Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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These uneducated, backwoods Mississippi, racist Trump supporters love using the military as an excuse for their bigotry. A lot of veterans I know personally are super PRO-BLM and anthem protests. Somehow supporting Nazis and the confederacy isn't disrespectful to the military though. Go figure.
I can't for the life of me understand this. Carrying around the confederate and Nazi flags is considered, at the very least, treason. Like bro, your grandfather died fighting Nazis. The confederacy turned against the union, branding themselves traitors and enemies of the state, yet you carry their flags? But some of these dudes consider themselves the biggest patriots
Pisses me off every time I hear these WS say athletes should be "grateful". Like they should be glad they're not slaves and can earn money. That's the mindset and that's why they're so mad. "We give you money but don't you speak up for these other black people". Nah these athletes ain't taking the Michael Jordan approach no more.

they're obligated to as "patriots"
**** Boston.
Pisses me off every time I hear these WS say athletes should be "grateful". Like they should be glad they're not slaves and can earn money. That's the mindset and that's why they're so mad. "We give you money but don't you speak up for these other black people". Nah these athletes ain't taking the Michael Jordan approach no more.

**** Boston.
That's why i don't care for what Lil Wayne has to say
SCROTUS' tweet about solidarity proves further that locking arms is a bs cop out. That's what they want you to do. It's not nearly as powerful as kneeling and the original intention.

These dudes wanna send a message, but don't want to offend anyone and pacify both sides...that's not how it works. If your protest isn't making anyone uncomfortable, you're not doing it right.
You do realize his quote is in reference to people NOT kneeling but half assing it right?

Naw, I didn't realize that :stoneface:

Did I not mention them interlocking arms several times?

Can you not comprehend my point?

You're a 60 year old man who hopped on twitter to call other black men *****es. The strongest position he's made was against other black people.

Has he ever called cops *****es? Trump a *****? It's no different than people upset at people for protesting and not what they're protesting. Your point is mute to me.

Do you not realize that he's the last person that should be criticizing someones method of protest. The letter writer. He wrote an attention whoring open letter to Trump. As if the previous 30 years didn't let people know who he was.
IMG_0957.PNG Lol the ad the shows up at the bottom of this page
Shady just took it to a whole new level :lol:

them boys should just pull out a bottle of henny and start throwing dice. i hope the protests become more and more ridiculous until a high profile star is punished and that causes everyone to really start wilding or the anthem is thrown out altogether until the cause for protest is eliminated.
If you support trump, **** you, **** your family.
If you go out of your way to defend trump, **** you, **** your family.
If you try to justify what trump or anyone like him says, **** you, **** your family.
If you backed him before and now realize for whatever reason that you’re wrong, **** you, **** your family. Dumbass ****ers “I knew he was racist but I didn’t know he was THAT racist” LOL stupid ****s

You can’t “cure” a racist. You just sit and wait until they die. This was the last grasp at power by the old white racists of the past and their garbage children. It’s over, just die. I hope these fake “I’m one of the good blacks” type of ************* end up getting shot by the people they defend. No matter how hard you try you are NOT one of them. It’s like the white guy with all the black friends that’s cool saying “*****” around them. Try and try to believe it as hard as he might but he pulls “*****” out around anyone else and it’s his head getting stomped in.

You’re a patriot yet you don’t serve the military?
You’re a patriot yet you see a homeless vet and you won’t spare a ******* dollar?
You’re a patriot yet on a daily basis you alienate minority US citizens?

The back pedaling **** get the least respect. You’re a racist, own it, breath it in, accept it, say it loud and proud. There was absolutely ZERO grey area with where trump stood. His main selling point was building a wall to save us from Mexicans described as “bad hombres”. What the **** about that confused you? What was the mixed signal there?

For you minorities that desperately cling for acceptance I SPIT on you. Never in you life will you be white. NEVER. I blame your parents for teaching you, or the lack there of. You are the culmination of slavery and brainwashing. You are the formula the slave masters wanted. They wanted to keep you dumb. They wanted you to believe in a god so you could live in fear. They wanted you to accept your role in life. They wanted you to believe this is “just the way things work”. I’ll give it up to the racists, they tried and continue to systematically keep minorities dumb with the education system. Up until recently it’s been pretty bullet proof but too many have broken out of that cycle and social media is giving everyone a voice. You don’t need to be rich to “matter” anymore. The racist whites hate that.

What’s hilarious is that these are really eating up the “patriotism” BS. These people really care about it? The people really care about a ******* song being played? The same people who are out buying hotdogs, taking a piss, getting drunk, drinking, stuffing their face, tailgating outside, beating their wives, playing beer pong, ordering wings, standing at a buffet line..... during the anthem REALLY care???? LOL. My goodness they sure do care..... oh, but let a black man kneel and it’s disrespect. **** that. You’d think people would be smart enough for that rhetoric to pass in a day but hey.... same country that voted trump in because he’s “go get’er” LOL.

Trump accomplished his goal. He wanted to tap into the dumb ****, racist, low self esteem, woman fearing, back woods, uneducated, minority fearing, hick, and self hating minorities of the US. He did ALL of that.

Odds are we all in here will outlive Trump. I can’t wait to piss on his grave. I will make it a yearly tradition. Join me.

All that money, the position, the buildings and STILL doesn’t have the power and respect he wants. THAT is what’s killing trump. That’s what keeps racist whites up at night. They know they ****** up now. Genetically they’re inferior, intellectually the gap is closing, and population wise their women are ******* more colored people making more colored babies.

They ******* HATE IT.

Haven’t been here in years. Missed the E3 thread, missed the unpopular opinion thread, missed the nba finals trash talk fest, but I will NOT miss this. Huge ravens fan, **** Ray Lewis. ******* parody of a black man

Good luck y’all.

J.Cole calling for a boycott

SCROTUS' tweet about solidarity proves further that locking arms is a bs cop out. That's what they want you to do. It's not nearly as powerful as kneeling and the original intention.

These dudes wanna send a message, but don't want to offend anyone and pacify both sides...that's not how it works. If your protest isn't making anyone uncomfortable, you're not doing it right.
you want to know what would send the ultimate message from these players?
Boycott the nfl too and refuse to play.

boy would that shake the world up.

like the mexicans who stopped working for a day
Do ya'll research these dudes history before you praise them?

What does he know about activism?

Donald Trump was his "friend" and what did he do, he wrote a ****in letter to him

The same dude who said the Central Park 5 should get the death penalty and rallied against even when it was proven they were innocent. The dude who had housing discrimination cases against him :smh: That was his friend.

And what has Russell done for injustice and oppression?

Maybe he would be cool with them writing letters instead of kneeling :rolleyes

I've been done with him since he came out with the RushCard.
Another thing that pisses me off is I keep hearing these coaches and owners say "we talked about it as a team..." If you're white you don't get to tell black people how deal with this. Whether your racist or not you don't get to benefit from racism then tell black people how to deal with it. We deal with it how we see fit and if you're with it cool, if not that's cool too. We know where you stand.
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