Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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So you're not a socialist that wants to do away with our capitalist democratic values that also has a propensity for heavy spin?

We all know that "socialist" is a dirty word to you and you 100% consider it an insult

You're not fooling anyone
None of this is true. You just won't think outside your box.

You in the DMV right? I'll be out DC this weekend. We can "build or box" choose. Srs. Pull up. Not on no tough sht.

Either an L and a learning opportunity for you....or an L for you. Feel like you're "lost already"....but I always hold out hope for my brothers.

You may learn one day. We all aren't above growth.

Never in all my years have I been threatened over the Internet. And from a fellow black man as well. You sir are the problem, not I. And no, I will not be pulling up on you in DC.
We all know that "socialist" is a dirty word to you and you 100% consider it an insult

You're not fooling anyone

I did not mean it as an insult. I have said in many threads that I hold Rusty in high regard as far as posters go. He styles himself as a socialist so why would I call him anything else?
da United States is a Lamborghini with a terrible Driver for 8 years... doesn't take away from da fact its still a exotic supercar that would dust ad camrys or accords of other countries in its wake, bad driver or not. That doesn't mean that this Lamborghini of a Country doesn't deserve a driver worth da caliber of da automobile.
Anyone else see the irony of this dude using a foreign car as a metaphor to describe how great America is?
I did not mean it as an insult. I have said in many threads that I hold Rusty in high regard as far as posters go. He styles himself as a socialist so why would I call him anything else?

Sometimes a lot of tone and emotion gets lost when thoughts are transferred to's very easy for things to be misinterpreted on the internet. Some people use this to their benefit to create a persona that is totally different from it's real life counterpart

That's why it's always so strange to encounter someone who is such an obvious liar
Rico x Hood, those of us who advocate for Social Democracy are actually in favor of a system that buttresses your purported ideals.

You say that you are in favor of democracy and capitalism. Social Democracy strengthens both Democracy and Capitalism.

The United States is actually a Republic but much of our political history is the tug of war between democratic tendencies and aristocratic tendencies within our Republic. Social Democracy gives more people the education, leisure time and resources to be informed and active within the political process. Social Democracy moves us to the democratic side of the spectrum and away from the aristocratic side of the spectrum that is inherent in all Republics.

Social Democracy with its more equitable distribution of wealth and income, allows more people to participate more fully and completely within a capitalist system. More people can consume, save, invest and create and in so doing, the people can both grow and enjoy the fruits of a market economy. The common man becomes both a worker and a capitalist all at the same time and there is no better bulwark against totalitarian socialism than that sort of citizen.

Without Social Democracy, you have Oligarchy. You have a political system dominated by fewer and fewer. You will be ruled increasingly by caudillos, strongmen, Caesars, warlords and grandees. Meanwhile, your economy will become increasingly feudal where debt peonage and subsistence labor will be the lot of the many and arch rent seeking will be the lot of the few.

You want Democracy and Capitalism to thrive in America, embrace Social Democracy.
How can you admit that NT has flaws and still stay here as an active member?

That doesn't even make any sense

There's levels to criticism. Rusty's critique of America is extreme and heavy handed.

Rico there's plenty of post history from all tree o y'all that does that on its own. And again the audacity to talk about divisive rhetoric all the while peddling for blacks to gone a guy who's entire rise as a candidate is based on that. Hypocrite much? Yea I know you don't support him, just defend everything he does.

Nothing at all hypocritical. You can keep pushing that tired *** narrative but it holds no water. However, you're rhetoric and those that believe as you do is tearing the black community apart. And is far more damaging to black progress than any Trump policy proposal. Shame on you.

Could it be that his position is justified because conditions here are extremely awful for what the country proclaims to be? Like I said, you think like a child who believes he is immune to criticism because he thinks his **** doesn't stink.

As Comparison Ford pointed out a few pages back, the health outcomes of the US health system are much worse than anywhere else in the developed world even though we spend more on healthcare than anyone else in the world. In other words, we are wasting money. I thought that government waste was a conservative concern, but when Rusty proposes solutions that have proven to result in less spending and better outcomes such as universal healthcare your only retort is essentially "it sounds leftist, therefore I don't like it."

And both of you Hoods are extreme hypocrites. When your feet are held to the fire (as they often are in the political thread), you just disappear.

We asked you multiple times if you. rico x hood rico x hood , could produce some links that cover Trump's policy proposals regarding Black Americans and you never did. You waited for the subject to change so that you could re-inject yourself in the conversation.

You consistently lob insults at Belgium Belgium but expect respect when the same is done to you.

