Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

Will you boycott the NFL this upcoming season?

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100% in agreement.

What is next?
why don't we think of what's next...

step 1 is to recognize the problem. judging by what much of the country and the president and people in positions of power (police, etc) think, many Americans still think police brutality and white privilege are overblown and that minorities should just suck it up. how do you, ninja, and others suggest we go about improving this awareness? personally, i was on the fence a couple years ago and was not initially a fan on what kaep did. but because of kaep and also the increased exposure to cases of police brutality and seeing arguments online (cogent arguments about WS, especially on NT, but also the increasingly vapid arguments of those on the right) I feel well-informed and have an idea of what needs to change.

what do we do to make more people reach that point?

step 2 is probably going to follow naturally from step 1, which is to enact policy/oversight that holds officers accountable.

step 0 was voting for Hillary and Democrats but we failed on that. there's so 2018 and 2020 though.
You are not around, or say nothing when we get personal and he has to defend himself, which he'll do by shrewdly stay above da fray and snitching everyone out

glad you caught on, its a shame thou how you're so petty and small you can't go into new threads without bringing your old baggage of personal insults of me into it.
how do you, ninja, and others suggest we go about improving this awareness?

ya do know athletes can hold press conferences at will right?

da quicker da flag controversy is in da rear view mirror da quicker ya can actually craft proposal to improve relationships between police and community.
why don't we think of what's next...

step 1 is to recognize the problem. judging by what much of the country and the president and people in positions of power (police, etc) think, many Americans still think police brutality and white privilege are overblown and that minorities should just suck it up. how do you, ninja, and others suggest we go about improving this awareness? personally, i was on the fence a couple years ago and was not initially a fan on what kaep did. but because of kaep and also the increased exposure to cases of police brutality and seeing arguments online (cogent arguments about WS, especially on NT, but also the increasingly vapid arguments of those on the right) I feel well-informed and have an idea of what needs to change.

what do we do to make more people reach that point?

step 2 is probably going to follow naturally from step 1, which is to enact policy/oversight that holds officers accountable.

step 0 was voting for Hillary and Democrats but we failed on that. there's so 2018 and 2020 though.
The reason why I am so pessimistic is because we are approaching year 400 of this entire experiment and roughly year 60-ish for the end of that operation. We have been asking, "What next" for how long now?

I think if there were an answer we would have some sort of direction by now.

The thing that also makes me pessimistic is we are essentially ASKING/BEGGING those that are killing as to show some mercy. I mean they control everything, so why would they honestly make things fair? I never saw that in war
CNN gonna have a townhall about da flag & NFL and president now in 5 mins.

looks like a good watch.
and how does that involve da NFL? they're in da business of pigskin & shoulder pads, not social justice exercises, after a while holding da NFL national anthem for lack of a better term "hostage" until society changes isn't a feesible position...da action has to move away from da flag/anthem and towards that goal.

sports is typically a more neutral entry point into issues of social injustice as athletes have fans that usually span the political spectrum.

and saying the anthem is held hostage (or whatever term is best) is another mischaracterization being parroted on the right. kaep isn't going around banging a drum or streaking down the field. he isn't mooning the anthem singer or chanting kumbaya on the side. he's ******* kneeling quietly.

sure, it became a distraction this past weekend, but that wasn't kaep's doing.
its a shame thou how i can edit post and show you how petty and small i am and go into new threads without bringing a single ounce of maturity to a discussion without putting words into dudes mouths

Bro he called you out on editing quotes...fboy is old baggage...? Go do some homework son..
The reason why I am so pessimistic is because we are approaching year 400 of this entire experiment and roughly year 60-ish for the end of that operation. We have been asking, "What next" for how long now?

I think if there were an answer we would have some sort of direction by now.

The thing that also makes me pessimistic is we are essentially ASKING/BEGGING those that are killing as to show some mercy. I mean they control everything, so why would they honestly make things fair? I never saw that in war

^that. I hope we humans can do better...but I haven't really seen it in action on a large scale.

ya do know athletes can hold press conferences at will right?

da quicker da flag controversy is in da rear view mirror da quicker ya can actually craft proposal to improve relationships between police and community.

no lies detected. you can't just "shun the anthem" for years on end. now--like, literally October 2017--is the pivot point in the sports portion of this protest.
and how does that involve da NFL? they're in da business of pigskin & shoulder pads, not social justice exercises, after a while holding da NFL national anthem for lack of a better term "hostage" until society changes isn't a feesible position...da action has to move away from da flag/anthem and towards that goal.
The NFL is an extremely popular institution that is watched by a gigantic amount of people. If you want to want your protest to be seen and talked about, it can hardly be avoided if you're bringing the protest to the NFL itself. They are exercising their first amendment rights in a peaceful protest and to my knowledge there are no private NFL regulations that ban them from doing so. Whenever people of color protest it's always the same story of "well they should protest differently, this offends people" regardless of what it is that they are doing.
The reason why I am so pessimistic is because we are approaching year 400 of this entire experiment and roughly year 60-ish for the end of that operation. We have been asking, "What next" for how long now?

I think if there were an answer we would have some sort of direction by now.

