that pace even though they're on similar levels. No one is debating that China isn't a developing country but you seem to be hell bent on putting it down in comparison to the rest of the developed world though. Funny, no?
You're saying it's because of China's population that they're #2 in GDP, which makes no sense since GDP doesn't take into account population. Once again exposing your inability to grasp simple concepts. Ironically, you also say China is not in the top 50 of that list of "world's best countries" and my answer to that would also be to point out China's population. GDP Per Capita is low, and will stay low relative to US standards, because they have so many people. That DOESN'T mean they're "poor" or in "poverty". A lot of people in China RIGHT NOW are living in poverty but things will take a turn for the better in the next decade. Just because GDP Per Capita is low in relation to the US doesn't mean they won't be living comfortably. I don't think you understand the concept of cost of living. 
You ramble on about how China has a lot of issues. And? Like every country is picture perfect with no issues of their own. Look at your own country before pointing out the faults in others.

I don't know if you're just #$$+@*$ with everyone by trying to put together an argument (emphasis on trying) but please keep it coming. You say you're just stating facts when your entire block of text is just opinions and hypotheticals. Was that Newsweek graphic suppose to bolster your argument even though it's about the present and not a single person has said China is at the top yet? How is anyone suppose to take you seriously? You're making yourself look more and more ignorant with every keystroke.
Originally Posted by HANNSUM

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

china has a chance to be the superpower by... maybe 2200

$34g in 2050 ain't gonna cut it .. lol

ya'll really wish this was trollin, but it's the fact.

deal with it. china and superpower will not go together while you're living.

oh yeah this +!@! was from goldman sachs

Stop while you're WAY behind.

Do you understand what GDP and GDP Per Capita are? China has the second largest GDP in the world. It also has a population of 1.3 billion. So yes, per capita is currently low but they are indeed the next world power. Also, I'd like to point out growth in GDP Per Capita using your chart. In 45 years, China's GDP Per Capita multiplies twenty-two times while the US doubles it's GDP Per Capita. That's more telling then the figure itself.

I'll make an admission. The gap between rich and poor in China is huge. There are still tons of people living in rural villages and are in poverty. That is a fact. This summer, I went to China and taught English in a rural village in Fujian province for a month. I got a first hand look at poverty in China.

But here is where you have to break from everything else you think to be true. China has only modernized for 30 years. It's economy is in it's infancy compared to Western countries. How long has the US had to modernize? China also has a population of 1.3 billion people. That's a fifth of the world's population in one country. What's going on right now in China is unprecedented. So while China is developing, faster than any nation ever, it has to grapple with the disparity between the rich and the poor. Never has a country advanced this quickly so how China tackles that issue in the coming years is going to be very interesting to see.

China will be the top superpower within the next decade. Bet on it.

LOL! china is growing 20x but that's because china has lot of weaknesses and holes.. 
countries that are in G7 aren't growing alot because THEY'RE ALREADY DEVELOPED.


china's per capita is currently low and it will be low for awhile. don't get your hopes up. 

already have posted this:

try to read when i post some useful information. it helps.

and now if china is not even ranked top 50, how is china the next superpower? 

dudes are just looking at gdp and hopefully that will be the only answer. be real, only reason china is no.2 is because of their population.

china has lot of issues, what about their politics? health? education? their quality of life is dismal like i said. no one wants to look up to china and learn from them.

only thing we can learn from China is their cheap labor. oh wait, what about their low quality products? is that what superpower does? lol

i mean, who would actually wanna move to China and attain their citizenship?

not trying to hurt ya'll, but just stating the 100% truth. that's what i like to do, i dont care about others' emotions and %$$!. i really don't. i just want to state the fact.

seems like some of ya'll have pride and %$$!, that's good but come on now

end this now

China is not growing at a 20x pace because of "weaknesses and holes". What the hell kind of explanation is that? Compare it to your highly touted Brazil or India, none of which are growing at quite that pace even though they're on similar levels. No one is debating that China isn't a developing country but you seem to be hell bent on putting it down in comparison to the rest of the developed world though. Funny, no?
You're saying it's because of China's population that they're #2 in GDP, which makes no sense since GDP doesn't take into account population. Once again exposing your inability to grasp simple concepts. Ironically, you also say China is not in the top 50 of that list of "world's best countries" and my answer to that would also be to point out China's population. GDP Per Capita is low, and will stay low relative to US standards, because they have so many people. That DOESN'T mean they're "poor" or in "poverty". A lot of people in China RIGHT NOW are living in poverty but things will take a turn for the better in the next decade. Just because GDP Per Capita is low in relation to the US doesn't mean they won't be living comfortably. I don't think you understand the concept of cost of living. 
You ramble on about how China has a lot of issues. And? Like every country is picture perfect with no issues of their own. Look at your own country before pointing out the faults in others.