And you don't have a problem hiding behind the "black community" when it suits you (like now) when you have posted time and time again how you couldn't careless about social issues that affect Black people living in America.

That's some ****boy ****.
Extremely awful? Can we chill with the hyperbole. As we all saw tonight, he wasnt able to name a single positive thing about America. The charge stuck.

All Rustys proposals are steeped in socialist principles, so of course i wont agree. But when I call him out for his socialist agenda, then im wrong. Thats the real hypocrisy.

And I posted in the political thread the GOPs 2016 platform about increasing minority outreach. I dont recall anyone asking for Trump specifics. And I never insulted Colombia i just questioned why he was in the thread so much if hes not from here and was just going to parrot the typical liberal talking points. I actually dont insult anyone, its your guys that level personal attacks at me.

And i have stated many times if black people started trying out a different way of progressing and stop shunning ideas that arent considered typically black, id be right on the front lines as well. But we're still trying the same old tired tactics and it ain working. And I got no time for that.
Damn....shout out to whoever provided that link about Francis Scott Key, and the part about slaves. I had no idea :smh: I'm upset I've went to black owned schools and they had us reciting that mess.

Hell, I just learned the truth about Abraham Lincoln 2 years ago. Had me thinking he was a good guy. The education system really failed us.
Feeling the same way man. But we are just supposed to shut up and pledge
rico x hood rico x hood

All Rustys proposals are steeped in socialist principles, so of course i wont agree. But when I call him out for his socialist agenda, then im wrong.

As Comparison Ford pointed out a few pages back, the health outcomes of the US health system are much worse than anywhere else in the developed world even though we spend more on healthcare than anyone else in the world. In other words, we are wasting money. I thought that government waste was a conservative concern, but when Rusty proposes solutions that have proven to result in less spending and better outcomes such as universal healthcare your only retort is essentially "it sounds leftist, therefore I don't like it."

Just like I predicted.

You will consider a policy bad because of where it comes from, not because of its merits vs its flaws. This is the kind of mentality that is keeping this country from moving forward. When that is pointed out, you call those who do so unamerican and unpatriotic.

I dont recall anyone asking for Trump specifics.

I do. We asked you about the specifics after you supported Trump's "what do they have to lose" statement. You never answered. Now you act like you don't remember.

And i have stated many times if black people started trying out a different way of progressing and stop shunning ideas that arent considered typically black, id be right on the front lines as well

Time and time again, you have expressed your disdain for social issues, especially as they relate to Black people. You have repeatedly said that all that matters to you is how low your tax bill is and that you will stand behind whoever promises you to make it lower. Fair enough. However, as soon as your card gets pulled you don't have a problem using "the black community" as your shield against criticism. You're doing it right now. That's hypocrisy and dishonesty in my book.
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I definitely recall asking for specifics on Trump's policy following his 'what do you have to lose' statements while you were defending them.

There aren't any specifics, though. We know that.
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da United States is a Lamborghini with a terrible Driver for 8 years... doesn't take away from da fact its still a exotic supercar that would dust ad camrys or accords of other countries in its wake, bad driver or not. That doesn't mean that this Lamborghini of a Country doesn't deserve a driver worth da caliber of da automobile.

Anyone else see the irony of this dude using a foreign car as a metaphor to describe how great America is?

Damn....shout out to whoever provided that link about Francis Scott Key, and the part about slaves. I had no idea :smh: I'm upset I've went to black owned schools and they had us reciting that mess.

Hell, I just learned the truth about Abraham Lincoln 2 years ago. Had me thinking he was a good guy. The education system really failed us.
Feeling the same way man. But we are just supposed to shut up and pledge

This is what changed my mind on everything. At first i was with the rhetoric of "he could have done it a better way" now...good for Kaep
If y'all do leave, I suggest Germany. Free school for everyone is a good selling point IMO.
I would suggest Canada. If I had to move to another country that'd be my first pick. That or Sweden
Why are we letting two ignorant people detract from this real discussion?

I respect Kaep's decision, takes real guts to risk what he has left.
Patriotism is not blind and unconditional devotion to your country, that's indoctrination. Every country has its flaws, ignoring them because other countries have it worse is counter-productive and hinders progress towards making the country better. What kind of patriot would I be if I ignored Belgium's struggle against islamic radicalization on the basis of "well at least we ain't Iraq"? Or didn't acknowledge continuously growing problem of racism and discrimination towards middle eastern ethnicities? "Well at least y'all ain't getting ya heads chopped off over here"

A true patriot wants his country to be the best it can be, and the first step towards that is acknowledging its flaws and encouraging solutions to those flaws.
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