Chris Paul is the best point guard in the NBA

Calderon >> Paul

Just waiting for the delusional Raptors fans to come in here saying that
I've only seen him play a little less than the last half of the season and thought he was really impressive. A General. There's lots of really goodPoint Guards in the league though.
Hes the reason why Derrick rose will be the #1 pick. Why? look at what cp3 has done to his team. Look at what deron has done so far..etc etc etc. pg as good ashim should warrant the 1st pick over a carmelo clone.
Originally Posted by AJ23ToKB24

I would say that Chris Paul & Tony Parker ARE THE BEST point guards in the NBA. I'm looking forward for a Spurs-Hornets series in the semifinal round.

Well you are going to be waiting a while my friend.

With that being said, yes Chris Paul is the best PG in the NBA. But I am sick and tired of hearing the argument that he plays great defense. He DOES NOT. Just because he leads the league in steals does not mean he plays great defense. Paul is a playmaker. He takes chances on D which gives him that 3 steals agame average. But he simply is not a great on ball defender. He is average. Can any Hornet fans or people who watch Paul play a lot cosign this? Ivewatched 10+ Hornets games this year, and although Paul gets his steals, he is not a good on ball defender at all.

Monta Ellis creates a lot of steals but couldnt cover a statue. Im not saying Paul is as bad defensively as Monta, but I am pointing out the fact that havinga lot of steals does not always translate to be a good defender.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by AJ23ToKB24

I would say that Chris Paul & Tony Parker ARE THE BEST point guards in the NBA. I'm looking forward for a Spurs-Hornets series in the semifinal round.

Well you are going to be waiting a while my friend.

With that being said, yes Chris Paul is the best PG in the NBA. But I am sick and tired of hearing the argument that he plays great defense. He DOES NOT. Just because he leads the league in steals does not mean he plays great defense. Paul is a playmaker. He takes chances on D which gives him that 3 steals a game average. But he simply is not a great on ball defender. He is average. Can any Hornet fans or people who watch Paul play a lot cosign this? Ive watched 10+ Hornets games this year, and although Paul gets his steals, he is not a good on ball defender at all.

Monta Ellis creates a lot of steals but couldnt cover a statue. Im not saying Paul is as bad defensively as Monta, but I am pointing out the fact that having a lot of steals does not always translate to be a good defender.

So you don't believe that the Mavericks will exit the first round and the Suns will bow down to the defending champion Spurs after first round and theSpurs-Hornets semifinal round will happen??
right back at you myfriend.
Well, I agree with some of you when you say Rose will go #1.

Having a good PG is imperative towards the success of a team.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by AJ23ToKB24

I would say that Chris Paul & Tony Parker ARE THE BEST point guards in the NBA. I'm looking forward for a Spurs-Hornets series in the semifinal round.

Well you are going to be waiting a while my friend.

With that being said, yes Chris Paul is the best PG in the NBA. But I am sick and tired of hearing the argument that he plays great defense. He DOES NOT. Just because he leads the league in steals does not mean he plays great defense. Paul is a playmaker. He takes chances on D which gives him that 3 steals a game average. But he simply is not a great on ball defender. He is average. Can any Hornet fans or people who watch Paul play a lot cosign this? Ive watched 10+ Hornets games this year, and although Paul gets his steals, he is not a good on ball defender at all.

Monta Ellis creates a lot of steals but couldnt cover a statue. Im not saying Paul is as bad defensively as Monta, but I am pointing out the fact that having a lot of steals does not always translate to be a good defender.

this is the average person's problem. they don't watch enough basketball to formulate their own opinions. Instead they let Sportscenter and theseESPN columnists determine their ideas. I personally don't think he's a BAD defender. I think he's just small. Ive watched em play quite a bit,and he has ability to play D, but not the the level people feel he does. Thing is that his steals are so high, it makes it look like he's GOT to beplaying good D. Well if that was the case, A.I. and Josh Smith would be considered DPOY candidates every year...

and for the record, I saw someone come in here and say CP3 basically made David West, but that is so far from true. David West is feasting on dudes in thehalfcourt 1 on 1 game. Unless this man is taking 1 dribble and shooting it off the CP3 pass or catching oops, there are no assists for what he's doing. Which would lead me to believe he isn't being directly assisted often when he scores. We can use this argument for Tyson Chandler if that isnt already soglaringly obvious, but David West will put up similar numbers in bout any system if he gets the ball the same amount.
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Definitely, my list:


Steve Nash

Baron Davis

Tony Parker

Deron Williams

As of recent play...






You look at Baron's recent play and tell me that he's the 3rd best point guard in the NBA. If Nellie didn't drive him to the ground with minutesplayed and he felt like playing some defense, then maybe.
Originally Posted by JDMFanatic

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Definitely, my list:


Steve Nash

Baron Davis

Tony Parker

Deron Williams

As of recent play...






You look at Baron's recent play and tell me that he's the 3rd best point guard in the NBA. If Nellie didn't drive him to the ground with minutes played and he felt like playing some defense, then maybe.
but Davis was 2nd behind CP3 in steals per game!!! doesn't that mean he's a great defender!!!
Yes. Im finally sold that he's the best. This guy is unbelievable. He even make his sneakers look good.
Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

I've only seen him play a little less than the last half of the season and thought he was really impressive. A General. There's lots of really good Point Guards in the league though.

So true. I was thinking about this, and point guard has to be the deepest position in the NBA right now . . . especially in the West. There are a lot ofgood, even great, point gaurds playing right now. That said, it is pretty hard to argue that Paul is not playing the best of all of them right now.

As for the least deep position in the league, it easily has to be center. Great centers are hard to come by these days.
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