Classy aka prude aka shy girls: Do they exist anymore in this myspace/ustream age?

Jan 27, 2002
Let me say this. It's totally unrealistic this day and age and I'm llikey going to have to do A LOT of compromising, but my ideal girlfriend/futurewife is a virgin (or close to it, there's a compromise already), has never done anything nasty (or at least it isn't stored on some digital media whereit'll be preserved forever), and isn't so starving for male attention she'll upload 100s of provacative photos on blacckplanet, mspace, twitter,facebook, blogspot, xanga, blackplanet, wordpress, and whatever new flavor of the month social networking site comes uup nor feel the need to do the same thingon cam with sites like Ustream or Youtube.

So such girls exist anymoire? Used to be a time you could easily differentiate, the smart girls where obviously spending the majority of their times in thebooks and not with this type of thing, but now it's not even that cut and dry. Stacey is getting straight As, doing all her choirs, bible study on Wedchurch on Sunday, and finding the time to get ran through like a sprinkler in the hood on a hot day.Depending on what study you believe, in America the averageage for getting it in the first time is 14 through 17.

But in summation, as much as I love getting on Ustream and talking a pretty girl out of her shirt, or sending a message to a female on myspace asking for"better pics" and how easily I get them, I wish sometimes it wasn't that easy. And that girls still had some class. But all these socialnetworking sites plus increased technology like in the newer phones has made it pretty much impossible. Even if 10 yrs ago, the potential to be as much of %$%%existed in females, it lay dormant just because there was no way to as easily express it.

Imagine presidental elections 30 yrs from now (chose 30 because those sites are just getting big around now so a futurefirst lady is probably 18 now). You just know it's going to happen so many times that every potential Miss President will have myspace pics, getting itcracking videos, and Ustream caps that someone happened to save on their hard drive bought up and used against their husband.

I know every girl has a past and reluctantly will likely have to accept that. But can it not be on some digital format that lasts forever?


girls are hos nowadays and I blame the internet
where do I find the few who aren't, and don't say church
it's cute as a guy and fun to exploit this fact but imagine how bad it'll be by the time we have our own daughters, what will we do then?
girl who is a virgin, and/or at least has never had a penis anywhere other than her vagina or maybe hand, and never on tape? do at least they exist?
on a related note, CeCe is back
shy does not = classy...
prude does not = classy...

and yes they do exist. theyre not just e-whoring themselves.
Originally Posted by AllDay AllNight

They're out there.

Believe me.

I've been blue-balled by too many of them.

They are, but they're very rare. All they do is piss me off anyways. OP don't complain. These "hos" are what we want.

there are a handful in the 13-17 age range...

dont get me wrong there are a lot of +%$@@ and easy girls but good girls are there...

I know a lot(INGS;Friendzoned)
I had a girl from Honduras(I took that), but she's still "good". Anyway, point being...all her cousins and friends still had their V-cards andwere all very attractive.
The older you get in age the less there are. Prude I mean. Hell, shy and prude aren't the same thing. Classy does not equal prude don't know where yougot that from either. Where the hell did you go to school.
Originally Posted by richKarlmarx

shy does not = classy...
prude does not = classy...

and yes they do exist. theyre not just e-whoring themselves.
I know, but I was convoluting the 3 just to mean any girl who doesn't expose themselves on the internet for all to see, doesn't sleep witharound, and doesn't enjoy penis all over their body, and can't be had as simply as, "Ayyo take your shirt off ma, do it for 100 viewers?"

Like there's a girl trying to mess with me who has a myspace, pics of the goods pretty much all out. Like why would I want to cuff you when that'salready out there? I bet if I made a fake username and did the whole, "you got some better pics, ma? I'm from the same area as you," routine Icould get even better ones just that easy and skip all the courtship, and dating, and opening doors and holding chairs.

And call me a hater, but I was hoping ImsoJayded wasn't going to do it on Ustream yesterday, but at least she didn't show any nipple. I be in the chatswhen we all ask for the *******, both mad and excited at the same time. So I always win.
Good girls dont exist no more.
Originally Posted by donfratrachelli

Originally Posted by richKarlmarx

shy does not = classy...
prude does not = classy...

and yes they do exist. theyre not just e-whoring themselves.
I know, but I was convoluting the 3 just to mean any girl who doesn't expose themselves on the internet for all to see, doesn't sleep with around, and doesn't enjoy penis all over their body, and can't be had as simply as, "Ayyo take your shirt off ma, do it for 100 viewers?"

Like there's a girl trying to mess with me who has a myspace, pics of the goods pretty much all out. Like why would I want to cuff you when that's already out there? I bet if I made a fake username and did the whole, "you got some better pics, ma? I'm from the same area as you," routine I could get even better ones just that easy and skip all the courtship, and dating, and opening doors and holding chairs.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I see what you're saying.. It depends on a bunch of things, butI'm going to say insecurity and demographics play a part.[/color]
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

You stay in the hood that's why.

I grew up in a 6,000 square foot house.You're fooling yourself if you think these girls out here aren't every bit as promiscuous as so called hoodgirls.
Same boat as you, and answer probably is like you said, compromise. You'll have to accept a girl who isn't a virgin, but at least hasn't sucked anypenises that day yet
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