Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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"We don't want players making political stances" despite Tom Brady's open support of Trump in the locker room and in public. I don't see how some black folks can't see through the code words.
"Personal agenda"? It's only injustice and inequality. Why don't you let the team decide if he effects the "team concept"? If he doesn't come to play, then cut him. But to not even let him get a chance because he spoke out on certain issues.

Bills' McCoy doesn't believe Kaepernick is good enough to warrant distraction, signing

Joe Buscaglia





ORCHARD PARK, NY (WKBW) - Coming into the day, LeSean McCoy trade rumors were the biggest topic. That was, until, McCoy was asked what he thought about the protesting of the national anthem. From there, he went straight to what he thought about Colin Kaepernick -- without being prompted.

Here is the transcript in full:

LeSean McCoy: This is a lot going on with this whole Kaepernick situation. In this country you can believe what you want. Freedom of speech. If guys want to stand, they can stand. I think maybe they can choose a better platform to state their beliefs. One thing I learned about just here in America is that people they’re followers. There’s some that you may ask about these different topics, but they’ll say what they heard, not what actually know, even with the Kaepernick situation. It’s a lot more than just he’s not on the team because he doesn’t want to stand for the national anthem. That may have something to do with it, but I think also it has a lot to do with his play. I’m sure a lot of teams wouldn’t want him as their starting quarterback. That chaos that comes along with it, it’s a lot. As a team, trying to win and not have a distraction on the team, I just take that as a player – there’s certain players that could be on the team with big distractions, and there’s other players that it’s not good enough or not worth it. I think his situation is not good enough to have him on the team with all the attention that comes along with it. I’m sure if a guy like Brady or a guy like whoever is your favorite player – Odell Beckham or a guy like that – you’ll deal with that attention and play him. With certain guys, it’s not worth it. It’s all what you believe in. I kind of stay out of it because everybody has their own beliefs and what they believe in. It is what it is.

Question: If it’s not handled right can it be a distraction?

McCoy: I think so. You just got to look at all sides, like if I’m an owner, or the GM of a team, do I want to put him on my team? Is he good enough to be on the squad, to even deal with everything that’s going on? That’s something that I don’t really partake in.

Q: Michael Vick was a distraction too, though, coming out of what he came out of

McCoy: That’s a great example. You take a guy like Michael Vick who went through what he went through. He’s 10 times better than Kaepernick. :rofl: You’ll deal with that situation, that attention, that media aspect of it. The good, the bad attention you’ll get. Compared to Kaepernick, it’s like, he’s not really that good of a player to deal with. So people outside of sports don’t really know that. They see only one side of black guy standing up for a good reason, but the NFL is against him, but I think it’s more than that. I think it has to do with some of that. But also, dealing with him with him on the team you’re trying to build together. There’s so many outsiders can mess up a team. I can see both sides, I really can. I just don’t think a guy like him – a great example you used for Michael Vick, and I was on that team, and I haven’t seen more media for a player like that ever. And we’ll deal with a guy like Michael Vick or LeBron James. You’re going to deal with them, that attention, good or bad, positive or negative, compared to a guy like Kaepernick, who’s just OK. He’s an OK player, you know? He might not make certain teams. But them guys I talked about, they’re going to make them teams. They’re going to be the star of the teams. It is what it is, man.

:smh: this cornbread *** dude :smh:
dude was an eagle before right? explains the cornball thought process
not mention
people love to talk about keep falloff
but his last year with harbaugh
there was disfunction on the team and in the offices
which was apparent
and he still went 8-8
next year had tomsula :lol:
then chip :rofl:
he's a good player
and people forget
a good chunk of guys retired/left after harbaugh did
like people retired outta the blue
and then the guy who was gonna take willis place retired too
all this keep aint good stuff is hyperbole
Man, I saw they were JUST discussing this on First Take and the first thing I hear Stephen A. say is "You definitely have to respect McCoys position...."

I hate it when black people speak out against each other man. It's frustrating. Kaep is literally trying to help our entire race. EVERYONE, including you sage steele, including you ray lewis, including you george foreman, including you shady mccoy yes even including you lil wayne. Do we ever hear someone from the LBGT speaking out about how they shouldn't get married? like was NPH like, "discussing whether or not I have the right to get married?? that's just not worth a distraction right now." Are their Mexican celebs that are openly FOR the border wall? One thing that always reminds me that we still have those remnants from 400 years of slavery, is how they still have us divided, house ******, field******. You don't ever see a race or group so divided or actively trying to hold the other back when a call to action has been made.
All this time and they still got us turning on each other like this, when the only goal is that it will benefit us all.
Man, I saw they were JUST discussing this on First Take and the first thing I hear Stephen A. say is "You definitely have to respect McCoys position...."

I hate it when black people speak out against each other man. It's frustrating. Kaep is literally trying to help our entire race. EVERYONE, including you sage steele, including you ray lewis, including you george foreman, including you shady mccoy yes even including you lil wayne. Do we ever hear someone from the LBGT speaking out about how they shouldn't get married? like was NPH like, "discussing whether or not I have the right to get married?? that's just not worth a distraction right now." Are their Mexican celebs that are openly FOR the border wall? One thing that always reminds me that we still have those remnants from 400 years of slavery, is how they still have us divided, house ******, field******. You don't ever see a race or group so divided or actively trying to hold the other back when a call to action has been made.
All this time and they still got us turning on each other like this, when the only goal is that it will benefit us all.
i swear it be seeming like max be more understanding than Stephen a does sometimes :smh:
Max be sounding like Malcolm X compared to Stephen A some times. Stephen A knows how to dance back and forth for both groups.


Then the next "Colin was peaceful, this is wrong how they're treating him".
Max be sounding like Malcolm X compared to Stephen A some times. Stephen A knows how to dance back and forth for both groups.


Then the next "Colin was peaceful, this is wrong how they're treating him".
he says just enough not to be called a cornball brotha
i think he knows what he be saying is kinda crazy
but he has to be the "balanced black guy" on the network
cause jemele michael, and bomani dont ever tip toe and sound cornballish
I enjoy watching the sport of football a whole lot is my reason.^

Edit: also I recall telling a coworker how silly it was he stopped watching the NFL because Kap was taking a knee...

I don't feel too conflicted, I support the work and message Kap is putting out there.
These "owners" aren't too smart. By blackballing kaep they just brought even more attention to what they are originally trying to sweep under the rug. The blatant hypocrisy and bigotry of the League is now just even more solidified. But hey this is nothing new.
Chance was on ESPN rock in the Kap afro fist shirt and speaking on him...ESPN is one of the NFL's biggest money makers...this ain't going anywhere
itd be nice to hear those who voted no in the poll say why :nerd:

Because I'm not lying, I'm watching football. I like watching football.

Aren't ratings determined by nielsen numbers? So if you aren't a nielsen viewer, how does the NFL see the ratings change? How does it affect the NFL? So what are you standing up for if you aren't noticed? One of the things marching does is to try to bring awareness to issues. Going in front of the NFL offices in numbers is actually more effective than saying I'm not watching football.

It's not to deter anyone, but I don't see the point.

It's no different than the people who said they were so outraged by the NFL from people kneeling.
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