Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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I hope those people giving him hell are also compromising their job every day to fight white supremacy [emoji]129300[/emoji]


The time he spent on those camp were very real. The money he donated including that million dollars was very real, he took it way beyond a kneeling gesture.
He's just saying that so a team signs him. He'll be kneeling again once the season starts and he has every reason to do so.
I don't think he needs to kneel for more than a season. He exposed a lot of people and sparked a huge discussion. Touched a lot of people. Change won't happen in one year. I'm fine with him standing next sewson

Don't think he's doing this to get on a team. The QB talent is so poor in football right now, teams were interested in him before this announcement
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Now is prob abetted time for Kaep to kneel though, especially with a racist president, but Kaep gotta get his money can't blame him. How many of us have risked our jobs and livelihoods to fight for social justice? Keep still good in my eyes. Even if he doesn't kneel folk still gonna remover him for being the Pro athlete. who challenged white supremacy and injustice in society. Heck Black Lives Matter has been quite.
I think the kneeling has peaked and in addition to what he's been doing off the field it's time to get another movement going
[h1]Colin Kaepernick makes another $50,000 donation, this time to Meals on Wheels[/h1]
EVAN GROSSMAN MAR 21, 2017 4:33 PM

Colin Kaepernick may be out of a job and he may have pledged to end his kneeling protest of the national anthem, but he continues his work to make the world a better place.

Kaepernick recently made twin $50,000 donations to Meals on Wheels America and the Love Army for Somalia, a social media campaign that’s trying to raise $2 million for food and water for starving people in that African nation.

Colin Kaepernick makes another $50,000 donation, this time to Meals on Wheels

Since he began his social justice crusade last year, Kaepernick has donated an estimated $500,000 to assorted charities and community groups. On the free-agent quarterback’s website,, there is a running log of the donations he’s made.

In January, the last month listed on the site, Kaepernick donated $25,000 each to Brooklyn-based Black Veterans for Social Justice and, the Center for Reproductive Rights in New York, and the Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles.

Since October, Kaepernick has donated $100,000 a month, mostly in $25,000 increments, to a variety of social and community programs dedicated to helping the less fortunate among us.

While President Donald Trump, among others, continues to rip Kaepernick for kneeling during the “Star-Spangled Banner” (and recently presented a federal budget that aims to de-fund programs like Meals on Wheels), Kaepernick has worked to improve the lives of veterans, poor people, minorities, women and immigrants.

It makes you wonder, exactly, who is really working to Make America Great, and who is full of it.
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You couldn't pay me to reason or logic with a certain race of people these days.....NOPE!!!

Trump is prime example of the people who voted him in...SMH
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He'd be a great backup for Pittsburgh w/ Ben more than likely done after this season but the yinzers don't want him for obvious reasons.
Pittsburgh would implode if they picked up Kaep. They almost died when Vick got picked up

Him getting blackballed is also proving much of his point
Yep that we truly live among greed and evil devils
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