Christians - Could You Marry A Muslim? Muslims - Could You Marry A Christian?

Jan 17, 2007
Long story short, one of my best friends has been dealing with this girl for like a year and some change...

She's a solid pick too - one of those "I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D...." Webbie types

A cute pink and green wearin' AKA girl, she's gotta body, she's a lawyer, and she has no problem cookin' for him. Win.

But she's a Muslim.

Not sayin' that her bein' a Muslim is an automatic cut-off (because we've had "relations" with a couple of 'em in the past) - but nowwe're 27 - and bein' 27 means that no matter what, nowadays any girl you deal with is goin' to have marriage lurkin' in the back of her mind.

They love each other, that's quite obvious. He's even admitted that though he's not ready for marriage immediately, she's "theprototype" (as Andre 3000 would put it).

But he can't shake her religion. He can't shake his oldfashioned mother teasin' him sayin', "Does that mean my grandbabies gonna becovered up in them sheets?" He can't shake the fact he really likes to eat pork, and he won't be gettin' any of that from her kitchen.

Neither of us are the model of Christianity, let me not pretend that we are. But still, the girl you can go to church with, take off your cool and pray with,is the girl that wins.

But they'd be praying to two different powers.

Any of y'all been is this situation?

Can it work?

Could you marry someone outside of your religion and still be in one accord in your household?
Why the popcorn? Yes we can marry Christians.

And to answer your question, yes I could. Marriage is all about compromise and understanding imo.
Of course. If I've reached the point where I'm gonna get married to a women with a different religion as myself, chances are religion was never anissue in the first place. If I did have a problem with the situation however, I probably shouldn't be getting married to her.
It definately can work because any girl I marry has to do with the fact that I'm pretty much atheist
Yes in Islam we are allowed to marry both Christians and Jews.

My girl is Catholic.
The difference in religion would cause complications, but if they love each other like you say they do, they should befine. Personally, I'm on the fence...I'm not sure if I'd want to deal with all the things that come along with two separate religions under onehousehold for the sake of love. At the same time, if I love a person enough to marry them knowing that there's a possibility of us having differencesbecause of what we believe in, she must be a hell of a woman.
I'm banking on marrying a Christian (or any other religion) girl. I don't see myself marrying a Muslim girl, not from the ones I've met at least.Then again, I don't socialize with too many Muslims outside of my family as it is. The girl of my dreams is Atheist though so everything should be allgood. Just respect my religion and practices, and we'll be gravy.
I don't think it matters what religion you are... keep in mind that you're not marrying based on religious views. I feel sorry for anybody who does.

a person's character > their religion
this is a good question. Actually, I was about to post something similar in regards to atheism and agnosticism.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Yes in Islam we are allowed to marry both Christians and Jews.
I never knew that...

In Christianity, it's not that we're not allowed or explicity forbidden, but's it kinda frowned upon.

When my mother married my father, she wasn't religious at all. Now she's a deacon.

Sometimes I think Christians who marry/deal with people outside of their race has secret intentions of converting them.

Like whispering Bible verses in their ear when they're asleep or somethin'.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Sometimes I think Christians who marry/deal with people outside of their race has secret intentions of converting them.

Like whispering Bible verses in their ear when they're asleep or somethin'.
You know you wrong as hell for that.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by VIIheaven

I don't see myself marrying a Muslim girl, not from the ones I've met at least.

Why's that? If you don't mind me asking..

Meh, for some reason westernized Muslim girls just be having the only attitudes...
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by VIIheaven

I don't see myself marrying a Muslim girl, not from the ones I've met at least.
Why's that? If you don't mind me asking..
The one's I've met are either extremely stuck up (which doesn't mesh with my very loose/laid back personality) or they're one ofthose girls who go wild when they're outside of the control of their parents. Then again, I've talking of a very small sample size, as I said, Idon't socialize with too many Muslims (regardless of gender) outside of my family.
Im Christian (Pentecostal) but I really can only fathom marrying a Christian or a Catholic. Someone who followed any other faith
or was Atheist would have probably not be able to deal with me and vice versa. If they were willing to convert to my faith then
that would be fine as well.
I can see believers who are more into spirituality than the specific tenets and theology of an organized religion being able to work this out; but the more Iget involved in my religion, the harder I see myself being able to spend the rest of my life with a man who isn't Christian.
My parents pulled it off successfully. It's all about understanding and being able to love the person you're with regardless of their religion.
Despite all my momma's warnings of being "un equally yoked"
I think I could marry a black - Muslim
I'm not the picture of Christianity...
And I really admire some of their family values and
SOME of the ways the women honor their husbands...
Marriage is about compromise but I'm strong willed...
it would be a challenge but it could work...
More than likely though I'd marry a Christian
Originally Posted by geminifly

If they were willing to convert to my faith then that would be fine as well.

Yeah see that's kinda the ideal situation for a Christian interested in someone outside of their religion.

But what happens whens she can match your faith in Christianity with her faith in Islam? Converting? Nah, she she ain'tbudgin'.

Then what happens when you really love her?

Me and my homie would take about this alot, and it always ends up with me sayin' - "@@++ it's a sticky situation, but yo if you'rehappy...go 'head."

I don't know what I would do if I was in his shoes though...
I'd marry her if I love her, but I wouldn't force our children to follow her customs or believe in her fairy tales.
VIIheaven wrote:
The one's I've met are either extremely stuck up (which doesn't mesh with my very loose/laid back personality) or they're one of those girls who go wild when they're outside of the control of their parents. Then again, I've talking of a very small sample size, as I said, I don't socialize with too many Muslims (regardless of gender) outside of my family.

All that....
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