Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Ben Roethlisberger is a sucka.

Add Mario Lemieux to that list:

"respect the institution of the office of the president and the long tradition of championship teams visiting the White House."

The timing is 100% intentional. Steelers remain in the locker room and Steph Curry rejects invitation. Then this clown comes out with this.
I can't even lie to you all, this is an emotional issue for me. I feel so much anger and hatred for the white people in this country who choose to interpret a protest against systemic racism and injustice as a protest against the military or our country. All this talk about unity and the need for healing and dialogue, I don't know if I'll ever be in that space, I know I won't ever be able to do anything but spit in the face of a white devil.

The sooner POC realize that these "ppl" are our natural enemies & there is no exception the sooner we make progress by ourselves. They are going to pull all kinds of trickery to disguise their inherent evil. It's to be expected. What matters is how we respond.
Add Mario Lemieux to that list:

The timing is 100% intentional. Steelers remain in the locker room and Steph Curry rejects invitation. Then this clown comes out with this.

I understand the logic in that, as long as ownership does not penalize their players who refuse to go.
The parallels this has to slavery and the Jim Crow era is scary. Black man steps out of line and gets dealt with publicly, and anyone who follows suit will be threatened with consequences. Keep your mouth shut, stay in line, and entertain us.

I used to think it was just more hidden....but when you think about it, this stuff is as blatant as it gets.
It was actually under Obama that the DOD paid millions to the NFL to require them to be out for the National Anthem.
i realize obama wasn't perfect
but i dislike
how they try to discredit
and make every little damn thing he did as bad
and that he didn't want the best for americans
im not saying thats what YOU
were doing
but i notice people always tryna say
"well obama this or obama that"
he's only human
people try and discredit him for every little thing
Friend just texted this to me

White people know precisely and exactly why black players are kneeling. But it makes no difference because the problem is not black players kneeling but black players protesting about WHITE BRUTALITY. White people know that this is what the kneeling is about. But until the end of time, they will insist that disrespect is being shown towards the American flag and anthem and they will do this because of their own cognitive dissonance. Dr Joy De Gruy mentions this time and again in her lectures and book. White people rather than address their own brutality have to change the narrative and make it about black disrespect. They do this time and again with - well - just about everything.

When we get shot, they say it is ALWAYS our fault - rather than deal with the violent racism within their own race - Tick Cognitive dissonance

When we say ‘Black Lives Matter’ they say “ALL lives matter” even though they KNOW we are saying that black lives matter means black lives matter TOO - Tick Cognitive dissonance.

When we say to them that their police are disproportionately killing us - They reply “black on black crime” even thought their levels of white on white crime are similar to our own -

Tick - Cognitive dissonance.

When we say to them why are you calling us thick lipped, wide nosed, big assed, nappy haired monkeys whilst tanning your skin, pretending you are black (Rachel Dolezal, Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner et al), injecting fat into your backsides and lips, wearing black hair styles and trying to twerk. They respond that they are not culturally appropriating anything because a black person might also be wearing a weave so they are doing the same thing (even though appropriation always favors the dominate race) - Tick Cognitive dissonance.

When we say please do not use the racial epithet beginning with “N” they say “but you use it amongst yourselves we want to be able to use it too”. Even though they know that the use of this word amongst black people is a form of reclamation but still white people are just frothing at the mouth to want to use it - Tick - Cognitive dissonance.

I would like to challenge my fellow black brothers and sisters to think of a single event, incident, occurrence where whites do not switch the narrative to make it about something else in an attempt to deflect and detract from the atrocities they are subjecting people of color to. I have said it once and I will say it again. They would shoot a black baby point blank in the head and find some reason why it was the baby’s fault and the right wing media would rally around them.
Trump made this about himself again

From now on its gonna be hard to tell who's protesting the injustice or who's protesting Trump (imo the majority of the NFL who kneeled)
The parallels this has to slavery and the Jim Crow era is scary. Black man steps out of line and gets dealt with publicly, and anyone who follows suit will be threatened with consequences. Keep your mouth shut, stay in line, and entertain us.

I used to think it was just more hidden....but when you think about it, this stuff is as blatant as it gets.

Ain't this the truth

They tell you to be grateful for the crumbs they gave you. To not disrupt their negative peace....and that things are better off if you just shut up and didn't demand equality.

What Trump said is some straight slave master....know your place boy type rhetoric. Literally calling for "owners" to punish black men for "stepping outta line".
The parallels this has to slavery and the Jim Crow era is scary. Black man steps out of line and gets dealt with publicly, and anyone who follows suit will be threatened with consequences. Keep your mouth shut, stay in line, and entertain us.

I used to think it was just more hidden....but when you think about it, this stuff is as blatant as it gets.

Im not surprised at how things are.

Look at how things are changing. Everything is changing for the worst for the people in power. This is the last run that white people have to flex their supremacist muscles the way they're doing now. They no longer have a monopoly on this country and they are terrified. Everything they are against, they are surrounded by. Trump is their last hope and display of their way of thinking . His inability to get anything done is a reflection that they no longer have full power. They have never been challenged the way they are now and they're scrambling. All they could do is accept eventual defeat or alter the system slightly. I think the people in power know this and played heavily in why Trump was allowed to go so far in the first place. To disrupt the system instead of relinquish power. Time will tell if Trumps victory will have changed US politics, but I am in no way surprised at this country's true colors being shown with his election.
we need parallel protests. kneel during anthem to protest police brutality. then use something else to protest trump. like replace the snap count "hut, hut, Omaha, 23, ready, hike" with "trump's a *****, **** donald trump, **** his whole family, hike".
Another thing Pop said which the truth is white folks don't wanna give up white privilege. It's like cutting the line to get into the club. A lot of 'em ain't tryna give that up. Give up power. Then you get into how some of these white extremist think, that they'll be whipped off cuz black people got dominate genes and they're already the minority in the world.

Ain't this the truth

They tell you to be grateful for the crumbs they gave you. To not disrupt their negative peace....and that things are better off if you just shut up and didn't demand equality.

What Trump said is some straight slave master....know your place boy type rhetoric. Literally calling for "owners" to punish black men for "stepping outta line".

Yes. Basically Trump was saying "Get your plantation in order". It's a lot of stuff from slavery that's still in place in this country. Kaep as the Nat Turner and they have to "punish" him to send the message to other athletes. Ray Lewis as the house _ who's the message boy. "You's need to stop this nonsense so massa can't take you back now hear!".
i realize obama wasn't perfect
but i dislike
how they try to discredit
and make every little damn thing he did as bad
and that he didn't want the best for americans
im not saying thats what YOU
were doing
but i notice people always tryna say
"well obama this or obama that"
he's only human
people try and discredit him for every little thing
Right. DOD had a budget. Like a president is checking every line item.
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