Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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I've heard this several times over the past year but is it true that Beast Mode had been sitting down for the anthem for YEARS before last season?
I've heard this several times over the past year but is it true that Beast Mode had been sitting down for the anthem for YEARS before last season?

Sitting and standing, basically whatever mood he's in at the time.

It is in no way related to a protest.

It's just Marshawn being Marshawn :lol:
I dunno man, I think it's a lot to ask for all the black players to not show up for games next sunday but it will be amazing if that happened. Like I get it, they have families to feed and it's difficult to get everyone on the same page but this is a once in a lifetime chance to make a strong statement.
Proud of the players this weekend, the amount of butthurt from the white fans is astounding though. These cats really worship the flag and national anthem
Proud of the players this weekend, the amount of butthurt from the white fans is astounding though. These cats really worship the flag and national anthem

Those hypocrites don't care about no damn flag man or the military. This is about racism period. Their president openly disrespects the constitution and the military but it's alright because he's white.
I dunno man, I think it's a lot to ask for all the black players to not show up for games next sunday but it will be amazing if that happened. Like I get it, they have families to feed and it's difficult to get everyone on the same page but this is a once in a lifetime chance to make a strong statement.

I feel that the all star type players should hold out. But they won’t

Imagine dez, Zeke, dax not playing today “America’s team” Im sure jerry Jones is already sliding them a check or talking about something

Either way most sports team owners are white families, the nba rockets were are for sale, I remember mattress Mack saying he wants to make a team of investors and buy the team but that’s only if they allow that to happen...basically the nba is still picking and choosing who owns the team which imo isn’t correct
It was actually under Obama that the DOD paid millions to the NFL to require them to be out for the National Anthem.

Before 2009, football players standing for the national anthem wasn’t even a thing. The teams stayed in the locker room until after “and the hoooome of the braaaave,” and then ran onto the field. No one was offended, and no one was on cable news eliciting tears from disrespected military families. But then, the Department of Defense and the National Guard got involved. They began to pay the NFL millions of dollars to have ostentatious flag ceremonies before games. If the waste of taxpayer money isn’t gross enough, grab your barf bag as you learn about the motivation behind the expenditure. The DOD and the National Guard were marketing to sports fans.
From an outsider's point of view ( Canadian who is not white or black ), the act of kneeling on one knee shows more respect and sincerity than placing your hand over your heart.

Why does this infuriate people ?
From an outsider's point of view ( Canadian who is not white or black ), the act of kneeling on one knee shows more respect and sincerity than placing your hand over your heart.

Why does this infuriate people ?
Probably because a black man was doing it to protest against police brutality and systemic racism in general. The anthem in general also seems to be a very sensitive issue for many Americans.

Personally I think the whole anthem and pledges of allegiance thing in general comes off as very cultish to me (no offense). I don't know more than 2 or 3 sentences of our anthem, neither does anyone else I know. That includes my parents. Most of our national soccer team generally doesn't bother singing along with the anthem in international matches either and nobody cares. We learned and had to recite the anthem once in elementary and that was it. Never had any occasions in which it was required or even expected since then, hence why I don't recall more than 2 or 3 lines. A national anthem has bears zero relevance to patriotism or national pride to me.
I can't even lie to you all, this is an emotional issue for me. I feel so much anger and hatred for the white people in this country who choose to interpret a protest against systemic racism and injustice as a protest against the military or our country. All this talk about unity and the need for healing and dialogue, I don't know if I'll ever be in that space, I know I won't ever be able to do anything but spit in the face of a white devil.
Pop said it best. This isn't a "we need to come together" moment. No.

Every single white person needs to heed Coach Pops word and truly reflect internally on what he said.

But that's an uncomfortable thing for many of them. No real progress will ever be made unless there is that self reflection and action to dismantle white supremacy and systemic racism from white people themselves.

30 years from now.....we'll see who stood where. It ALWAYS happens.
I can't even lie to you all, this is an emotional issue for me. I feel so much anger and hatred for the white people in this country who choose to interpret a protest against systemic racism and injustice as a protest against the military or our country. All this talk about unity and the need for healing and dialogue, I don't know if I'll ever be in that space, I know I won't ever be able to do anything but spit in the face of a white devil.

That's the thing though. They don't interpret it that way. They use that as a cover to stop change. It's a desperate attempt to paint everyone else as sinners because they have nothing else to use in their battles of why there shouldn't be equality.
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