Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Google it. You clearly have your mind made up already but look into it. Don't ask other people if they've done the research before you did it yourself.

Dude been out here for a minute.

If it's so widely known. I should know it.

He's donated money?

He's spoken out for animals and the environment. That's not black people. That's civil rights.

When was he upset for Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Philando Castile?

If you're going to criticize what someone else is doing, and refer to them as *****es of all words. No wonder Donald Trump was his friend, very similar language. I want to know what he did for us, besides peddle the Rush Card.
If it's so widely known. I should know it.

He's donated money?

He's spoken out for animals and the environment. That's not black people. That's civil rights.

When was he upset for Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Philando Castile?

If you're going to criticize what someone else is doing, and refer to them as ******* of all words. No wonder Donald Trump was his friend, very similar language. I want to know what he did for us, besides peddle the Rush Card.

I mean he's also come out and said he and Trump are no longer friends because of Trump's BS so lets not forget that.

But okay since you can't work Google today

Beyond that, Simmons has been active with groups like the David Lynch Foundation, which supports meditation in schools (Simmons is a vocal practitioner of Transcendental Meditation); PETA (he is an outspoken vegan); AIDS-support charity RED; and U.S. Doctors for Africa. More recently, Simmons’ focus has been increasingly drawn to the battles against police brutality and racial profiling, and he’s organized rallies and town halls in support of criminal justice reform.

Benjamin Crump, the lawyer and activist who represented the families of high-profile shooting victims Trayvon Martin and Tamir Rice, recalls Simmons volunteering not only to contribute financially to the Martin family after their son’s death at the hands of George Zimmerman, but also to act as a liaison between the family and the hip-hop community, who helped ensure that the issue remained at the forefront of social media.

“It’s easy to throw a couple dollars at something,” Crump says. “It’s harder to put your name and credibility on the line for an issue, and to say we’re not going to stop until we get some sense of justice or resolution.”

Dude is involved in programs for poor underprivileged youth, women's rights, has the Hip Hop Summit Action Network doing voter registration, giving money to schools and creating new programs and opportunities. I could go on, but you should look into it like I said.

Dude literally been putting in work in urban areas especially for kids for years now.
I mean he's also come out and said he and Trump are no longer friends because of Trump's BS so lets not forget that.

But okay since you can't work Google today

Dude is involved in programs for poor underprivileged youth, women's rights, has the Hip Hop Summit Action Network doing voter registration, giving money to schools and creating new programs and opportunities. I could go on, but you should look into it like I said.

Dude literally been putting in work in urban areas especially for kids for years now.

So he's done charity work and voter registration. Who would be against that? That's safe. There are no repercussions.

This is the dude calling someone *****es for actually standing up for something in front of thousands/millions. Something people are against.

If you don't see the hypocrisy in that, not sure what to tell you.

And as far as him saying they're no longer friends :lol: Do you have to write your friends open letters? Do you think Donald Trump would refer to him as his friend?

Russell Simmons is a clown.
How you not see the hypocrisy in telling people to do research then refuse to do your own?

or maybe it was rhetorical and I already knew the answer. Russell Simmons has been on the front line for nothing.

He shouldn't speak on civil rights.

Got the nerve to say Russell and Trump got similar language while literally pedalling alternate facts :lol:

What did Trump say about Kaepernick and the football players? Sons of *****es?

What did Russell Simmons say about people kneeling and interlocking? it was for *****es

Yet this same man has been on the front line for nothing.

You were so upset seeing men kneeling to protest something to call them *****es, but you weren't upset at any of Trump's speeches, Charlottesville, Eric Garner....?

Has Russell Simmons called Trump a *****? I'd be satisfied with that.
So he's done charity work and voter registration. Who would be against that? That's safe. There are no repercussions.

This is the dude calling someone ******* for actually standing up for something in front of thousands/millions. Something people are against.

If you don't see the hypocrisy in that, not sure what to tell you.

And as far as him saying they're no longer friends :lol: Do you have to write your friends open letters? Do you think Donald Trump would refer to him as his friend?

Russell Simmons is a clown.

iight guy :lol: it's not like Russell hasn't been doing the same thing for years. Dude been out marching in the streets along with the other stuff. You got it though.
Does the president want all the police and union members to be fired as well? They didn’t want to be there , in protest.

But that’s different , right.
Still boycotting the games but looking at my TL what's the purpose of these players locking arms? Annoys me to no end. I mean I get they don't have guaranteed deals like the NBA, but this pseudo show of solidarity is just frustrating.

This 100%. All that locking arms stuff is bogus and fake. It muddles the issue of police brutality and the fact that we have an open White Supremacist as the president. Most of these owners and clowns like Mr. FOOT FETISH Rex will be "appalled" all day long until 2020 rolls around and they vote for this clown again. Racists, sellouts and clowns only hate it when their antics are called out. How is locking arms going to draw attention to the fact that police shoot first and ask questions never when it comes to unarmed people of color?
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Even taking a knee is bs...Kap used to just sit on the bench Chillin...but somebody got to him and said it would be “better” and more “respectful” if he just took a knee ....they still hate the knee tho :lol: :smh:
Even taking a knee is bs...Kap used to just sit on the bench Chillin...but somebody got to him and said it would be “better” and more “respectful” if he just took a knee ....they still hate the knee tho :lol: :smh:
sitting doesn't make a statement like kneeling though, optics aside the message of kneeling seems to say i want this country to represent what the anthem says, sitting just seems like you dgaf about anything, which if you genuinely don't care about here would be appropriate, but kneeling seems to say i want change
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