I don't know if you're just #$$+@*$ with everyone by trying to put together an argument (emphasis on trying) but please keep it coming. You say you're just stating facts when your entire block of text is just opinions and hypotheticals. Was that Newsweek graphic suppose to bolster your argument even though it's about the present and not a single person has said China is at the top yet? How is anyone suppose to take you seriously? You're making yourself look more and more ignorant with every keystroke.
basketball players are little sissies. What's up with the back pedaling while this dude is swinging on you and then when the guy breaks it up, you act like the guy didn't just throw 20 punches at your head? How about standing up for one another or for your dignity at least
basketball players are little sissies. What's up with the back pedaling while this dude is swinging on you and then when the guy breaks it up, you act like the guy didn't just throw 20 punches at your head? How about standing up for one another or for your dignity at least
Originally Posted by Andrew630

I could eat very well for 5 USD a day in China.
Maybe in the rural areas. Good luck with that budget at even McDonald's. Unless you eating ice cream cones all day. Lol. Such a deal over there in regards to ice cream.  
Originally Posted by Andrew630

I could eat very well for 5 USD a day in China.
Maybe in the rural areas. Good luck with that budget at even McDonald's. Unless you eating ice cream cones all day. Lol. Such a deal over there in regards to ice cream.  
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

china has a chance to be the superpower by... maybe 2200

$34g in 2050 ain't gonna cut it .. lol

ya'll really wish this was trollin, but it's the fact.

deal with it. china and superpower will not go together while you're living.

oh yeah this +!@! was from goldman sachs

Stop while you're WAY behind.

Do you understand what GDP and GDP Per Capita are? China has the second largest GDP in the world. It also has a population of 1.3 billion. So yes, per capita is currently low but they are indeed the next world power. Also, I'd like to point out growth in GDP Per Capita using your chart. In 45 years, China's GDP Per Capita multiplies twenty-two times while the US doubles it's GDP Per Capita. That's more telling then the figure itself.

I'll make an admission. The gap between rich and poor in China is huge. There are still tons of people living in rural villages and are in poverty. That is a fact. This summer, I went to China and taught English in a rural village in Fujian province for a month. I got a first hand look at poverty in China.

But here is where you have to break from everything else you think to be true. China has only modernized for 30 years. It's economy is in it's infancy compared to Western countries. How long has the US had to modernize? China also has a population of 1.3 billion people. That's a fifth of the world's population in one country. What's going on right now in China is unprecedented. So while China is developing, faster than any nation ever, it has to grapple with the disparity between the rich and the poor. Never has a country advanced this quickly so how China tackles that issue in the coming years is going to be very interesting to see.

China will be the top superpower within the next decade. Bet on it.

LOL! china is growing 20x but that's because china has lot of weaknesses and holes.. 
countries that are in G7 aren't growing alot because THEY'RE ALREADY DEVELOPED.


china's per capita is currently low and it will be low for awhile. don't get your hopes up. 

already have posted this:

try to read when i post some useful information. it helps.

and now if china is not even ranked top 50, how is china the next superpower? 

dudes are just looking at gdp and hopefully that will be the only answer. be real, only reason china is no.2 is because of their population.

china has lot of issues, what about their politics? health? education? their quality of life is dismal like i said. no one wants to look up to china and learn from them.

only thing we can learn from China is their cheap labor. oh wait, what about their low quality products? is that what superpower does? lol

i mean, who would actually wanna move to China and attain their citizenship?

not trying to hurt ya'll, but just stating the 100% truth. that's what i like to do, i dont care about others' emotions and %$$!. i really don't. i just want to state the fact.

seems like some of ya'll have pride and %$$!, that's good but come on now

end this now

China is not growing at a 20x pace because of "weaknesses and holes". What the hell kind of explanation is that? Compare it to your highly touted Brazil or India, none of which are growing at quite that pace even though they're on similar levels. No one is debating that China isn't a developing country but you seem to be hell bent on putting it down in comparison to the rest of the developed world though. Funny, no?
You're saying it's because of China's population that they're #2 in GDP, which makes no sense since GDP doesn't take into account population. Once again exposing your inability to grasp simple concepts. Ironically, you also say China is not in the top 50 of that list of "world's best countries" and my answer to that would also be to point out China's population. GDP Per Capita is low, and will stay low relative to US standards, because they have so many people. That DOESN'T mean they're "poor" or in "poverty". A lot of people in China RIGHT NOW are living in poverty but things will take a turn for the better in the next decade. Just because GDP Per Capita is low in relation to the US doesn't mean they won't be living comfortably. I don't think you understand the concept of cost of living. 
You ramble on about how China has a lot of issues. And? Like every country is picture perfect with no issues of their own. Look at your own country before pointing out the faults in others.

