Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

Will you boycott the NFL this upcoming season?

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Da majority of the people they surveyed live in a bubble

2 different polls by 2 different groups came with similar results.

fellas, da perception of disrespecting da flag, and anthem no one is gonna cosign, no matter how intentioned is da reason for said protest.

da teams are gonna keep locking arms or stand and make sure da flag is heralded, cuz now its getting to a point where its effecting da bottom line.
2 different polls by 2 different groups came with similar results.

fellas, da perception of disrespecting da flag, and anthem no one is gonna cosign, no matter how intentioned is da reason for said protest.

da teams are gonna keep locking arms or stand and make sure da flag is heralded, cuz now its getting to a point where its effecting da bottom line.

Whoever argued against this? Everyone knows why he isn’t playing. Everyone knows why people oppose.
maybe subconsciously i wouldn't try as hard
or maybe i would
who knows

i doubt you're running into a burning building, risking your own life, only stare into eyes of someone you perceive inferior to you and leaving em to burn alive, with frequency sorry, no job pays that well.
ninjahood ninjahood
why is it u can never admit when u may be wrong
also sometimes u make things facts that are ur opinions
like real talk
eveytime u get into it with someone
and they show that whatever ur saying is or may be off base
u NEVER EVER walk it back like
u always try to get ur point across
and don't ever seem to take their opinion in mind
u cant be right all the time
Survey of a couple of people speaks for the entire country, as long as it speaks to his point
i doubt you're running into a burning building, risking your own life, only stare into eyes of someone you perceive inferior to you and leaving em to burn alive, with frequency sorry, no job pays that well.
never said with frequency
but who knows
i cant say for sure honestly
you should look at da universal approval of FDNY among all people, learn something.
You should read a math for dummies book and maybe learn something.
You're saying racists wouldn't become firemen because of the training and potentially having to save people of color. That's utterly ridiculous. Racism is common in any profession. On top of that you point to approval ratings to "prove" that. :lol:
Da majority of the people they surveyed live in a bubble

Everybody lives in a bubble for the most part. People don't like their opinions and beliefs challenged.

Not sure why you are so sure they would even listen to Kap when he explains HIS logic.

They didn't listen the first time and they damn sure won't the second time. Look at this country. Look at the attitudes when black folks are shot by police for no reason.

Kap out here protesting that and people completely ignoring it to tell him when he should and shouldn't protest instead of acknowledging the issue.

A lot of folks just do not care.
ninjahood ninjahood
why is it u can never admit when u may be wrong
also sometimes u make things facts that are ur opinions
like real talk
eveytime u get into it with someone
and they show that whatever ur saying is or may be off base
u NEVER EVER walk it back like
u always try to get ur point across
and don't ever seem to take their opinion in mind
u cant be right all the time

because i don't comment on threads unless im 100% sure of how i feel and congruent it is with da lay of da land.

i can go to da first pages of this thread, and my position mirrors what's what poppin now vs what would folks ideally want to happen.

hell i went back and looked what i said..

told cats da cross hairs were gonna be aimed at da stars & stripes next...

they said i was tripping in da Confederate flag thread.

and in ol' boy's case in his opinion da stars & stripes is oppressive...

he better save that guaranteed money...

expect a raucous 9/11 ceremony in response.

RIGHT on da money.
You're saying racists wouldn't become firemen because of the training and potentially having to save people of color. That's utterly ridiculous.

its ridiculous because i just took your flimsy logic to its logically conclusion.... someone just proved my point flipping da script and asked if you were a fireman, would you save a racist from a burning building if your job depended on it.

most people aren't in da business of risking their own lives to save da lives of others they find atrocious and sub human.
Not sure why you are so sure they would even listen to Kap when he explains HIS logic.

because optics without context is devoid of content.

da great unwash sees da flag as being a Target of protest, da next sentence won't matter if da perception is "attack on flag/athem".
because optics without context is devoid of content.

da great unwash sees da flag as being a Target of protest, da next sentence won't matter if da perception is "attack on flag/athem".
I'm sure all these people will entirely change their perception if Kap "explained his logic". :rolleyes
He could say anything he want, at the end of the day to the vast majority of these people he'll still be an African-American who should be grateful the white savior has allowed him to live there and earn his money.
Even as recent as a few days ago our national news broadcast accurately reported on the kneeling protest as trying to bring attention to police brutality, how it disproportionately affects people of color and racial inequality in the US in general. Pretty sure if that message can make it to the other side of the ocean unmuddied, it's probably not primarily a problem with the messenger.
Survey of a couple of people speaks for the entire country

cbssports posting a reuters poll...not exactly right wing jargon.

might wanna change your flag approach instead of just trying to shoot da messenger, just saying :lol:
why thank you.
Dude please. The political thread is exist

There is tons of examples of you editing people's post when you can't think of a comeback or want to act like an adversarial clown.

Please don't act like you engage in the buffoonery you do for some higher cause.

No one is buying that bs
Dude please. The political thread is exist

yeah, so does this thread, is exist... i guess :lol:

bottom line is when ya get to da personals, ya lost ya moral high ground.

call meth if u got a problem with me editing your insults at me, im sure he'll be thrilled... :lol:
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