Chipotle closes 43 restaurants due to E. coli outbreak

Why do they get mad when you whip a free coupon?

Went in last night to use that free coupon as it was about to expire and there was nobody in the diner at 9pm. They were partying in the kitchen bumpin some Jamiroquai :lol:.

Line cook shouted "hello" soon as I walked in... showing the kid mad luv. So I start ordering my bowl: double rice, double beans, double chicken, guac .... and dude was all "no problem homie but that will cost you extra" and I just tuned him out because I already knew what it was gon' be. Let me tell you, the coupon I had in my phone had me feeling like Marlo Stanfield up in that joint.

Then it came time to pay and ol' top heavy chola comes waddling up to the counter, shorty had been windexing the windows and ****, and she's all joyful shouting "Hiiiiiii!" in my ear. I respond back with a "good evening". She starts conversing with dude about what I ordered --- "Oh he got double chicken? And guac? Got it." Here's where I pulled out my phone and showed her my coupon and all of a sudden her disposition went cold. Just as she was scanning it she muttered "You're good to go" in the most defeated tone. I'm like okay and then wait for her to bag my food.... but she just let it sit there. I was shocked. 5 seconds of awkward silence before I had to reach over to her side of the counter and grab my bowl and leave. Trippin.

Also, the food was cold. I ate it in the parking lot. I'm thinking, ****... did this company even learn anything?
Why do they get mad when you whip a free coupon?

Went in last night to use that free coupon as it was about to expire and there was nobody in the diner at 9pm. They were partying in the kitchen bumpin some Jamiroquai

Line cook shouted "hello" soon as I walked in... showing the kid mad luv. So I start ordering my bowl: double rice, double beans, double chicken, guac .... and dude was all "no problem homie but that will cost you extra" and I just tuned him out because I already knew what it was gon' be. Let me tell you, the coupon I had in my phone had me feeling like Marlo Stanfield up in that joint.

Then it came time to pay and ol' top heavy chola comes waddling up to the counter, shorty had been windexing the windows and ****, and she's all joyful shouting "Hiiiiiii!" in my ear. I respond back with a "good evening". She starts conversing with dude about what I ordered --- "Oh he got double chicken? And guac? Got it." Here's where I pulled out my phone and showed her my coupon and all of a sudden her disposition went cold. Just as she was scanning it she muttered "You're good to go" in the most defeated tone. I'm like okay and then wait for her to bag my food.... but she just let it sit there. I was shocked. 5 seconds of awkward silence before I had to reach over to her side of the counter and grab my bowl and leave. Trippin.

Also, the food was cold. I ate it in the parking lot. I'm thinking, ****... did this company even learn anything?
Yeah, this was just a bad experience. Chipotle employees should know their company is in the dumps and their jobs are at stake.

They should be doing everything they can to make sure customers are happy + get them to come back (as all restaurants should).
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When you tell the worker at Chipotle to put extra lettuce so the cashier can't see the guac underneath 8)


2nd visit in a row that I juuged the cashier for guac by hiding it under a mountain of lettuce 8)

Chipotle sent me a free entree coupon thru the mail :pimp:

I wasn't no ***** this time...

Told shorty go head w/ that double chicken & double guac 8)

She probably thought I was ballin' til a papi pulled out the coupon.

Nope, they're just sending them.

My brother lives nearby me so I sniped his coupon yesterday :smokin

Going to eat that for dinner tonight.

:rofl: you crackin me up with your chipotle finessing. You must got a stomach made of steel :lol:
Why do they get mad when you whip a free coupon?

Went in last night to use that free coupon as it was about to expire and there was nobody in the diner at 9pm. They were partying in the kitchen bumpin some Jamiroquai :lol:.

Line cook shouted "hello" soon as I walked in... showing the kid mad luv. So I start ordering my bowl: double rice, double beans, double chicken, guac .... and dude was all "no problem homie but that will cost you extra" and I just tuned him out because I already knew what it was gon' be. Let me tell you, the coupon I had in my phone had me feeling like Marlo Stanfield up in that joint.

Then it came time to pay and ol' top heavy chola comes waddling up to the counter, shorty had been windexing the windows and ****, and she's all joyful shouting "Hiiiiiii!" in my ear. I respond back with a "good evening". She starts conversing with dude about what I ordered --- "Oh he got double chicken? And guac? Got it." Here's where I pulled out my phone and showed her my coupon and all of a sudden her disposition went cold. Just as she was scanning it she muttered "You're good to go" in the most defeated tone. I'm like okay and then wait for her to bag my food.... but she just let it sit there. I was shocked. 5 seconds of awkward silence before I had to reach over to her side of the counter and grab my bowl and leave. Trippin.

