Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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The best "**** you" Kaep could give the league is teaching all the rookies how to be financially independent. Once you are, how else can the owners keep you on a leash?

No need to take the billionaires to court in a system where money dictates who's getting justice.
Wouldn't be a "**** you" but would def be a killing with kindness move
The league isn't above getting scabs/replacements for players. You'd still have well the vast majority of quarterbacks likely not partaking in this. Your Tom Brady's etc. then they'd fill out rosters with people who'd cross the line and other bums. The quality would surely decrease but people will even pay to watch the browns play.

Players in the NFL just don't have the same kind of power they do in the NBA

Keanu Reeves ain't walking through that door
So many trash QBs are signed as 2nd and 3rd QB off the bench during free agency. Dudes out here bagging groceries who can't hit the broad side of a house with a football. Beat it Joe.
Joe Montana overrated af. Catch ain't nada without Clark.
We have a racist in the White House, but they're too shook to admit why teams won't sign Kaep.
I can't really be too mad at Vick. They did a number on him psychologically. He's liable to say whatever he thinks will appease "that crowd".

When he said Kap should "cut his hair to change his image"...I already knew what time it was.
The people these current and former NFL players pander too will never like them.

Athletes gotta start recognizing what's really going on.

Nothing Vick says will erase the dog fighting from their memories.
Vick - "He needs to cut his hair" WTH are you talking about?

There are football fans who still hate Vick after all these years. Soft-shoeing isn't going to win them over.

Funny how other groups can hold decade-long grudges against someone for killing a dog but we will forgive someone as soon as the court declares some child murder not-guilty.
i feel like what vick is saying is that he knows from experience that kaep is gonna have to tap dance and assimilate if he wants these hwypipo to **** with him again.

whether thats right or wrong is a whole nother discussion entirely but if anyone would know its vick.
Wtf can Vick tell Kaep?! Their situations are completely different from each other.

for the intents and purposes of hwypipo not feeling them...theyre really not

in some hwypipo's eyes what they did is equally as bad...hwypipo love dogs and the flag

only from my observation ofc
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i feel like what vick is saying is that he knows from experience that kaep is gonna have to tap dance and assimilate if he wants these hwypipo to **** with him again.

whether thats right or wrong is a whole nother discussion entirely but if anyone would know its vick.

Never seen it like this. But I understand your point

Good point indeed
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