COD : WARZONE anyone playing?

Solos is less fun without buyback but more serious. I've won prob 20 solos. No point anymore. Spend 22 min with max concentration only to die to some blonde banged chubby cheeked punk kid in the corner of a building with an origin.
Solos is less fun without buyback but more serious. I've won prob 20 solos. No point anymore. Spend 22 min with max concentration only to die to some blonde banged chubby cheeked punk kid in the corner of a building with an origin.

Speaking of.....

If I get killed by someone with this dude, it just hits different.

Gotta be JJ Watt stans.

Duos Trios Quads i can rack up a couple Ws a day, but getting a W in solos is unheard of for me. I always get killed by some camper after being glued to the TV like i just popped an Adderall. It’s legit exhausting playing solos.
Its def gotten alot harder becuz the skill gap is so small. Any goober can catch you in a bad position if ur not sweat banding. Seasons 1-3 you could just bully scrubs. Last 2 everybody is a trained assassin. Dont let your K/D get above 2.... reverse boost back down to 1.5ish and you'll play good players but not wanna be streamers that play 60 hrs a week. My decade of COD playing and 2k hrs in PUBG kinda made me for this ish. I get annoyed playing with teammates unless their good (none of my freinds) if your comms are trash/you cant live ping and your not bringing 2500 plus damage jus leave my lobby.
Yea no way am I playing with randoms. Tried it a couple of times, not for me. No one got a mic, no one pings, no one has any type of strategy. Just running around. I gotta get some NT runs though, mics only lol.
I'm so tired of carrying every team I'm on lol. Almost everyone I play with has a KD between .5-.7 besides one dude, with 1.4.
Yall notice they they took all the whips away?

Apparently there was a bug that people kept using to crash the servers or something lol.

Had to keep dropping close to the circle because the first one closes so fast!
there's a new glitch with the stimpacks.. unlimited.. gonna be a long night on WZ tonight.
Not really feeling the new integrated COD.

Was hoping for an all new Warzone not this mini warzone BS.

And why mix MW guns with BO guns in Verdansk

yeah, all of the cold war guns are OP and im not planning to buy the game.

getting less and less interested to play because of that. :smh:
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