Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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bingo, clearly you understand a majority percentage ain't rocking with da protests, as told by da article, so why even bloviate on da difference between plurality and majority when in da end, its just avoiding talking about da issue at hand, that were already explained in da point really...

My god, you really can't handle someone pointing out basic facts to you. You can't initialize percentage all you want, it is not a "majority". And like Nawzlew points out, the evidence looks even weaker when you consider the entire sample.

Geez dude :lol:

You know I always got you back on teaching you basic stuff Squeals. No need to be defensive
My first comment was about the result of the poll though.

I pointed out that the majority of people that said they watched less NFL listed things other than the protest as to why that was.

You're the one that took issue with a simple, truthful, statement.
I wanna comment but for some reason the moment I say something illl get the warning versus the ignorance coming out of that dudes mouth
Y’all gotta stop letting this dude take ova threads about real stuff ...don’t engage , it ain’t no reasoning with him n u damn not sure not getting him to admit he’s wrong

He gets the attention he seeks everytime
He gets the attention he seeks everytime

who's looking for attention from a bunch of men in a message board @ 10 to midnight? staaap it.

ya da one derailing :lol:

i literally posted article showcasing da increasingly disapproval stance NFL fans had on da protest.

here's another one...

While its NFL poll appears to be the first since hundreds of NFL players protested the National Anthem during a single weekend, the results jive somewhat with previous polls.

Remington's Monday poll, for example, found that 50 percent of Americans are less likely to watch football because of the protests while 30 percent are more likely. A year ago, after quarterback Colin Kaepernick began kneeling during the anthem, Reuters conducted a poll finding that 61 percent of Americans did not "support the stance Kaepernick is taking."

Remington found that 19 percent of Americans have watched more football this year but that 51 percent have watched less. Of those watching less, a whopping 69 percent say it is because they do not appreciate "players using the NFL as a stage for their political views."

That number is way up from a J.D. Power survey taken prior to the opening game of the 2017 season that found 30 percent of those watching less NFL football are doing so because of the protests involving players kneeling during the National Anthem.
Apologies, the sheer level of buffoonery can be very tempting to not let that **** slide. He literally can't concede to being wrong. He couldn't even bring himself to admit he was wrong about the amount of days in a week, the amount of years in a decade and wrong about stating half of Trump supporters equaling 50% of the US population.

:lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl:
Since you love polls.

A new Yahoo Sports survey on the recent wave of NFL protests shows what you may well have guessed: American opinion is sharply divided on both the protesters and their prospective consequences. However, it’s worth noting that there is very little unified opinion on any one angle — i.e. “most Americans” don’t fall on either side or the other of the protest/no-protest debate.

When asked if NFL players should face consequences for kneeling during the national anthem played before games 44 percent said yes, while 40 said no.

The 44 percent figure included 15 percent who believe the players should be fined, 14 percent who believe the players should be cut completely, 11 percent who favored suspension and 4 percent who indicated “other.” More than half, 53 percent, of older NFL fans (ages 55 and over) believe the players should face consequences, while only 34 percent of younger respondents (ages 18-34) believed the same.
Apologies, the sheer level of buffoonery can be very tempting to not let that **** slide. He literally can't concede to being wrong. He couldn't even bring himself to admit he was wrong about the amount of days in a week, the amount of years in a decade and wrong about stating half of Trump supporters equaling 50% of the US population.
Let's not forget the time Meth sonned him for incorrectly using the word "intelligentsia" and he still tried to spin it in a way where if he spells it wrong enough times it's actually right :smh:
Just getting around to hear what Skip had to say about what Pop said and cannot fathom Skip's point...
Skip showed his true colors to me in that segment. I used to find skip comical because of his nonsensical comments, but after that I give him that side eye every time he speaks. If it weren't for Brother Shannon I wouldn't be watching fox sports 1 at all.
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