Clippers Protest

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Sep 8, 2012
Was there some a.i behind this protest??

If they would've turned their game jerseys inside out during the game, It might have had a deeper impact.. but practice suits? i think they saying they handling things different
The clipper name and organization as a whole should not take a hit. Just because he owns a team, the organization doesn't necessarily reflect his beliefs. He owns the team and tomorrow they could have another owner. If anything, the fans should protest by not attending the games, don't give sterling a dime and root for your team from afar. I'd LOVE to see a completely empty staples center . I think attendance will take some type of hit; no blacks should attend a game ever tho, no way would I support that racist buffoon.
The clipper name and organization as a whole should not take a hit. Just because he owns a team, the organization doesn't necessarily reflect his beliefs. He owns the team and tomorrow they could have another owner. If anything, the fans should protest by not attending the games, don't give sterling a dime and root for your team from afar. I'd LOVE to see a completely empty staples center . I think attendance will take some type of hit; no blacks should attend a game ever tho, no way would I support that racist buffoon.
Why only blacks?
If a white person goes to the game that means they also support that racist sunnuvagun
The clipper name and organization as a whole should not take a hit. Just because he owns a team, the organization doesn't necessarily reflect his beliefs. He owns the team and tomorrow they could have another owner. If anything, the fans should protest by not attending the games, don't give sterling a dime and root for your team from afar. I'd LOVE to see a completely empty staples center . I think attendance will take some type of hit; no blacks should attend a game ever tho, no way would I support that racist buffoon.
 I agree with you but I think the fans should be there for the players and vice versa...

know what... no white people should go and fill the arena up with tickets for everyone b
If fans did protest, someone would ruin it when they found some courtside seats going for the low.
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