I don't know if you're just #$$+@*$ with everyone by trying to put together an argument (emphasis on trying) but please keep it coming. You say you're just stating facts when your entire block of text is just opinions and hypotheticals. Was that Newsweek graphic suppose to bolster your argument even though it's about the present and not a single person has said China is at the top yet? How is anyone suppose to take you seriously? You're making yourself look more and more ignorant with every keystroke.

if china's population was only about 100m, no way china would be no.2 in GDP.
like i said, everyone knows their no.2 in GDP because of their 1billiion population.

just look at the list of gdp's...northern european countries are all wealthy. but their gdp isn't high...why? because of their low population..easy as abc my friend

don't let highrises in shanghai fool you... lol

if more than half of population are having trouble eating, no way i'm gonna call china wealthy...simple

the newsweek link shows how china is no where near being developed = aka poor. deal with it.

look at the rank, countries in top 20... you know those countries are wealthy, not suffering from poverty 

question though, are you Chinese?
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

china has a chance to be the superpower by... maybe 2200

$34g in 2050 ain't gonna cut it .. lol

ya'll really wish this was trollin, but it's the fact.

deal with it. china and superpower will not go together while you're living.

oh yeah this +!@! was from goldman sachs

Stop while you're WAY behind.

Do you understand what GDP and GDP Per Capita are? China has the second largest GDP in the world. It also has a population of 1.3 billion. So yes, per capita is currently low but they are indeed the next world power. Also, I'd like to point out growth in GDP Per Capita using your chart. In 45 years, China's GDP Per Capita multiplies twenty-two times while the US doubles it's GDP Per Capita. That's more telling then the figure itself.

I'll make an admission. The gap between rich and poor in China is huge. There are still tons of people living in rural villages and are in poverty. That is a fact. This summer, I went to China and taught English in a rural village in Fujian province for a month. I got a first hand look at poverty in China.

But here is where you have to break from everything else you think to be true. China has only modernized for 30 years. It's economy is in it's infancy compared to Western countries. How long has the US had to modernize? China also has a population of 1.3 billion people. That's a fifth of the world's population in one country. What's going on right now in China is unprecedented. So while China is developing, faster than any nation ever, it has to grapple with the disparity between the rich and the poor. Never has a country advanced this quickly so how China tackles that issue in the coming years is going to be very interesting to see.

China will be the top superpower within the next decade. Bet on it.

LOL! china is growing 20x but that's because china has lot of weaknesses and holes.. 
countries that are in G7 aren't growing alot because THEY'RE ALREADY DEVELOPED.


china's per capita is currently low and it will be low for awhile. don't get your hopes up. 

already have posted this:

try to read when i post some useful information. it helps.

and now if china is not even ranked top 50, how is china the next superpower? 

dudes are just looking at gdp and hopefully that will be the only answer. be real, only reason china is no.2 is because of their population.

china has lot of issues, what about their politics? health? education? their quality of life is dismal like i said. no one wants to look up to china and learn from them.

only thing we can learn from China is their cheap labor. oh wait, what about their low quality products? is that what superpower does? lol

i mean, who would actually wanna move to China and attain their citizenship?

not trying to hurt ya'll, but just stating the 100% truth. that's what i like to do, i dont care about others' emotions and %$$!. i really don't. i just want to state the fact.

seems like some of ya'll have pride and %$$!, that's good but come on now

end this now

China is not growing at a 20x pace because of "weaknesses and holes". What the hell kind of explanation is that? Compare it to your highly touted Brazil or India, none of which are growing at quite that pace even though they're on similar levels. No one is debating that China isn't a developing country but you seem to be hell bent on putting it down in comparison to the rest of the developed world though. Funny, no?
You're saying it's because of China's population that they're #2 in GDP, which makes no sense since GDP doesn't take into account population. Once again exposing your inability to grasp simple concepts. Ironically, you also say China is not in the top 50 of that list of "world's best countries" and my answer to that would also be to point out China's population. GDP Per Capita is low, and will stay low relative to US standards, because they have so many people. That DOESN'T mean they're "poor" or in "poverty". A lot of people in China RIGHT NOW are living in poverty but things will take a turn for the better in the next decade. Just because GDP Per Capita is low in relation to the US doesn't mean they won't be living comfortably. I don't think you understand the concept of cost of living. 
You ramble on about how China has a lot of issues. And? Like every country is picture perfect with no issues of their own. Look at your own country before pointing out the faults in others.

I don't know if you're just #$$+@*$ with everyone by trying to put together an argument (emphasis on trying) but please keep it coming. You say you're just stating facts when your entire block of text is just opinions and hypotheticals. Was that Newsweek graphic suppose to bolster your argument even though it's about the present and not a single person has said China is at the top yet? How is anyone suppose to take you seriously? You're making yourself look more and more ignorant with every keystroke.

if china's population was only about 100m, no way china would be no.2 in GDP.
like i said, everyone knows their no.2 in GDP because of their 1billiion population.

just look at the list of gdp's...northern european countries are all wealthy. but their gdp isn't high...why? because of their low population..easy as abc my friend

don't let highrises in shanghai fool you... lol

if more than half of population are having trouble eating, no way i'm gonna call china wealthy...simple

the newsweek link shows how china is no where near being developed = aka poor. deal with it.

look at the rank, countries in top 20... you know those countries are wealthy, not suffering from poverty 

question though, are you Chinese?
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