Club Bathroom YOU tip this guy?

No I do not and a lot of them are super annoying! [emoji]128545[/emoji]

It's these type of cats that make borderline choosy tippers resort to not tipping anyone, lol like bruh, I know how to wash my hands n dry. I do not need ya help nor your mints, smh
Weird AF? Your damn right

Still tip? Your damn right

I don't know how they are around your guy's way of town but these dudes hold down the fort over here in LA. I can't tell you how many times me and my boy's went to feed our nose at a club's bathroom and these guys make sure the owner/other people don't see. It's a guaranteed 8ball for my young bathroom trap gawds

U on that nose candy brah?
I tip him every other bathroom trip, so only about $2 or $3 by the end of the night, not a big deal.
I dont kno bout yall but da 1s ova here look out 4u while u rolling up or sniffin up or gettin some play matter of fact i got a couple of them some play 2 real talk ima beast.
I dont kno bout yall but da 1s ova here look out 4u while u rolling up or sniffin up or gettin some play matter of fact i got a couple of them some play 2 real talk ima beast.

Cops look out for you while your doing coke? Which planet do you currently reside in?
Weird AF? Your damn right

Still tip? Your damn right

I don't know how they are around your guy's way of town but these dudes hold down the fort over here in LA. I can't tell you how many times me and my boy's went to feed our nose at a club's bathroom and these guys make sure the owner/other people don't see. It's a guaranteed 8ball for my young bathroom trap gawds

That's what I'm saying. You're in a strange club and don't know anyone. Bathroom attendant will put you on. Always got that fire too because they know the big dogs in the scene.
Absolutely, as I am a huge proponent of tipping and this gentleman provides a vital service.

But as always there are exceptions.

First and foremost. Not only must his work area be clean, but the bathroom as a whole must be kept clean. That means he's addressing any and all spill issues, if I go in there and there's piss on the floor, you're not getting a tip.

The bathroom needs to smell NOT like a bathroom when I walk in either man. They gotta be on top of that ****. I know it's not the most glamorous position but if you're going to take the job you've gotta do everything that it entails. Basically dude has to not only be the bathroom attendant, he's also got to be the plumber and the bathroom cleaner as well.

I mean it defeats the purpose if dude is squirting soap on my hands but I've gotta touch a dirty bathroom handle to leave (I always use a paper towel to open the door anyways but still). Dude needs to have some disinfecting wipes and be on it. **** needs to look on point in there.

If he can maintain the premises then he'll get a $3-5 tip from me.
i usually dont wash my hands

so this guy is extra annoying to me

making me wash and giving me a guilt trip for the tip

not my fault you got a "****" job bro

man dude you foul as HELL.

you prolly don't even bother using a towel to open the bathroom door after leaving. nasty *** dude man.

then you got the nerve to look down on him? with etiquette like yours (or rather lack thereof) you have got to be kidding us with that ol' nonsense. go on with that. you disgust me b.
left the cocoa butter at the crib and used a dot of lotion on my lip, son still charged me $2 
i usually dont wash my hands

so this guy is extra annoying to me

making me wash and giving me a guilt trip for the tip

not my fault you got a "****" job bro

man dude you foul as HELL.

you prolly don't even bother using a towel to open the bathroom door after leaving. nasty *** dude man.

then you got the nerve to look down on him? with etiquette like yours (or rather lack thereof) you have got to be kidding us with that ol' nonsense. go on with that. you disgust me b.

Fed the troll; too easy.
I have tipped them in the past, but I do get annoyed by it.

I can wash and dry my own damn hands.

One time I was out somewhere and I was drinking a lot because I didn't drive and there was this other dude that came with my boy's friends or something to the likes and he popped some pill or some crap that had him drinking a lot of water.

I was going to the bathroom a lot, but not as much as the pill popper dude and every time I went to the bathroom and I am peeing I was wondering if I should tip for every time I went and used the stall or something. I wasn't buying any of the stuff that he was pushing though and I had tipped $3 the first or second time I was used the bathroom but I went back another 4-5 times.

Pill popper dude was drinking water like it he just came out the Mohave desert or something and one time I went in to use the bathroom while he was using it too and the dude hit him with hey you've used the bathroom a lot today and haven't tipped nothing :lol:

I didn't know pill popper dude like that so I just stood there peeing into the stall, but the bathroom attendant knew dude was on something because he wasn't really coherent that much. Turns out he was going through issues with his long time girlfriend and he just wanted to wild out and go ham or something, but he's usually a really chill person otherwise some of the guys there said.
I seen this kind of patron for the first time last year.

I grabbed a red starburst from the table and as I walked out dude tapped my shoulder and held out his hand for a buck.

Lord blessed his soul because I wasn't even near drunk yet :lol: :smh:
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It depends on his service first bathroom trip. Usually the best guys are older senior aged black men. They take care of you, if you take care of them. I give a good tip sometimes I never wait, if he's running both men and women's like lounges do my girl never waits. Also they become good wingman on those lounges. They tip you off on those lonely ladies.
I'll leave a dollar everytime I use the bathroom(2-3 times). Whats 2-3 bucks to me if im able to afford wherever i'm eating anyway

the windex and water bottle guys in the city though... Dudes get so mad if you don't drop em cash for doing some service you didnt ask for
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the dude is standing in a room that smells like **** and piss. least you could do is give him a couple of bucks for showing up to work everyday.
I'll leave a dollar everytime I use the bathroom(2-3 times). Whats 2-3 bucks to me if im able to afford wherever i'm eating anyway

Not to jump on you but this mentality creates the "entitled" mindset people in a position like that have. Pay to use the bathroom because someone just happens to be in there "working." Better human than me. And I really hate the, "If it doesn't break me just get rid of it" logic. But it is your money
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