Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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I'm loving the fact that he's actually from there, so its definitely a genuine reaction. It must've really sucked for him(and his bro) seeing their town like that after probably having a great childhood and growing up there.
Frank Serpico joins current and former NYPD officers at pro-Kaepernick rally:
^^ I read about that in another thread on here, will definitely check that out next time I'm home.

I'm glad that they realized how monumental his actions were. America turned very ugly, very quickly. It should be remembered throughout our history.
Shout to the browns. Felt when they injured Beckham lol
she...doesn't understand what the flag stands for to #them, does it?

realize that this is a fundamental disconnect in perspective.

most everyday Americans CANNOT see the issue.

thanks for your input, Mrs. Matt Stafford.
George Foreman clearly is suffering from CTE based on his comments about KD and Kaep in regards to the flag. These dudes sound fresh off an assembly line the way they respond to things. Totally out of touch with what the issue is.
"They Hated Dr. King.....they hated when he marched
They hated Malcolm X.....and they hated Rosa Parks"

- Lil Boosie

They literally hate every single black person that fought for civil rights. Ali, Kareem etc too. Colin Kaepernick stands on those shoulders. He's going to be on the right side of history.....and these racist white people will double back like they loved and supported him the whole time.
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