Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Skip showed his true colors to me in that segment. I used to find skip comical because of his nonsensical comments, but after that I give him that side eye every time he speaks. If it weren't for Brother Shannon I wouldn't be watching fox sports 1 at all.

Skip lost me when he said he had to consult....with HIS PASTOR about voting Trump. Not a Psychologist..... His Pastor b :rofl:
thats on all yall falling for skip riding for him

that guy is a clown he was bound to slip up and show his true colors
Watched the clip and I kinda feel where skip is coming from. Like it's cool that pop is speaking out but it's always come across as lip service to me. Same with guys like Max and Kerr. They say all the right things but it's easy to do when ultimately none of this **** affects you. You say people are afraid to give up their privelege while simultaneously benefiting from it and not giving it up. Don't get me wrong it's definitely a positive thing and we need more of it but unless I see these dudes down in the mud then all it will ever be is talk
Watched the clip and I kinda feel where skip is coming from. Like it's cool that pop is speaking out but it's always come across as lip service to me. Same with guys like Max and Kerr. They say all the right things but it's easy to do when ultimately none of this **** affects you. You say people are afraid to give up their privelege while simultaneously benefiting from it and not giving it up. Don't get me wrong it's definitely a positive thing and we need more of it but unless I see these dudes down in the mud then all it will ever be is talk

That's not what Skip said though. He essentially said Pop treats media members poorly, therefore anything he says should be taken with a grain of salt. He went on to add that because Pop didn't retire with Duncan like he said, he's not a man of his word.
In the sense of his words being hollow I somewhat agree. And it's partly because of how he deals with the media but mostly because it's easy to talk about how wrong it all is from atop your perch
You know a white person is dog whistling when they start talking first amendment like Skip is in that clip.

No, Petty etc...are not entitled to their opinions. They are wrong, and I don't have to acknowledge or listen to a white guy telling me he doesn't like the way a black man wants to protest nonviolently.

I got a question for Skip, how does he want these players protesting? By walking away from the game? There goes his job. Or how about forming their own league with billionaires that actually live in reality? Because lord knows there are plenty of billionaires in this country to start a new league.

Roger finally going to have to earn that check.
No big deal. Clearly he ain't scared of being real about racism on TV, he probably says the same stuff around her.

But he got a girl and he be shooting shots like prime Kobe at Nicole Murphy on every show. :lol:
Yeah, you can be conscious and date outside your race. I've done it twice.....but never again. The challenges I've faced dating white girls where a lil too much. (Turns out one voted for Trump too :smh: )

As a black man, I feel like no one can support me like a black woman can. (Since we share similar issues.)
Yeah, you can be conscious and date outside your race. I've done it twice.....but never again. The challenges I've faced dating white girls where a lil too much. (Turns out one voted for Trump too :smh: )

As a black man, I feel like no one can support me like a black woman can. (Since we share similar issues.)
if u do date outside ur race
it helps a little if they GREW UP in an environment WITH black folks
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