The thing that also makes me pessimistic is we are essentially ASKING/BEGGING those that are killing as to show some mercy. I mean they control everything, so why would they honestly make things fair? I never saw that in war

it is sad. there has been progress on policies but not in attitude. the racists are just as racist as they always were.

i don't have a solution right now but i do think the balance of power will increasingly slip away from the hands of white racists over the next generation and that will at least provide a window for change.
The NFL is an extremely popular institution that is watched by a gigantic amount of people. If you want to want your protest to be seen and talked about, it can hardly be avoided if you're bringing the protest to the NFL itself. They are exercising their first amendment rights in a peaceful protest and to my knowledge there are no private NFL regulations that ban them from doing so.
Eh, that protesting stuff is fine and dandy but at the end of the day, we have been marching and protesting forever.

Nothing has changed.

It is a SYSTEM that has been created by SwS, that hires Sws, that produces SwS.

It is a SYSTEM. It isn't a program.
It is a SYSTEM. It isn't a FAD

It is branded into our brains man. Nothing is going to change unless the entire world is blown up and everything has to start all over again.

I don't hold my breath. I just do what I can do those directly around me to make their journey a little easier. I don't sugarcoat anything.

"You are a black child. The world hates you. Be good enough that they have to pretend to appreciate you."

That is my advice to any child
it is sad. there has been progress on policies but not in attitude. the racists are just as racist as they always were.

i don't have a solution right now but i do think the balance of power will increasingly slip away from the hands of white racists over the next generation and that will at least provide a window for change.

Hope is the only reason you can feel like that.

Folks pulling the puppet strings aren't letting go of power man. Bloodlines my man.
Hope is the only reason you can feel like that.

Folks pulling the puppet strings aren't letting go of power man. Bloodlines my man.

maybe. it feels like the walking dead. minorities who get wealthy will get infected by what the right is selling. not all of them have to convert but half is enough to keep WS perpetually in control.

they have the playbook for how to do this and how to keep the masses in order, and they've been refining it for centuries.

at the top levels it's not even about race. it's just about an orderly society. race is a convenient and proven method of making it happen.

edit: "orderly" isn't the right word. it has too much of a positive connotation. i think "predictable" is more fitting.
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Eh, that protesting stuff is fine and dandy but at the end of the day, we have been marching and protesting forever.

Nothing has changed.

It is a SYSTEM that has been created by SwS, that hires Sws, that produces SwS.

It is a SYSTEM. It isn't a program.
It is a SYSTEM. It isn't a FAD

It is branded into our brains man. Nothing is going to change unless the entire world is blown up and everything has to start all over again.

I don't hold my breath. I just do what I can do those directly around me to make their journey a little easier. I don't sugarcoat anything.

"You are a black child. The world hates you. Be good enough that they have to pretend to appreciate you."

That is my advice to any child
I agree 99% of what you're saying here but is it not worth trying? It's absolutely a systematic issue, one that Ninja believes to be entirely fabricated by liberals for the record.
The truth shouldn't be sugarcoated, if anything the widespread reaction to this peaceful protest can be used to lay bare that truth. The president of all people (not that it's surprising coming from him) called everyone who kneels during the anthem SOBs and called for them to be fired. I'm sure it has at least opened some eyes to that truth.
I agree 99% of what you're saying here but is it not worth trying? It's absolutely a systematic issue, one that Ninja believes to be entirely fabricated by liberals for the record..
Sure, try. I'd rather place my energy on making life a little easier for those under me. That fighting for equality stuff, eh. For what. Will never happen. I just feel it is a pointless battle honestly.

I just don't see any incentive "they" would obtain by "letting" us be on their level.

The truth can be right in front of our faces, means nothing.
The president of all people (not that it's surprising coming from him) called everyone who kneels during the anthem SOBs and called for them to be fired. I'm sure it has at least opened some eyes to that truth.

I am not even talking about Trump honestly. He is just a figuredhead. I honestly wonder if he has gone off script at this point. I seriously wonder if he is part of the operation,but then again, nothing happens by choice/accident.
The Bleacher Report as a long form piece about Kaep. Still working through it, but is has some insight full parts.

It has some Baldwin quotes in there that just slap you across the face. I haven't read Baldwin in a good while, maybe it is time to reread his work. This one stuck out though.....

The real role of the Negro leader, in the eyes of the American Republic, was not to make the Negro a first-class citizen but to keep him content as a second-class one.

—James Baldwin
Montel Williams summed up my feelings perfectly. This is EXACTLY how I feel. Got goosebumps hearing his passion on this topic. These vids are well-worth 3+ minutes of everyone's time. My apologies if it's been already posted.

BRUH! The applause he got was PATHETIC that should’ve received a standing ******* ovation! A reflection of where we’re really at smh.
**** is a press conference gonna do

mother****ers have already picked their sides. no press conference gonna change that

well using da national anthem/flag as a platform isn't a permanent solution...ya did eventually realize that right?.....right?
Did he hit them with this number after?


Raymond sho loves them butter biscuits.
Ray ray :lol: :smh:
BRUH! The applause he got was PATHETIC that should’ve received a standing ******* ovation! A reflection of where we’re really at smh.

Not only that, but those hosts were dumbfounded....talking about "Montel, this is a safe space" or something along those lines after what he said. There is literally NOTHING someone can say about the points he brought up.
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