Also, the food was cold. I ate it in the parking lot. I'm thinking, ****... did this company even learn anything?

Why did you eat in the parking lot instead of the diner
Had chipotle today. Been on some vegan ish lately so the no charge for guac is a perk I guess.
Thought I had a bad batch the other night as my steak was salty....... Now looking through the thread, clearly they've switched things up. :lol:

Was trying to figure out what I was gonna have for dinner... I think I might just make my way back. Hmmmmmmmm
Why the workers mad salty when you whip the coupon out or stingy with the portions like its comin outta their check or somethin?
Why the workers mad salty when you whip the coupon out or stingy with the portions like its comin outta their check or somethin?

I found that a lot of the locations I visited were stingy with the portions. The last straw was when dude had to pull the bin out to pick out the last strands of the fajita veggies. I'm like, "bruh you serious"? I saw that they had another pan with a fresh batch cooking. Didn't even ask if I wanted to wait. For what they charge, I was done!
I found that a lot of the locations I visited were stingy with the portions. The last straw was when dude had to pull the bin out to pick out the last strands of the fajita veggies. I'm like, "bruh you serious"? I saw that they had another pan with a fresh batch cooking. Didn't even ask if I wanted to wait. For what they charge, I was done!

I don't get it man... Is it policy to be stingy or you get a write up or somethin? They literally take their job WAY too serious as if their job depends on them being stingy and salty
I don't get it man... Is it policy to be stingy or you get a write up or somethin? They literally take their job WAY too serious as if their job depends on them being stingy and salty
it's humans in general , i remember back around blackfriday 2 years ago when Ralph drop that extra 50%off per item , i came up on some nice biker denims at the clearance rack price at 325 retail , went to the register with my jeans thinking it would only be 325 plus 50% off but the clearance section had an additional 40% off lol the cashier did not want to take my coupon whatsoever , he called a manager over the radio & she told him to honor it . Came out to like $45 bucks . dude was like "congratulations you just payed $45 for some 300+ jeans , he had a death grip on my jeans .
I found that a lot of the locations I visited were stingy with the portions. The last straw was when dude had to pull the bin out to pick out the last strands of the fajita veggies. I'm like, "bruh you serious"? I saw that they had another pan with a fresh batch cooking. Didn't even ask if I wanted to wait. For what they charge, I was done!

I don't get it man... Is it policy to be stingy or you get a write up or somethin? They literally take their job WAY too serious as if their job depends on them being stingy and salty
I'm pretty sure they get b****ed at if they don't adhere to the portion policy.

Last two times I went with those restriction-free coupons, shortys behind the counter were hooking it up fat.

I was looking wild delicious both times though so I'm pretty sure it was because they were mirin' the kid.
I'm pretty sure they get b****ed at if they don't adhere to the portion policy.

Last two times I went with those restriction-free coupons, shortys behind the counter were hooking it up fat.

I was looking wild delicious both times though so I'm pretty sure it was because they were mirin' the kid.

:lol: you're my new favorite poster man.
I'm pretty sure they get b****ed at if they don't adhere to the portion policy.

Last two times I went with those restriction-free coupons, shortys behind the counter were hooking it up fat.

I was looking wild delicious both times though so I'm pretty sure it was because they were mirin' the kid.

lol you be wilding man . Idk I used my coupon once but my homegirl was at the register she was mad cool about it . Idk if I would go back more than that . Probably find another chipotle
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Anywhere online we can scoop those coupons?

I'm at school so I don't think they're sending coupons to my school PO Box.
Are you still juicing? I followed your juicing thread last year or the year before I believe.

I juice 2 times a week. Not hard core like before. I had knee surgery last March, and have not been able to regain full strength on it. I cant work out and Im using a crutch to help me walk. Doctors dont know whats wrong.

Once I get the ok, I will go back to juicing 5 times a week.
Omg, b.

I minus whale change my SN to TheGuacBandit... I'm at Chipotle right now & finessed them AGAIN for free guac.

Lowkey though, I don't think it was cause of the extra lettuce trick this time.

Homie who was serving me the guac said "Guac is going to be extra, is that ok" HELLA loud & the cashier was well w/in hearing distance.

I thought the streak was going to end right there & then :smh: I even brought $8 in cash too cause my confidence was on 100 regarding my juugin' skills (still had my debit card in my pocket tho).

To my surprise, it still came out to $7.24 :wow:

I've come to the conclusion that shorty was feeling me so she gave ya boy the guac for free...

Bless her heart because she's a top heavy Latina & no amount of free guac in the world would make me stick my peen in her.

3/3 the streak lives on [emoji]128588[/emoji]
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